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Are the judgments of parents still wise and accurate in today's world? Produced by one of the top 3 Chinese TV stations, DragonTV, "Chinese Dating" is now looking for overseas participants to be on the stage with their parents!

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Been single for a while and want to change that? This is your chance! Requirement for participant's parents: Fluent in Mandarin, flamboyant and outgoing, expressive. The show has female and male versions. Here's an example of the male version: The host interviews families of the first 5 male participants. Male participants leave to a separate room out of female participant's sight. Female participant is introduced.

Xiao8 doesn't really say anything too interesting beyond that comment in the video description. I feel like the whole thing started to feel far too scripted toward the end, but it's still worth a watch. Hopefully someone will come in and do the full translation! Yeah, what a bitch. Says he is the most attractive man in the world.

If You Are The One

Then turns him down on national television. She said its because she doesn't feel that he could love her, dedicate himself to her, and that the gap between her being a fan and him being this famous gamer is too large. Not to mention he doesn't make too much of a case for himself. She makes a lot of assumptions that can really be turned around. Like she was saying things like "If I leave here with you, I want to be with you forever, can you do that?

Like what the fuck? Who decides to get married after a few minutes on a game show. I don't think it makes her a bitch for turning the guy down. In comparison to western progamer salaries, and western costs of living vs china And also taking into account I am pretty sure he lives in a team house, so rent and also probably food is covered by his team I would say it is pretty great. You have to think long-term. At that age money doesn't really matter as much, anyway. Get out of your bubble son. Done until the 10minute mark, will continue after I get up tomorrow. Only in this way, she would choose him, if he will stop the game, and in her father's business in the CEO of a large company, but he said no, because he is such an ambitious game DOTA!

Her father big CEO of company! No want Dota player get his daughter.

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Make offer he will turn down. Fuck, I'm a pussy, this is way too much. They splur all this useless chatter in between the important stuff and my OCD requires me to sub it as well.

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Here's what I have so far: I believe the program he's using is called Aegisub. It's what a lot of anime fan translation projects use.

I'll do it and put it up on the Dotaland Youtube if no one's done a proper, quality subtitled version by next week I think hilarious is an understatement, but xiao8 was way too pussy, the chick said she needed a stronger commitment from xiao8 and all he said was "Yeah I do", dafaq. My Chinese is at the level where I kind of know what they're talking about , but I don't understand all the words they're saying and miss a lot of the jokes.

It just seems awkward for me: The women at the start were a bit of an ass though They were dissing him based on the clothes he wore.

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But who on earth would've known that there'd be a fangirl present - For all those who don't understand the video, the girl at 3: Apparently the chick is a regular on this dating show. She is also a LGD fan. Xiao8 came on the show specifically to woo her.

Chinese Dating With The Parents

Somehow, I get the feeling that the producers planned that Good for him anyway. Well the others did seem to become genuinely impressed after the first video highlighting his achievements and how he balances a gaming career with college studies. Guess having someone amongst them with that kind of admiration gives it a little more credence: If you follow xiao8 weibo twitter , one of the caster twitted him "LGD. Xiao8 has left the game", the xiao8 replied "Nevermind, is a BO3". For these kind of show, if the guy have a girl in mind, the producer will only get him on the show if the girl is around.

2RedBeans | 两颗红豆 | "New Chinese Dating Time" TV Show Looking for Participants

Xiao8 ends up getting rejected by the girl because she didn't feel the commitment towards her and that is she wants to enter a relationship, she wants it to be a serious one that she can spend her entire life with. Unfortunately for xiao8, he was too meek and unconvincing that he truly loved her above the superficial "you're beautiful" and the shy "I like you". She rejected her just for the show. I'm sure they are living happily together ever since the show ended! Obviously I don't have any idea what happened to them, I did not understand a word in the whole video.

Oh god, gold at 4: What's cool is she really is a Dota fan and has like 95 hours in the last two weeks. Probably better than most of reddit. And those better in dota than me are not as handsome as me. It's an amazing feeling when you're learning Chinese and don't know what the fuck theyre saying. For the record they do speak really fast.

I've studied Chinese for 6 years and still have some trouble.

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I've done a month and all I could understand was just simple words like 'ren', xi huan etc. My mom watches this show like religiously and I actually heard this being aired live on TV. Didn't bother paying any attention so I didn't even realize it was Xiao8. I understood this from start to end and I must admit I started crying at the confession part. I was so sad. I guess he did say that he's a person who doesn't really express himself much. On the other hand, some people are saying that's already his girlfriend irl and it's all scripted, I'm kinda confused? In that weird mario doctor thing dont touch the metal centre thing starting at http: Just seems weird that none of the other people who tried it used two hands or tried to get a better control by holding it near the end.

There's no rule against it and on that other show they mentioned where someone succeeded other players did the same thing. It probably just didn't occur to the hosts and contestant number 9 to steady the probe by holding it near the end. It's a a lot more stable if you hold it with both hand and one of your hand grip near the end.