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Americans should be very cautious about sending money or traveling abroad to adopt a child from an orphanage they have only heard about through emails. A new twist in the conventional email adoption scam is that once the victim suspects fraud and breaks off communication with the scammers, a new email message will arrive claiming to be from a police agency. All of these scams have one thing in common — they contain requests for money.

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Con artists can be very creative and very determined. Do not send anyone money unless you are certain that it is a legitimate request — even if you think you know the person well based on your Internet correspondence. Footer Disclaimer This is the official website of the U. Embassy and Consulate in Nigeria. External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views or privacy policies contained therein. Citizen Services Local Resources for U. He even sent me a little video of himself working out at the gym.

And I had the same experience with questions. He asked me a zillion questions about all sorts of nonsense. But when I asked him for details about his previous life in the states or even his life in Afghanistan , he would just ignore them and disappear. Tonight, for the first time, he asked me if I could send him an iTunes gift card so that he could download music that reminded him of me for when he was lonely and bored. I had never done that before, and I was searching for advice on how to send a gift card on a chat platform when I stumbled upon your story. After reading it, I went back to the chat session we were having and I told him I needed to send the gift card by postal service.

Of course, he would not give me his address. So I blocked him from Google communications services and Instagram. I feel like such an idiot. But I am eternally grateful that you shared your story. You kept me from going down what might have been a very costly path. I wish there was some way we could warn others about these schmucks. Or, even better, get law enforcement involved and rounding up all the profiles until they capture the creeps. Anyway, thanks again for sharing your story. I'll try not to be so gullible next time. I've been talking to this Tyler Badon for a few weeks now myself.

Everything identical to what you have described. Yesterday is when he asked for an ITunes card which I did not send as it immediately seemed fishy. I'm proud of myself to see the red flags when I saw them but so embarrassed that I fell for everything else. MarkD, I think I may be talking to the same guy!

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He followed me on Instagram and asked to chat in Google Hangouts! He says that he is in the Army and stationed in Afghanstan.

Faking it — scammers’ tricks to steal your heart and money

This man asked me for money o blocked him then my Facebook page got hacked so I went back to hangouts to tell him off, he started out saying oh god honey iwould not do that, then he got mean, and said i know where you stay I got people watching you. You got 3 days to buy me a ITunes card or I am going to have you kill. The Foe followed me on Instagram and later sent me a message he immediate asked me to communicate w him over Google Hangouts and then said that his exit papers for the oil rig along w money were in a parcel in Belgiumand he wanted me to be the heir to help him get his parcel - Andre Chris He also goes by Andre Cristian declared his love to me told me he wanted to marry him and I said yes!

People pls flee from these types of scammers. The same thing happened to me the same story oil rig engineer Nelson Andre.

Profile Warning Signs

Need money for shipment. He says he is working on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico and his account has been on hold while he is away. His life is a serious of calamities. First it was money for his sick son, then his phone needed updated so I sent iTunes cards, then his son was robbed and needed a new laptop to continue his schooling.

Now he wants me to accept a package with money and precious jewels inside. I have told him many times no he gets angry and calls me names. He has my old address, email and phone number. Should I block this guy? If I send my email to you can you send me a picture of this guy? I think he is scamming me as well.

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I have been chatting with a man that sounds so similar too this, I too would be intrested in finding out if these two guys were one of the same. I could send you my email and we can exchange photos please. What is it about Portugal? I was just scammed by a guy Out of Africa saying that he had to return to Portugal as his daughter was having immediate heart surgery. He made the mistake by saying that he was staying with his mother but in previous conversations he and said she was dead.

MarkD, did the video in the gym show him lifting a an 80 pound dumbbell with his mid section? He has tattoos and had a ballcap on? Same thing happened to me he messaged me on IG says he lives in San Francisco and has a 5 year old son that is wIth the Nanny and right now he is in Italy working on a contract which closes on the 10th he asked for money to send to his Nanny cause he spent the money on the tools for the contract.

He told me his mom and dad died and that he is an only child of theirs. He said the contract is worth millions. There are pictures of him inEurope. The guy is going bald and is scruffy with glasses. So my guy lives in France and is a contractor. He has a 12 year old son and lost his wife to cancer.

The Nigerian/Ghana Emergency Scam

His parents passed away as well. He is completing his contract and has invested all his savings on gold bars and is having them shipped to me so we can start a jewelry business. He would send me pictures of himself in suits and even sent a few of him and his son working our.

However I did start to notice that his pictures are not current. My mom was almost a victim of this idiot, naturally he was in love with her and wanted to marry her. You know the deal. Thankfully we found this page before he went any further with his lies. We set him up, he called and talked to my mom while I was there listening to everything without him knowing.

My mom already knew what he was after and led him to spit out his pretty little "send me money" story because he supposedly broke an oil machine. That's when I made the kill, took the phone and sent him to hell. Told him we knew what he was doing and before he could even say something, I called him by all the names he used to scam other women.

At least he was dumb enough to listen to all my cussing-- must confess it was satisfying. Obviously he ended the call but I sent him the link to this page and called him stupid. This guy claims to be german-american, he uses pictures of a middle-aged, caucasian-looking, military man whose pictures are nowhere to be find online. Apart from all the inconsistencies in his stories, he doesn't sound like an old man in love. He is definitely young, inexperienced and definitely black which explains his links to Ghana banks.

Nigerian Romance Scams – Extended Interviews

That guy your describing sounds like mine. Loves me very much and wants us to be together forever. Got all of that after chatting for a week. This guy it's been talking to me send me a video from the gym as yours send me a video of a night ride with a very loud music, tattoos , American flag an eagle , he is bold , very nice looking and said he is from Virginia and it is stationed in Bermudas.

Lagos dating scams

The second thing he made me confused: He would like to send me this amount from the third person his friend to kept it safe for him untill he back home from Syria. He said he served in Us Navy. I just ask him this amount legal or illegal. But im still confuse.