Throughout his entire career, not only will he have learned to drive in difficult situations, but also will know how to get around town more efficiently and avoid collisions. You can rest easy knowing that your life is in the hands of a seasoned, experienced driver with years of practice. He will have a good heart - Police officers are often underpaid and work long hours. But the greatest reward for a police officer is to see the tremendous positive value that he adds to the community. Many civilians join the police force because they want to make a change for the better in their communities.
Dating a police officer means you are dating a man of high moral character who has a tendency towards altruism. Time sure does fly Facebook just reminded me that two years ago today I found out that I won the 1stphorm athlete search. Expect your cop to be a strong man - Police academies across the world have various requirements for a member to be a part of law enforcement.
Fitness is one such requirement, being tested at the law enforcement, military, and noncombatant levels. Dating a cop means you will always have a strong man to assist you in anything you need - carrying heavy objects, moving boxes, or even just helping carry groceries to the house. Repost from cbcedmonton with text: He was run over and stabbed several times Saturday night.
He is now at home recovering from his injuries. EPS yeg alberta yegstrong lovewins gratitude brave eps edmontonstrong edmontonpolice bekind noterrorism juststop prayforedmonton canada cbc riseup resist guncontrol myhometown fuckterrorism nowar peace dignity healing heart lovematters peace prayforpeace worldpeace powertothepeaceful togetherwearestronger.
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He will be brave - For a man to take a job where he puts his life on the line every day, he must be courageous and calm. If you are dating a cop, he will be able to deal with fear much better than a normal guy. He will respond to scary situations with a calm, gentle demeanor. His resilience after years of dealing with lawbreakers will help you find your inner peace as well. He will not have a lot of money - A quick Google search for pay statistics for cops shows numbers that are quite low, considering the amount of personal and professional risk they go through every day.
If you are dating a cop, you will not go to the fancy restaurant across town, nor will you get first row seats at the opera unless he's really trying to impress you. He will most likely be living a modest lifestyle in a mid-to-small sized home. If you two are located in a high cost of living area, he will either be living pay check to pay check or making a bit more money depending on how officers in your locale are compensated. A post shared by mirthiferous on Oct 2, at You will feel a lack of control - Dating a cop can be stressful.
He is tied to his duty to protect and serve citizens, and sometimes you may feel like there is nothing you can do to support him. When he goes to help with disaster relief operations or apprehend criminals, you might feel frustrated that you are sitting at home on the sidelines with no way to assist him.
This lack of control in his destiny will put a lot of pressure on some women, and make it hard for them to cope with the relationship. While much of America focuses on NFL players, these men rush towards threats to preserve life. These men are the real heroes. Thank you for leading by example!
A Day in the Life of a Female Cop - YouQueen
A post shared by Lucas Botkin lucastrexarms on Oct 2, at He must answer the call of duty - If there is an emergency, he will sometimes be expected to drop everything he is doing to help resolve the situation. It would not matter if you were in the middle of a date, trip, or dinner.
Some officers must go in during emergencies because it is in their job description, but others are bound by honor and have a big heart - they feel compelled to help other people in their times of need. Unfortunately, sometimes he can focus so much on helping others that he forgets about you. Be strong mentally One of your premium survival skills when dating a cop would be your mental strength. It is no secret that cops have to deal with some of the most dangerous people on a daily basis. This together with the fact that guns, knives and bombs are some of the most common things they handle everyday is enough to make any other professional go white with fear.
And yet if you seriously want to date a cop, you have to develop a tough skin. It is natural for you to be worried when you date a cop, but dwelling on that alone is not going to change anything that is going to happen on duty. Be independent Since you cannot depend upon your partner to give you company on all evenings, you need to be responsible for your own socializing.
Better still develop a few interests which will help you to fill time when your partner is away on duty. In fact it is even more important for you to become self-dependent if you are planning to live with your cop partner. So if you are the kind who relies on somebody else to run a home, be careful of settling down with a policeman or policewoman. What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. There are a lot of female cops who are lesbians, but the ones who aren't I know a few and they're all over: Exhibit A - Has two kids, boyfriend is not ambitious and she needed a job to support her family.
Exhibit B - married with a kid. She seems to wear the pants in her relationship with her husband and when she is working he will text her all the time checking up on her and she usually ignores him or makes fun of him for it. I don't think she cheats on him but she's not a typical feminine girl. Exhibit C - not in a relationship but a mega whore. She worked for a few different departments, is young and cute and has banged a long list of guys I know. She will bang pretty much anyone who is a cop. Exhibit D - not someone I know personally, but a male friend of mine who is a cop said this chick is a cop and has a bf who beats her up a lot and she takes it.
Exhibit E - not someone I know personally but I met her husband. He is a police sergeant and she's a lieutenant in the same department and she was cheating on him with other people in the department. He stayed with her. There was a picture of her in the local paper for a police charity boxing match. From behind she looked like a dude. Imo the bigger issue is the fact that a lot of male cops are horndogs.
15 Things To Expect If You Are Going To Date A Cop - Pros And Cons
I work with enough of them and most of what they do all day is eyeball chicks and talk about who they would fuk if given the chance. Given personality types involved in law enforcement a lot of them are more aggressive then most guys, and I would be concerned having a gf who works in that environment day in and day out.
It would be like dating a chick who worked in a bar but worse since the job can bring people together and the guys aren't drunk. Originally Posted by ocill We "normals" call it "having friends".
There are two environments where I'd never date a chick from: Male dominated, sexually charged. I just doubt women's ability to resist temptation, influence, peer pressure etc. It's no different than chicks wanting to become nurses because somewhere in the backs of their heads they think they'll land a doctor. But at least a hospital isn't necessarily male dominated, and nowhere near to the extent of being a police officer. LOL if you don't believe that with like You basically have no idea what women are capable of and have the mindset of some middle school virgin, you're naive, go get a few years life experience and get back to me.
Naa, most COPs don't work long hours and work hours per week, just like most of us. The stress levels could be high depending on the department they are assigned to. I have heard stories of infidelity in the police department.
It has to do with the profession being male dominated maybe the females need favors from males to climb up the COP ladder and requiring low education credentials to become a COP. Low education usually means less discipline, which, in turn, usually means low morals. Originally Posted by Boffothe. Okay, not counting the off-duty gigs most cops take, we'll say that most of them work a standard 40 hour week though my LEO family members would strongly disagree.
Let's talk about the education.