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Now that you have studies your prey quite well, it is time to prepare the bait. Share him very generously with his friends, even hang out with his closest ones. Show a nuanced understanding of his books and his movies. Definitely, share your passions. It is ideal to establish your own individuality from the get-go, not down the road. Go out with friends to the mall and do both, arcade games and shopping. Head out to beaches and places with adventure sports as a group.

Step 3: Reel them in. You thought I would talk about reeling in the guy, right?

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Reeling the guy is easy-peasy, it is the mother and other relatives who pose a challenge! For this one relative, subterfuge is OK. Slowly as the child gets older, she moves to the periphery of his life until at some point it feels like she has no connection with him at all! It is just good Karma to please the future MIL. Besides, it earns you a lifetime of brownie points. Meet the siblings and close cousins first, preferably amongst friends. They can help you figure out what she would like, dress sense food, and general behaviour. Then, finally, meet her in a public setting as just a group of friends getting together for some real or concocted reason and wow her.

Step 4: After that?

Before you continue...

It is Wedding Wishlist! If you are a Caucasian woman and considering a serious relationship with an Indian man, here are six tips worth considering before you take the plunge. As a white woman dating an Indian man, you have to understand that dating is relatively a new trend in the Indian society. Even if the Indian man you are dating was brought up in your own country, immigrant Indian families are relatively protective in terms of their emphasis on teaching their children the traditions and value systems that defines the Indian cultural identity.

One of the biggest differences in how Indian families raise children is strict sometimes bordering on obsessiveness focus on education and career. Indian families do not encourage dating when in school and prefer to fix matches for their children when the time is right. Some of them will look at dating as just another means of getting married. Because pre-marital sex is taboo among Indian families, Indian men may think that dating is an easy way to have sex. You should have clear boundaries on what you will share and when you will decide to get intimate. The values, traditions, taboos, outlook on life of an Indian man is a world away from how you perceive life as a western woman and what you want to do with it.

While it is true that love can overcome any barriers, knowing what these barriers are upfront will save you the trouble of going through a heartache after investing a lot of time and energy in a relationship. Indian families want their children to excel in everything! So much so that this emphasis on beating the competition means Indian men may not have a well-rounded personality. Unlike western education, the emphasis in Indian schools is on rote learning and doing well in competitive exams.

There is scant opportunity for Indians to pursue things they like.

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You will rarely find Indian men taking a break from their studies and go on a backpacking trip halfway across the world! While progressive attitudes towards gender equality are now more prevalent in India, the role of a woman in a traditional Indian family has always taken a backseat when compared to that of men. If you think he is overprotective or controlling, remember where it is coming from and decide if you want to conform to his idea of a relationship.

Dating an Indian man is usually a package deal. Left to them, they would want their son to live with them even after marriage. Some Indian men may tell you up front that the relationship may not have a future while others will cross the bridge breaking the news to their family when it is needed. It will be rare for an Indian family to easily digest the fact that their son is going with a white woman.

Brace yourself for some drama on this front. If you believe you love your man and imagine a future with him, do what you can to endear yourself to his family. Maybe try wearing traditional Indian dresses or learn to speak his language or cook something for the family. When you are dating an ABCD, you will probably feel more at home as there is a lot more shared values and understanding of what dating actually means.

They carry with them whatever perception the media has created about white women in India. Indian men think that western women are promiscuous because of what they see on screen. Some of them see an opportunity to have sex with White women away from the prying eyes of family and friends.

Some of them just want to let loose and have fun in a relatively liberal society. As always, there are exceptions and you will find a fine Indian gentleman to date irrespective of his immigration status! However, understanding the mental frame of mind and cultural background will help you mitigate culture shock when dating. Unlike western countries, where there is a variety of sports to pursue, cricket dominates India. If you care to understand the game and can relate to it, you will be a keeper! Food also plays a central role in Indian culture.

Indian men are a spoilt lot not only by the pampering showered on them by their mothers but also by the choices they have when it comes to their diet. Learning to cook a few Indian dishes or even developing a taste for them is a sure shot way to impress Indian men. There are regional language movies that have millions of passionate fans and your man could be one of them. The intermingling of races and culture is not a new phenomenon. Even in the times of the British Raj , Indian women ended up marrying the British rulers.

The Anglo-Indian community in India emerged as a result of this unlikely racial intermingling. In modern times, the growth of commerce and a booming economy attracts droves of westerners to visit India and millions of Indians travelling to the west for work and leisure.

The end result is that a white woman or even an African American or Latino dating an Indian man is not news anymore. Here are some articles from white women who have dated or married Indian men. Read these articles to get their first-hand perspective on what works and things that can trip your relationship. But first, get your head out of the clouds, and prepare for the tribulations of dating.

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After all, you will find the diamond only in the rough! Draw a clear line about what you will do or what you want and always stick to your guns. Do have your cell phone with you on dates, charged and GPS on. Be prepared for the vagaries of the weather and the volatile conditions in Indian cities, where a bandh might break out at any moment for any reason.

How To Date Indian Men

Get thought-provoking updates on marriage, love and culture. Click here - to use the wp menu builder. The Jodi Logik Blog. Dating Relationship. Share on Facebook. Dating Indian men: The ugly side What are Indian men like when it comes to dating? Indian men are pack animals! Ego and the Indian man are blood brothers Every He Indian man thinks it is beneath his dignity to admit he actually wants to enjoy your company and wants to get to know you better or that you have other better options out there.

Been there, done that maxed out The ultimate reason for all the tribulations in dating Indian men? Well-heeled and respectful The cache of Indian men is increasing in the western countries too, they tend to be well educated, well employed, and stick to the centuries-old tradition of living within their means.

Dating Indian men and reeling the right one in!

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There are three steps to reeling your ONE in: Step 1: Studying your prey Look beyond the obvious things like looks, education, social strata.