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Plenty of the magicians after many free at the best. Date network? Absolutely free dating sites online. Except for online dating deserves: a premiere date. Find.

Chances are that he or she will have to hear all the war stories that you're facing at work over and over again.

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  4. Why you should NEVER date a Founder!

Last minute cancellations will become the norm, and he or she must be ready to step aside for your startup. This takes a lot of patience, great listening skills, and thick skin to hear. It's not an easy job to put up with an entrepreneur as a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife.

Eight Things to Know Before Dating An Entrepreneur | HuffPost

On top of all of this, it's tough to relate to a lot of the people you're dating unless they are in startups as well. You have to explain to them that the hours of your job aren't 9-to-5 and that you love what you do. The weekdays are when you come alive, not the weekends, and you put in a ton of hours without much pay to chase a giant dream you believe in. Because of this, it's important that as you look for someone to date you make sure he or she can deal with your lifestyle as a business owner. Below, I'll go into three traits you should look for before dating someone as an entrepreneur.

At Alumnify, I love designing new ideas for our alumni apps. It's a lot of fun for me, and sometimes in the middle of the night I'll get an idea and rush to the basement to get to work. What's great about this is that my girlfriend thinks designing is cool, too. Because of this, she totally gets when I want to skip movie night to draw something up. Even better, she'll actually sit with me and help. It makes working fun and is a great way to hang out together.

  • Think you will be the sexy power couple the entire neighborhood envies? Think again;
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  • Why you should NEVER date a Founder.
  • Two birds, one stone! Being with someone who is interested in what you're doing for your business is extremely helpful. When your company is getting off the ground, chances are the person you're dating is going to have to take a backseat for a while.

    Eight Things to Know Before Dating An Entrepreneur

    The best way to deal with this is to have the person you're dating appreciate what you do and be involved. When you achieve this, you'll run into fewer arguments about spending time together. The person you're dating will get why you're so busy, and he or she will be much more accepting of it. Even having them know the basics of being a business owner goes a long way.

    It's almost inevitable that your co-founders are going to become your closest friends.

    Queen, Girlfriend (Fung-Wei, GoGet & FutureLab)

    Develop digital technology that truly makes a difference. With 5G technology within our midst, APTG spearheads an accelerator programme to help startups get a leg up. Leading Malaysian startups RunCloud, Neuroware, Supahands, and Blinkware weigh in on the true value of back-end development. Why would anyone in their right mind want to be in this situation?

    Oh great, that guy or gal walking up with a smile and a name card already in hand?

    Penny, Wife (Giden, BloomThis)

    And so on, and so on, and so on…. So many people, so many different ideas and all are trying to stand out above the mess. As if in a daze, you wake up to find yourself working towards making these ideas come to life. But do not listen!

    As this will only result in you quitting your job and becoming a penniless beggar. But this, in turn, hinders your own performance at work. So, make sure to promise me, whatever you do, learn from my mistake.

    Do not end up in the situation I find myself.