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The profile page is the online substitute for your in-person first impression.

Dating While Deaf - Augcollab ft. NotSoDeafGirl

In it, you want to provide interesting tidbits about yourself — that you enjoy cooking Thai food, have a passion for bird watching or run marathons so people get an idea of your personality. If you have hearing loss, you might wonder if you should disclose it on your profile. Whether you choose to talk about your hearing loss in your profile or not, the key to successful dating and relationships is to own your characteristic traits with honesty and humility.

Loving Someone with Hearing Loss

For additional help with that dating profile, here are a few tips to help your online dating life be an active and happy one. Self-confidence is the best way to earn attraction points from potential dates. We all have differences and imperfections, and instead of trying to hide them, embrace them as part of what makes you unique.

In most cases, a pair of hearing aids is hardly enough to make someone turn and run in the opposite direction.

Here's when you should you tell your date you have hearing loss

Do you have a cochlear implant? The more a potential date knows, the better they can adapt to make communication for future dates easier and more pleasant.

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Your hearing loss is a part of your life, so embrace it and make sure your online profile reflects your true self. My girlfriend, like many people who suffer some form of deafness, exists in a liminal world between the hearing and the non-hearing populations.

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She does not speak with an impediment, she loves music and sings beautifully, and her hearing aids are barely noticeable. However, I quickly came to learn that without the latter, she is deafer than Beethoven next to a jet engine. Even so, it has never mattered to me. I love her truly and passionately and nothing as superficial as hearing loss could ever change that. Nevertheless, it does mean certain things are different about our relationship.

For example, I cannot whisper sweet nothings to her when she takes her hearing aids out to go to sleep. If I want to convey something to her at that time, I must shout it directly into her ear.

What I Learned When I Dated a Deaf Man

Even with her hearing aids in, life is different for us, as she hears better out of one ear than the other. Where to sit at a family dinner so she can hear the conversation, what side to stand on when we walk down the street together, learning how to turn on the subtitles so she better understands the lines from a movie; these are all things I consider now that I never did before. Granted all these are small things, but they are different for me, and they did take some time to get used to.

A walk in the park, a one-on-one dinner or game night at home can be a romantic and unexpected date. It will be much quieter than a night out and may be more memorable since it is out of the ordinary. Your date will also appreciate the thought and effort you made in planning something special.

Arrive to the date early.

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This is most important if the date is at a restaurant or bar. Pick a spot in the corner, away from the kitchen and any noisy tables.

I always like to have a wall behind me if possible. You can also ask the manager to turn down the volume of any background music.

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When to disclose your hearing loss? This is a personal decision, but most of the people I know are upfront about it from the start. They post it on their online dating profiles and let their dates know that they might ask them to repeat themselves because of their hearing loss.