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But they will admire the altruistic Pisces 1 need to share and to serve, even thought it will make them feel guilty or unworthy at times The signal that things going well in this relationship is an easy give-and-take on the part of both partners. Marriage may be responsible for these two, who tend to have a strong fear of losing their autonomy. Although both of them handle giving up a certain amount of freedom by working in an organization, they will stubbornly resisting independence in their private lives. Career wise these two are best off working as freelancers or as entrepreneurs, maintaining as much independence from each other as possible.

The communication between them is often so good that they only occasionally need to touch base, being generally confident and aware of each others thoughts and actions.

Understanding the Virgo Leo Cusp

They will love your ability to come up with new, exciting plans. The combination of the Virgo and Leo attributes lends this cusp some unique abilities which also have a bearing on their romantic life and relationships. Such individuals will have the passion, intensity, and strength of the Leo while also possessing the right balance and maturity to not come across as overpowering and dominating. The Virgo Leo cusps are highly mature individuals who will talk through issues in relationships in the most dignified and diplomatic manner.

  1. Personality Traits of a Person Born on the Leo-Virgo Cusp?
  2. Conflicted / Persuasive / Activist;
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However, being controlled by the fire element, they will still secretly remain in charge of the situation! They are, in fact, often called the best lovers. Leos are fire signs, known for their intensity and aggression. Virgos are perfectionists and will make for observant individuals. Virgo Leo cusps are devoted lovers who will sometimes be jealous but you will never find them flirting with someone. Their partners are in for a surprise every now and then, for, these cusps believe in giving unique gifts.

They will make you feel loved and special. The Virgo Leo cusps tend to gel well with individuals from the Pisces Aries cusp. In fact, Virgo Leo cusps are often attracted to the Pisces Aries cusp. While there is expected to be some points of conflict and imbalance in such a relationship, the ease of communication between the partners is bound to keep things smooth.

The couple will like to share facts about people or discuss matters which might otherwise be out of bounds for the others. In fact, owing to these secretive conversations, they can develop strong bonds of friendship. The Virgo Leo cusps are loyal friends and can be relied upon when it comes to their opinions on people and situations.

They are very trustworthy. Both partners, however, will have to strive hard to maintain the relationship from time to time. Both these cusps share the fire element but the Pisces attribute delves on feelings and the Virgo concerns itself with practicalities. The fire element, however, will keep the passion flowing! Taurus Gemini cusp, too, makes for ideal partners for Virgo Leos. They are both expressive lovers and will follow the unconventional approach, knowing that it is right.

Leo/Virgo Cusp *New Year* Tarot Reading 2019

They also develop a strong bond of friendship and will admire the sensitivity and intelligence of the other. It is particularly important for the Virgo Leo to keep their secretive nature under control and for their Taurus Gemini partners to keep their dominance under check for this relationship to flourish.

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A relationship between a Virgo Leo cusp and a Capricorn Aquarius cusp is likely to be wild. They will remain faithful to each other and not worry about the society and its thoughts. Both cusps should avoid being secretive and stay away from following a selfish attitude. It is essential for both cusps to love each other unconditionally for the relationship to flower! The cusps are stubborn and the relationship is likely to be full of domination. There will likely to personal conflicts. However, the cusps will cherish the security of the marriage. Buying a property and establishing their own domestic infrastructure will be the primary concern of the couple post marriage.

It is important for both partners to be sharing, caring, and sympathetic towards each other, dropping the judgemental attitude.

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  • The Intriguing Leo-Virgo Cusp |
  • Personality Traits of a Person Born on the Leo-Virgo Cusp!
  • It is important for both partners to ensure no conflicts creep in amidst their busy schedules at work. They will both look up to each other to handle the stresses of everyday life.

    Understanding the Virgo Leo Cusp and How to Deal With It

    The Leo-Virgo cusp is one of leadership and communication but also one of independence and secrecy. A major skill set is knowing exactly what to say at the right time, and this cusp can be wonderfully persuasive when they get behind a cause, which brings us to the activist at the heart of the Leo-Virgo cusp. A happy place for this Sun and Mercury-ruled cusp is in the mix, working with people to solve a problem. But, when transparency and vulnerability is of the utmost importance, their desire for privacy and tendency for secrecy can be their Achilles heel, and their innate desire to pull away can cause conflict within the group dynamic.

    Interestingly enough, intimacy is something that this cusp craves, but something that does not come easily.