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Like he said, just wait and see where things go. Try and be patient, it may take some adjustments to make it work for the both of you. Who knows if he wants you for your mind or your body?

Dating and the age gap: When is older too old?

Just because he's older doesn't make him less capable of using you, so still try to be careful. We can't know if he's lying about his phone. He just wants to remain friends. I agree with him, the age difference is too great. He's old enough to be your father. Consider finding someone your own age. Look hard enough, and you'll discover someone just as mature as your teacher friend, but much younger. He told me that he has just got out of a 10 year relationship.. I would relay be where of the "phone issues" that sounds fairly fish to me coupled with the not wanting some thing serious.

Dating and the age gap: When is older too old? - Washington Times

So I am inclined to think that is is in one and just wants some thing on the side even more so from a nice young woman. Tread care fully my friend. He told me that he is single and that he just got out of a 10 year relationship.. Taking things slow is all good but unfortunately it still sounds a little fishy all be it a little less but still fishy cause what kind of phone problems could he be having that is whats is really sticking out in my head.

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I'm 41 and married to a 22 year old woman. We have a beautiful daughter together 8mths and are very much in love. Before I give wisdom I'll give truth. His phone situation is that he is still living with the woman he is divorcing. That's my first thought.

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My second thought is he was your teacher and there are phone records to be had down the line and sometimes these showing up on his account may not be entirely ethical if things were to come to light when he's attempting to advance in his career. The "doesn't want a serious relationship" means this; That he digs you, wouldn't mind fooling around here and there but needs to get through his issues and if you and he are upright so to speak on the other side of this then he may just be game for something serious then.

With an older man you don't have to deal with the crap that a younger man has to deal with such as jealousy, money problems and being unsure about his sexual practices.

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  • At 41 a man knows who he is and what he likes, what his limits are, and that is an extremely important thing to know. What are my limits? It's been a while since you've posted so I hope all things have faired well. He's lying about the phone pretty common. And he's already made it clear -- he doesn't want a "SERIOUS relationship" -- which means he just wants sex, not a girlfriend he's actually pretty much spelling it all out for you, if you think about it.

    If he's 41, ask him if he has a son you could date. It definitely sounds like he is hiding some things in his life, here. The age thing could work out, but there's too much "mystery" in this relationship to continue it. I would just forget him, and move on! I'm a guy in my 40s and I wouldn't date someone as young as you for a number of reasons. First, I couldn't imagine what we would have in common, and by in common I don't mean favorite music or TV shows. Rather, people of the same generation naturally have broader things in common, such as similar things, events, etc that they grew up.

    Pitch 41 - Co-Founder Speed Dating & Pitching #23

    Second is the power difference. Becoming older means more access to resources, knowledge and experience, which would make the idea of an equal partnership with someone 20 something years younger more than a little lopsided. While I'm a pretty active person for a guy in my 40s, I've no interest in partying and staying up all night like I did when I was 22, and even if I did, I would pay for it dearly the next day. Not saying there is any wrong with partying, but any middle aged person who is reasonably good health has probably left that behind them, as in back in their 20s where it belongs. Fourth, and please don't take this as an insult, I would be embarrassed to be in a relationship with someone so young.

    Like, how is it going to go meeting her father who is the same age or just a few years older than me? Likewise, how would I feel introducing a 22 year old as my girlfriend to my niece who is 16? All of that said, with concern to how young I will date, I've decided that 35 is the cut off age for me.

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    That's getting to daddy issues territory. With that big of a difference I would have to say its prob. And ego trip for him. About the phone thing. I'm curious why you would want to date someone that old. You can honestly do whatever you want but just remember 1 thing, how am I looked at by society? Oh that sounds very very shady!

    The phone issues seem like he doesn't want you to call because he doesn't want his wife or someone to answer the phone, see who's calling, or both. As the others have said, I'd play it really safe and slow, differently be careful, and see what happens. Age is what it is. For one thing, most people do not want their relationship to be the equivalent of gossip tabloid fodder among their own social circles.

    A date I recently went on showed the woman to be intelligent, sweet, accomplished, and attractive. We both suspected the age difference might be significant, but avoided the topic for as long as possible. Yet denying reality serves no purpose. She thought I was I was hoping she was in her late twenties. Five years is one thing. Even ten years one can start rationalizing.

    Yet 18 years is a tough one to justify. Having said that, a guy at 41 squiring a woman of 23 is far more controversial than a year-old man dating a year-old woman. There is an unofficial rule that exists, even though nobody seems to know where it originated. This leads to some reasonable results. A year-old should date somebody at least A year-old should stick with someone at least For somebody aged 70, the bottom limit of respectability is The problem with this is that unofficial guidelines are exactly that. So if 40 and 27 are acceptable, one could say that 41 and 26 are close enough.

    Yet soon after that, the slippery slope becomes 44 and 24, which can lead to Lolita situations and other felonies. Some may ask another question. If a man is 40, is dating a pair of year-olds equivalent to dating one year-old?