I do enjoy reading your musical articles.
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It's always very interesting! I like a lot of the songs you mentioned. Larry - Thank you for stopping by. I hope all is well with you. Have a fantastic weekend. Linda - Thank you for your kind comment. I appreciate your reading even though you didn't know the songs. The only song on your list that I know is the ABBA one, but as always, your article is interesting and enjoyable. This is a great series, Flourish.
I loved the videos and songs listed by you. You wonderfully put them together in this single hub. Tamara - So sorry you were unwillingly involved in those love triangles. There are a lot of nice, stable fellas out there. Vanilla's not a bad choice given all the other choices, eh?
These songs might come in handy for me, though hopefully not, anymore: I like these songs you have listed here, and they ring with such wisdom! I really think I ought to stick to vanilla Ice Cream from now on; a bit plainer, but much safer, and honest. Linda - Thanks for the kind support. Glad you enjoyed the older songs on the list!
Have a happy and safe Fourth to you as well! MsDora - I guess it is hard to know how one would truly respond unless you're in the situation. Personal money expert Suze Orman whom I adore suggests that women keep a freedom fund that is separate and apart from all other household finances in case they need it so they don't feel held hostage so to speak in a relationship that is intolerable in some way. Sounds like excellent advice. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Flourish - Billybuc and I are about the same age, and it shows.
Great list, as always. Have a wonderful safe holiday my friend! This time, I know at least some of the words to numbers 14 and Thanks for the list. Heidi - Poor Jessie. He's what legends are made of, but not the way the poor fella wanted. Have a wonderful Fourth! I thought of "Jesse's Girl" as soon as I saw the title your post! Hope you're enjoying this holiday weekend. Bill - I enjoyed that one as well. I've been singing that around the house lately and my husband gives me "the look.
There's always a song! Have a Happy Fourth! Yep, I dated myself on this one Way too young for this old man. Ryan - Thanks for the warm kudos. I like the Spin Doctors, too. I had to reall challenge myself on this playlist! Nell - No judgment here regardless of what you picked. None of us are saints. Big hug for on the other side of the pond!
I love the song Two Princes by the Spin Doctors. I think you nailed it with the subject matter and matching the songs to it. I only know a couple of the songs, but I did answer your polls Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. HubPages and Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others.
To provide a better website experience, spinditty. Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Leave Your Lover for Me Playlist: Reader Poll Have you ever been involved in a love triangle?
Love Triangles: Are They "Wrecktangles?"
YES, as the interloper! YES, as the one who was torn between two lovers. YES, as the one who was betrayed. WELL, not that I know of. NO, I lead a pretty vanilla life. More than one of these. It is achingly beautiful and reflects the anguish of wanting someone you can't have: He knows that the woman he has eyes for is already taken: I know you've got another man But I can love you better than him.
She's prepared to do battle with the interloper, knowing that she has more love for the woman they have in common: When Three Is a Crowd.
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Can You Name That Interloper? Kelly featuring The Isley Brothers Ever give in to the request to keep it on the down low? He's picked the wrong partner and should instead be with her: Do you know a good song about interlopers the other man or woman and love triangles? Leave a suggestion in the Comments Section below! Questions must be on-topic, written with proper grammar usage, and understandable to a wide audience. Usher - My way Dmx and monica - dont gotta go home Dixie chicks - i can love you better Lady saw - i got your man Xscape - my little secret Brian mcknight - thinkin bout me Usher - you make me wanna.
Debangee - Thank you so much for your kind support. Have a wonderful weekend. Another winner my friend! My favorite videos are 14, 15 and Always refreshing and so well done. This website uses cookies As a user in the EEA, your approval is needed on a few things. Daytime Friends and NIghttime Lovers. This is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.
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57 Songs About Waiting for Someone You Love
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15 Songs About Loving Someone You Can't Have
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