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I really, really want to be happy for him, but I just can't shake how squicked out I am by this. I'm not sure how to get over my shock and, honestly, disgust. That is really all I need to hear right there. You don't actually need to be happy for him. You can think it's weird and gross. Don't let anyone tell you what kind of relationship you should have with your father, or how you should feel about things. You have the relationship with your father that you want.

Mom is dating someone my age | Things I Like Things I Love

Especially since he's a father. You would think that he would see girls that much younger than him as children. It's a little creepy. I'm close to Dad's age and this morning I saw some kids walking down the street in a clump and thought maybe there was a middle school field trip.


Getting closer, I heard them talking about university classes. Yes, they were college students. So I am super grossed out about the thought of dating such a young person. They really look like children from my POV. This is mostly my issue. I don't see how two people in such different stages of life can have anything in common besides physical, which I definitely am not trying to think about! I did bring that up, and asked him directly if he's ever been inappropriately attracted to myself or to my friends growing up.

Oh stick it as far as it'll go. Are you the bloody authority on what is socially acceptable when it comes to what lets people be happy with life again? Pretty sure that answer is no. A 21 year old who is still living with her parents has little in common, if anything, with a man close to 50 that has been married and had children already.

It is completely on the up-and-up legally - the comment about their physical relationship was because I don't want to think about my father having sex, not because I think it's illegal. If I brought home a year-old my dad would probably vomit. And then murder me. And then vomit again. And then resurrect me just to murder me again. I can't even fathom it. Given the half your age plus seven rule, you have every right to feel weird about this.

How you choose to deal with it, though, is up to you. I'd cut my father out for now if I were you, I'm getting this gut feeling that this relationship is a trainwreck headed to nowhere. I'm sorry, this is just so insane. I don't necessarily think it's appropriate for him to be dating a 21 year old, but you can't just tell someone to kick her father from her life when, for all we know, he's been a good father and hasn't actually done anything wrong. I don't know about you, but it would take a whole lot fucking more than a questionable relationship for me to turn my back on the man who raised me.

This subreddit encourages nearly everyone to cut people out of their life. Real life is more complicated than that.


Wasn't for me, that's why I said that's what I would do. It's fairly easy for me to cut people out since I have little empathy in the first place. There is no right or wrong choice here; I gave her my reasoning as well Seriously a 20 year age gap rarely produces good results. I don't see why you two are so edgy. Read the post carefully. It was bad advice and we're telling you as much. Plus your comment was upvoted pretty heavily when I responded, meaning a lot of people agreed, which is just nuts.

My dad is dating someone my age

It's not even necessarily the age gap. Bottom line is that his responsibility as a father should come first. That's a full time gig. Which means not dating your daughters peers. No matter which way you spin it, it's not something a father should do. If it were me I would not be happy for my dad at all. I would be very uncomfortable with it and that's okay. I'm sure your dad is just having a midlife crisis and he'll realize soon how ridiculous this is. How do you find a 50 year old man attractive?

Doesn't he have sagging flesh, greying hair, and lines on his body and face? Isn't his dick not quite as hard, and he's not very well-equipped for active, sporty sex? I just don't get it.

Father dating someone my age

I think I'll be happy to let all those things go when I myself am 50, but at the moment, I can't quite imagine an older guy being some sort of sex symbol. I'm a 20 year old girl and cannot imagine letting some 58 year old man inside me fuck no. Cialis and Viagra now make the sexual problems disappear if you have them. You can also be quite toned at 50 especially if you haven't smoked or done hard manual labour.

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  2. Family Matters: My Father Is Dating A Woman My Age | MadameNoire.
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However the attraction is emotional rather than physical. You probably think the excesses of most twenty year olds are not for you, you'd rather go to the theatre or fine dining than necking lots of beer, you prefer exploring or lying on the beach rather than vomiting outside a bar in Magaluf and whilst you like rap and Beyonce you don't want to hear it at db. It's even possible you admire the guy for his achievements and are proud to either stand by him or learn from him to achieve your own life aims.

I'm started dating my girlfriend when I was 50 and she was We're just coming up to our one year anniversary. I'm sorry, but that is so so sick. She could be your child, for fucks sake. When you were 40, she was only The gap between 10 and 20 is much bigger than the gap between 40 and Do you not get how wrong that is? There's lots of age gap relationships and they work out fine.

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  • Dad, 55, goes out with woman, 25, who is same age as his daughters | Metro News.
  • A dad involved with a girl his daughter's age?;
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  • My father is dating a girl my age - Translators Family.
  • In my case, she wanted a relationship with someone my age and was the hunter not the hunted. No you just misunderstood me. There's a much bigger gap, experience and otherwise, between age 10 and 20 than between 40 and And dude, it doesn't matter. Did she force you into the relationship? You're much older than her and you agreed obviously. Yes and what you've just said means she's picked up most of the experience she needs between 10 and 20 and can therefore make her own decisions based on that experience. All that matters is whether you're both happy in the relationship and as far as I can tell we both are.

    Nah, because there's almost the same difference between a 20 and a 25 year old. Perhaps they both like zombie movies, or to go trekking, or heavy troll metal from Finland, or cooking, or fast cars, or working out in the fitness centres, or French cartoons, or any other of a trillion things. And perhaps they also have a strong sexual attraction to each other. So much the better.

    My dad is 74 my mom is So I don't really see the big deal. And I don't see why ur so hung up on the age.