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By splitting her time among multiple boyfriends, she is reducing the amount of time she can spend with you. If you date other people, does that solve the problem? Reduce your investment in the relationship. By also dating other people, or just adjusting your expectations, you make the decision and acceptance less difficult and less all-or-nothing.

Regardless of your decision, being openly and completely honest is the only way to get what you want and need. Tell her why, if you are not comfortable. For example, "I want to be in a relationship with you, but this is not the type of relationship I want.

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Tell her why, if you are comfortable with it, let her know and she will be more trusting of you. Explain why you are ok with it.

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For example, "Although I'd prefer to have you all to myself, I feel strongly enough about you, that I think we can make it work. If she decides to leave the other dude, does it have to be immediately, or can she slowly fade away? Will you feel comfortable with them going out one more time so she can tell him in person? What type of sexual safety precautions will you two practice? Being intimate with someone carries serious risks--STDs, pregnancy--safety and responsibility should always be your top priorities.

Is there a certain amount of time with her you will need to feel fulfilled?

What will she need from you , for her to be fulfilled? Are you going to be dating other people also? Don't just text them a list of boundaries, but communicate how you feel about each boundary and how you would feel if it is crossed. Face it, no woman is going to be overjoyed that her new boyfriend is carrying on a conversation with his ex. Creating the bonds of trust that the two of you never used to give a second though is imperative.

If he thinks you're likely to sneak behind his back and tattle on him he won't give contacting you another thought. Before you can reach out initially you need to do something that is going to probably be extremely difficult. New relationships are passionate and intense and you have virtually no chance of breaking them apart at the beginning. Patience is not a popular word for you but it is considered a virtue for a reason.

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If you can give him some time right now he will be easier to connect with again eventually. When you do start contact be prepared to meet some extreme uncertainty on his part - it's going to take a little bit of time for him to consider your possible motives.

Let it happen naturally. He won't respond favorably if he thinks you're trying to undercut his new relationship right off the bat.

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  • This is not something that can be done overnight - or even a span of weeks. You need to be prepared to move slowly and take your time - don't set your expectations too high and drown yourself in disappointment. Your first move is obvious - you need to start communication up again but not where it left off. Initially you're best choice is to reach out via the web. Send him an email or a message somewhere that is out of sight. You never know what his new girlfriend has access to and you don't want to set off the alarm bells for either of them. You clearly can't just jump into a full blown conversation right off the bat.

    My Ex Boyfriend Is Dating Another Girl – Here’s What You Can Do And Get Him Back

    Start small - think of a reason that you may need to establish contact - or think of a question that he would be a perfect person to answer. No matter what it is, keep it short, sweet and to the point - but make it something that needs a response. Once you've sent the message, sit back and wait for a response. It may not come right away, but it will eventually.

    You're basically finding a way in at the root - and your ex's new love isn't going to think twice about what he's up to. Right now you're creating an enticing and subtle connection that is likely to eventually ignite sparks between you. Eventually he'll bring up his new relationship and the best thing you can do is let him.

    26 thoughts on “My Boyfriend Says He Wants To Date Me and Another Girl”

    Let him feel comfortable discussing things to you without giving him the impression that you're passing judgment and don't try to undermine or insult his girlfriend or his relationship. You don't want to come off as jealous or insecure, that will never get him back. Once your emails have continued for a time you can start expecting a few scattered texts or even phone calls. He'll start to reach out to you in new, more personal ways. You need to actively work on establishing a comfortable atmosphere to talk. The more at ease he feels the more he'll feel safe around you and the more he'll start opening up to you about his life and his current relationship.

    Ultimately he'll probably start asking for your opinions about things.

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    But when he starts doing more of these things with her than with you, you could have a problem on your hands. Charlie, a junior at Loyola University Chicago, says he once fell for one of his girl friends while he was dating someone else. He knows that you always study on Wednesday afternoons at the library, so he makes it a point to invite his lady friend over during that time.

    So, why should you be concerned? Lindstrom says this is a huge red flag. And you like hearing about his life before you came along. You like hearing all his charming anecdotes, which almost always make you laugh. But when one too many of those anecdotes involve the same two characters, you could start to see a pattern. If anything was going on, why would I talk about her? But does he always have to tell you the stories in which she plays a main role?

    My Boyfriend Says He Wants To Date Me and Another Girl

    And does her name seem to come up in random conversations? If so, she could be on his mind… and maybe even in his heart. But when it comes to venting about the ups and downs of your relationship, that could be going a little too far. Lindstrom chalks this situation up to two different kinds of cheating: