Satoru is an interesting character and he even has some funny oddity's about him. For one, he's horrible with technology and can barely work a phone when the MC steps him through it. He's very old fashioned. Now were onto Haruhito Amano.
The angelic, playful, and childish Devil. First off lemme say. This is probably the worst review of Haru's route you'll find. Because It was hard for me to play his route without thinking of myself. He's too similar to myself and it felt like I was pursuing myself. Which led me to not enjoying his routes very well.
It didn't help that his nickname is Haru So this is going to be very biased I think in comparison to the other routes. I don't dislike him. It's just hard for me to form an opinion of him without comparing him to myself every second. Anyways, Haruhito is the troublemaker of the group. He slacks off to go play whatever random thing pops into his head and is the least dedicated to his job. He's more focused on having fun and out of all the guys except maybe Meguru, he's the most excited to have you around.
He initially likes you very much and drags you into things just cause. He is a very random character. His ability is the ability to communicate with animals, and his dog, Cerby is with him all the time. Partly it's his fault they didn't retrieve your soul, actually.
10 days with my devil shiki dating a demon walkthrough
The MC's reason to ask for 10 days in his route is due to her sister getting married. Which came to a shock for me since Kakeru was my first route and was already having a child with her husband but okay, whatever Voltage. Were getting some Shin Megami Tensei timeline crazy up in here. By that I mean, anything that can happen will happen and will create an alternate universe and.. What am I talking about, this is just an otome game. I doubt it'll get a spiritual sequel based purely off of all of Haruhitos storylines.
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But yeah that bothered me ahaha. Anyways, even though he's really close to you from the get go he's one of the ones that take longer to actually want to save you from becoming toast. This is due to his thinking that everything that happens will happen due to it being Fate and you can't fight Fate. So even if he likes you, there's nothing he can do about it.
In that regard he's very defeatist in comparison to characters like Shiki or Meguru. The reason for this as you'll find out through sort of the semi-antagonist, the angel Rein Isaka, who through the other routes is seen as someone you can't get close to or you'll be found out. Yes, you can just become a demon through magyks.
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And you can similarly become a human through magyks. Yet humans can't become a demon or angel through magyks? The reason for suck magyks is because as an angel, Haruhito became close to a human, and with his job as an angel to take to heaven to be reincarnated, failed. He was too friendly with the human and didn't take them away. Because of this Heaven banished him to the demon world and if he toasted ten thousand toastees he will be accepted back into heaven and become an angel again, working with his partner Rein.
Haruhito and Rein were partners. Very close in fact. Rein and Haruhito go together like peanut butter and jelly in their routes. And as luck will have it, MC is the ten thousandth toastee. So if you become toast? Haruhito will become an angel again, and be all buddybuddy with Rein again. Which causes most of the melodrama in this. Because MC wants Haruhito to be happy, she thinks less about her own happiness.
But at the same time, she shows him that fate is not set in stone. All in all his route was very.. The Angel Demon thing was just so.. And in the end Haru decides to forsake his angel-ship and saves you, which makes him actually become a human in punishment. Again bringing the crazy magyks into the formula. Yeah if you couldn't tell, Haruhitos wasn't very enjoyable to me.
Though I think Haruhito himself is pretty cool once you get to know him. The Cold Megane dude. This is another character that suffers from "I feel like i'm dating myself" for me. But unlike Haruhito who also shares a nickname as me making it awkward; wanna know what makes it even more awkward for me with Shiki?
He looks like me. So not only do I feel like I'm dating myself in a character sense. I'm seeing a character that looks like me all the freakin' time. Shiki's pretty popular in the fandom so I wonder if anyone's coming here purely to read my review of him Why's this loser so popular? I know why but.. I don't like him. I rate all his storys low. I don't like you Shiki. Stop stealing my dreads and my glasses and my love for sleep you little chicken nugger. Shiki is one of the more useful members when it comes to abilities. He's the computer guy which immediately makes him the most useful, but on top of that his actual demon ability is mind control.
Yes ah mind control. He's central even in routes he's not in for this reason. Get away from me man. What's funny is the reason MC chose the 10 day thing for his route. It's like NTR at it's finest. He has a crush on her in every route I was laughing on my bed as I played his route for the most part. You just don't get a break do ya man?
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He's very cold and aloof to the MC though not so abusive in comparison to Satoru. He just wants to be left alone and he doesn't understand why you chose him as your bodyguard when there are people like Kakeru and Satoru to choose from. Also it's annoying for him to have to monitor you. So then, why the fuck does he always fall for the MC?
He's a tsundere that's why.
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It's like the more you get attracted to someone else, the more he realizes how in love he is with you. Especially in his own route. You two play a game for the most part where the MC acts out confessing to the guy she likes with Shiki. The guy she likes is some loon thats obsessed with pots or something and wants to get MC into his weirdo pot pyramid scheme every time he's involved in something, and uses her affection for him to is advantage.
Which he does eventually. Once his jealousy meter rises up he takes her for himself and she sees the guy for the loonie toon he truly is. Though is Shiki any better really? Okay yeah he is, but I don't like Shiki. I will NTR him to oblivion. Anyways, once he realizes his tsundere feelings for you and gets your affections away from the guy, the dude hacks into the fate database and takes you off the list.
The higher ups find out and punish him for it, but don't toast you because you got taken off it. The sweet younger devil dude! So much bias here, girls. I love Meguru Kamui. Ever since the first route I played I'd been eagerly anticipating playing his route. How he behaved in Kakeru's route was great. And I already like characters like him and he's the most visually appealing in my opinion.