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To schedule an appointment, click the Submit link below. Have a question for the Beaver Dam Women's Health staff? Click the link below to submit your general question. For urgent medical matters, contact us at or dial Get to know the health specialists and doctors that make us Beaver Dam's friendliest women's health and pregnancy clinic.

Skip to main content. Ken Ostermann Meet Dr. Posted on How to educate your kids about the potential dangers of romantic relationships. Plan dates around a structured activity Meeting a date without a plan can cause confusion, ambiguity, and could lead to trouble. Trust gut instincts Encourage your teen to develop and trust their gut instincts.

Date someone the same age While age differences can become successful relationships in adulthood, teens are better suited to date partners the same age and maturity level. Avoid sexting Sexting , or sending and receiving sexually explicit messages, images, or video on cell phones and social media, is now a disastrous — yet familiar — part of modern life.

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Policy statement on folic acid and neural tube defects. Unfortunately, few educational programs spend adequate time on this essential topic. NPs are the ideal practitioners to address sexual health needs. With their ability to have intimate conversations with patients about sometimes taboo and difficult subjects and their clinical experience with women of all ages, NPs offer a knowledgeable and caring approach to sexual health.

The course includes content on hormone therapy specifically geared to nurse practitioner management of sexual function and dysfunction as well as training in detailed vulvar, vaginal, and pelvic examination. Participants are guided by experts in the field. As our program grows, more providers are taking advantage of this opportunity to better serve our patients.

December 19, January 7, Leave a comment. We have been populating the portal with content all year and are still working to build it out with future funding that will enable us to officially launch in ! Keep an eye out for more information and registration opening in February Read more about the course here. Adding your information to the database will not only help your practice grow, it will also help those seeking health care services to find excellent care.

We are also always looking for submissions to our new Member Spotlight If you would like to nominate yourself or another member to be featured, please let us know. We met again in November to discuss how the Coalition would work and what topics it would prioritize first. To read more about the Coalition and its goals, please click here. We will be launching an updated version of our website, testforcervicalcancer. In — , WPSI issued recommendations regarding postpartum screening for gestational diabetes, and urinary incontinence screening. Gay Johnson, Chief Executive Officer, along with a small group of other national organizational leaders, participated in a private meeting with Scott Gottlieb, Commissioner of the FDA on November 19, The meeting was to hear Mr.

The group of provider organizations and industry partners are working together to develop tools to improve maternal mental health. December 6, Leave a comment.

The Npwh Blog

This post was written by: November 30, Leave a comment. Urge incontinence occurs due to overactivity of the detrusor muscle of the bladder that causes an increase in intravesical pressure. During a detrusor contraction, urine in a full bladder either expels out of the urethra or refluxes back up into the kidneys. While more noticeable, urinary incontinence is less concerning than reflux. Evaluation Providers need to conduct thorough evaluations for urinary incontinence.

That means asking questions about: Stress Incontinence Many patients report onset of stress incontinence during pregnancy and after vaginal deliveries, although nulliparous status and lack of previous vaginal deliveries does not preclude the patient from experiencing stress incontinence.

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Final Thoughts for Providers Urinary incontinence is not just a nuisance that should be ignored or tolerated, but rather a health condition with significant personal and economic impacts. November 28, Leave a comment. Between and , the number of women aged 65 and older more than tripled to 26 million. The number of older women will double by and continue to rise. By , about one in five Americans of both sexes will be older than 65, with women outnumbering men. There are more women in the workforce after 65 and there are higher expectations for how to live well in retirement.

We will focus on four efforts: November 14, Leave a comment. For those who missed it — or those who want to relive it — I wanted to take the time to share some highlights: Our educational sessions are always a highlight of the conference and we hope you enjoyed the plenaries, breakout sessions, and workshops. As always, all sessions will be uploaded to the NPWH website so you can watch any session you might have missed. Look for an email with more information in December. Our Student Leadership Program returned this year, allowing 11 WHNP students from around the country the chance to attend the conference and gain invaluable experience.

Dating Tips for Adults Wisconsin | Beaver Dam Womens Health

It was such fun to see these future leaders at work, and we look forward to them being a part of NPWH for years to come. We encourage everyone to share this opportunity with any students they know next year. Congratulations to the following winners and leaders in the field: In addition to her work as an associate professor at the University of Las Vegas, Dr. Clevesy volunteers weekly at the Nevada Obstetrical Charity Clinic, a nonprofit organization providing obstetrical and gynecologic care services at reduced fees for uninsured women.

She recently implemented a QI project that improved postpartum depression screening detection and rates at the clinic. Hamilton is both a biological researcher and a practicing WHNP. Her current research focuses on the identification of biological markers for screening and therapeutic treatment of triple-negative breast cancer.

7 Dating Tips for Adults

Moore was instrumental in developing the WHNP program at Vanderbilt University, serving a total of 22 years as both an instructor and program director. We consistently heard from exhibitors that they loved the engagement and excitement they receive from our attendees! We hope you enjoyed talking with them and learning about new products and treatments. This was our biggest exhibit hall to date, and we look forward to expanding even more next year!

October 24, Leave a comment. Sitting down when you talk. Covering the most important information slowly. Staying positive, calm, personable and empathetic. My Best Resources Practitioners may be interested in the results of the TAILORx trial , released in June , finding that most women with early breast cancer do not benefit from chemotherapy. Another great resource is www. When you get your diagnosis, learn all you can about breast cancer from reliable on-line sources. It helps you formulate your questions for your first visits, including what your wishes for treatment are.

I did not do this very well. It was so unexpected for me, I found it hard to talk about initially with anyone outside my immediate family. Always get a second opinion — this is cancer after all. Find a medical team you are comfortable with. One of the benefits of being in health care is that as nurses we have the best contacts for care. Utilize your local support systems and health and wellness programs. October 18, October 24, Leave a comment. What we can do and say: You can document those and provide resources to address them at the outset.

Then, revisit these barriers periodically throughout the pregnancy. Use open ended questions — as a way of eliciting more comprehensive responses — versus closed questions about feeding options. Most women are comfortable practicing in the shower, but anywhere they are comfortable would work. If the patient states that she has decided to formula-feed or to supplement her breastfeeding with formula, I offer the same eager support for her choices.

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Foster an environment that supports baby-led feeding instead of scheduled feedings. Provide hands-on assistance in helping position the infant especially for the first feeds Teach parents about feeding cues Educate and reassure about expected amounts of inputs — frequency and duration of feedings — and outputs — number of wet diapers.

Facilitate obtaining a breast pump through their insurance or rental of the breast pump Educate on breast pump use Educate women who choose to supplement with formula on the types of formula and the preparation of formula Provide culturally-sensitive care for women who desire to breastfeed Consider these steps prior to patient discharge: Know these major factors that mothers identified as to why they discontinued breastfeeding early: Lack of family support Cultural beliefs and practices Unsupportive hospital practices and policies Concurrent medications while breastfeeding Latching issues.

September 21, September 21, Leave a comment. Given the scale of this disease, these numbers are particularly alarming. There are a number of things we can do now to see progress. We need to set an example for the ones we love and get moving. Male and female sexualities have long been the objects of double standards. We teamed up with Brazilian photographer Marcos Alberti to launch a social experiment called the O Project, revealing the astonishing facial changes of 20 women before and after climaxing. A sexologist decrypts them for us!