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Can you work through all this yourself? But, your chances of success will increase dramatically if you work with a trained marriage counselor on them. That way you can work on yourself and on the marriage at the same time. Plus, individual therapy is often covered by insurance, so that helps make it affordable. Thank you for this article. I have been married for 12 years together for 17 we have 10 year old boy and 8 year old boy.

Dating (My Ex-Husband) After Divorce - The Kids Tips & Advice |

Separated for 4 months rather abruptly after he checked into hospital for having suicidal thoughts. While in 72 hour hold I ran with my kids from the home to a safe place and filed for temporary restraining order and divorce after a scary incident with myself and separate incident with 10 year old resulting in broken wrist. He did not do directly but negligence played a part. Leading up to that he had been behaving erratic and scary with myself and kids very unhappy financially and with his work and lot in life.

I have been receiving support and kids talk to him everyday. He has been consistently building trust. Substance abuse marijuana played a part as well as trust issues and childhood trauma he never dealt with.

Divorce Advice and Support from

He never struck me but there was emotional and verbal abuse. He has been getting treatment on medication and working on himself. I have been seeing therapist trying to rebuild my sense of worth and healthy boundaries. I feel like he needs to be doing lots of work before even thinking of reconciling. This has been the toughest since he was everything to me …. I can hear how you are struggling. It sounds like you both are working hard to put your lives back together.

You definitely want to keep seeing your therapist. Hopefully he does as well. And, hopefully he stays in treatment. At this point, what you need is time. In time you will see how things turn out, and whether he continues doing the hard work of staying clean and sober. You will also see if he learns to deal with his mental health issues. You will also see how your boys do too. But in this situation, going slowly would be wise. Keep working on everything. Watch and see what your husband does.

And give this time! Thank you for your kind feedback.

  1. I’m Dating My (Ex) Wife After Our Divorce And We Both Could Not Be Happier.
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  4. Dating (My Ex-Husband) After Divorce.

He was diagnosed with bipolar disorder,continuing to receive treatment and has been responsible on medications as well as therapist. We will meet with family therapist in dec. My kids are thriving and I feel less stress despite being in a studio! I have been strong for kids and recognized my weaknesses in therapy regarding the relationship.

Its hard not to get emotional because I miss him so much and of course love him. Together we were a great team and things started to deteriorate due to communication on both our ends. There were a lot of things I just kept skirting around. Our divorce is not finalized and I was hoping to push it until July.

We have been apart for 6 mos pushing divorce gives us time in couples therapy which I hope to start in January.

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I feel by July that will be one year Of dealing with his illness in addition of going over how we can communicate better before moving back in. I guess it really all depends on time.

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  • I’m Dating My (Ex) Wife After Our Divorce And We Both Could Not Be Happier | Thought Catalog.
  • If there is a chance to fix and be stronger in our relationship i want to try especially if he is willing to with counselors as well. Sometimes on the edge of disaster lies greatness. Still Hopeful for our love and family. Me and my wife have been married 11 years and together for This last year things have been tough including not being intimate for 10 months.

    We do not argue and get on well but she has mentioned a few times this year that things were not right and we need to sort it out. There has been nothing I can do to get her back and she is mentally strong and adamant. It sounds like you really need some help. Maybe she will agree to try again with a different counselor.

    I also suggest that you talk to an individual counselor or coach yourself to get some guidance on what to do in a more detailed and private! Work you do on yourself is never wasted. Either it will help you grow and change so that you can put your marriage back together. Or, it will help you grow and change so that you do better next time. Do you give up on your marriage? Then ask HER what you can do to make things better. Although there are third party causing more problem than good but I think I want to give it a try to clear my mind so I wont beat my self up on not trying atall cause this is how I feel now!

    Hi, im searching from answers frim the internet if couple could reconcile or not. My husband wanted a divorce. We gave ourselves 1 week of cooling period while i was traveling and when i got back he said he wants out. He feels that we do not have common interest, unable to communicate and i see that his business is adding up stress.

    Dedicated to your stories and ideas.

    I hope he could give our relationship a second chance, but he insist that it would not work. He never agree to co-parenting and now he thinks thats the best for our kid. If you could convince him to give your relationship a second chance, maybe you could work things out. Yes, you can try to work on the marriage yourself. If you can get your husband to go to marriage counseling with you, that could help.

    That will give you someone to talk to who can help you deal with what you are facing so that you can get through it better. Great article and very realistic. A lot of times the emotional aspect takes root and you want to reconcile. I have been separated from my walk away wife not my term, got it from another article for 2. It was a rude awakening to me that I have been taking her for granted. I have started counselling individually to work on myself and two different save the marriage programs. She is adamant about being done, but with three boys 6, 7 and 10, I cannot give up on us without knowing we have made every attempt to make our marriage work.

    I am putting in the time to make changes in myself. We are currently nesting and it is wearing on me moving in and out of the house. We have mediation coming up and I continue to pray that we give us a real shot, but am slowly coming to terms with the fact that she may be done. It is hard to want to reconcile and keep the door open while protecting your interests in a divorce.

    Is it too late? Since you are already nesting and in mediation, my guess is that your divorce is already in process. People do it all the time … but not a lot of people actually make it work. So, if you want to know whether you or not you have any chance at reconciling, you might want to start by having an honest conversation with your wife. I know that sucks. I know you think you still might have a chance.

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    But it takes two people to make a marriage. It only takes one to make a divorce.

    Rules for Dating an Ex-Husband

    So start by asking your wife for the truth and then being open to hearing it. Then, if she wants a divorce, the best, most loving thing you can do is to let her go. The best thing you can do for your boys is to make your divorce as amicable as you possibly can so that their lives stay as stable as possible.