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Not afraid to communicate my pro-White views or my opinions of muds such as negroes and hispanics. But I was raised to be a beta. Church and parents suppressed my savage instincts, and I grew up a nice, respectable conservative Republican—albeit one who was bored out of his mind. But gradually my natural alpha proclivities began to show, namely in an obsession with getting pussy mission usually accomplished and willingness to fight—which I often did, in my tailored pinstriped suit, Brooks Brothers shirt and tasseled loafers.

Armed with that realization, when I walked into bars I let my dick do the choosing, confident in the knowledge that I was packing a pussy-pleasing monster in my well-tailored trousers. Later, at around age 30 I suddenly realized that to get women all you had to do was treat them like shit.

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Be confident, be assertive—and treat the females with contempt. Once I digested this simple rule, I had women practically knocking me down to date me. Enough with chivalry and romantic love. That shit is for suckers. You sound like a mix of Barney Stinson and Chuck Norris. How curious that you feel the urge to announce it to strangers on the internet.

People of any given race can be considered ethnically Hispanic. In fact, several millions of Whites are. I was in the back of a cop car a number of times, but was never cuffed and read my rights and brought to trial; hence my answer was no. I bet that Tantric Firs Comment is a woman…If you are, tell me, that approach you suggest ever worked with you? Do you murder beautiful models or something, I could have swore that was a passage out of American Psycho. As for this quiz intelligence is far more important than job status and car ownership. Rippling muscles are not important as long as you can help move a couch.

I found to be more compatible with guys my own age. Hey Faggots, My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy?

This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook. Just hit me with your best shot.

Of Love and Money: The Rise of the Online Dating Industry

I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. So what is lacking in your life john? Tell us all about it. Maybe it will be the revelation that changes everything. Captain of the football team. Starter on your basketball team. Hey there, This is a very accurate dating market value assesment but there is only one thing i am not sure about this, and this is attractiveness.

I think facial attractiveness plays a bigger role than it is being stated in this test. Take college girls, for example. They also like to prefer the hotter guys over lesser attractive ones.

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The importance of facial attractiveness seems to decrease with age thou. Maybe the facial attractiveness question can be extended with variables like age and facial attractiveness scale and so on. I also think that another addition, racial background, can be put into the assesment.

It can be done like this;. I am also a person who also sometimes suffers due to negative bias towards my race as well as i am a Turkish student. I have seen the importance of race in the social experiment i done yesterday at 2 different nightclubs; in the first nightclub mentioning my real racial background led me to 2 phone numbers, whereareas when i told them that i am spanish in the second night club, i have got 6 phone numbers. The number of girls i hit on was around the same.

Of course there would be some other reasons that affected the outcome, but the unverbal feedback i was getting from the girls with the both suggested that telling them i am spanish amplified their interest. You may argue that above criteria is mostly based on my subjective experience and that would be right, but as racial background also has an effect, it can be further worked upon to be more precise.

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I had no idea there was so little competition out there for the few women worth the time investment, and no idea there were that many girls both stupid and intelligent that are so easily pulled in. Sadly, I am married. I know, I know, terrible travesty. But hey, she makes a point to get out of bed before me and rouses me with breakfast.

We eat dinner, and get the whole evening to play. I read that an Asian guy would have to make hundreds of thousands more a year to be seen as attractive as the average white man. Oh wait, it is not even the right word! Learn to speak your own fucking language before spewing your racist bullshit on the internet, you dumb fucking cunt.

Lastly, I hope you and your entire inbred, daughter-raping white family die horribly of cancer or other genetic defects. On a side note, i think those values can be more variable as the male physical appeareance is judged more integrated with his character by women. For example consider a middle eastern guy. And thus may eliminate the minus points he gets from his origin. If the racial features are not leaning towards extremes, that can be modified to fit into higher status states. So how much a man who is programmed to be wussy, nerdy and beta can get from the game?

Let me start from the beginning, I am 18 and my sister is I just finished high school and my sister is home from college. I guess this year her grades started slipping or something, because I walked past her room and she was crying.

The Effect of Age on Sexual Market Value

I feel kinda sorry for her so I gave her a hug and one thing led to another and we started making out. I pretty much just fucked my sister. No, to be more honest, I just lost my virginity to my sister. Sure alot of this stuff gives you a better with certain levels of girls. Being tall is always a plus, having money is always a plus, and being smart is always a plus. This is all the same stuff that women have talked about since the beginning of pick up.

The ONLY key is how you carry yourself. Sure you will get NOs.

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Be even more aggressive and confident in your moves. As for average chicks, play along any game that they are into. If they are talking about work then just play as you have the greatest job ever. If they talk about muscles and lifting just act as you are a gym nut. Personally I think average girls are boring to pick up because they are so predictable and easy to close. Maybe i say that just because i scored over the average…. This test is for faggots. I will find and beat the shit out of you.

This is fairly biased. Shitheads and Wifebeaters score the best? Someone must like it rough. None of the 35 chicks I dated has said she was into anorexic guys.

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This test is a good joke. Goes to show not even women know what they fucking want. Why bother doing anything else?

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I actually feel sorry for the poor motherfuckers who are trying to pick a wife out of this bunch. Or rather the skinniness is bullshit regarding slim women. High status doctor, executive, professor, successful artist or musician or writer, professional athlete, etc.