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Carbon dating dinosaur bones

The same is true if you take a block away from one of the pyramid's sides, making the rest unstable. Eventually, some of the blocks can fall away, leaving a smaller, more stable structure. The result is like a radioactive clock that ticks away as unstable isotopes decay into stable ones. You can't predict when a specific unstable atom, or parent , will decay into a stable atom, or daughter. But you can predict how long it will take a large group of atoms to decay.

How Do Scientists Determine the Age of Dinosaur Bones?

The element's half-life is the amount of time it takes for half the parent atoms in a sample to become daughters. To read the time on this radioactive clock, scientists use a device called a mass spectrometer to measure the number of parent and daughter atoms. The ratio of parents to daughters can tell the researcher how old the specimen is. The more parent isotopes there are -- and the fewer daughter isotopes -- the younger the sample. So evolutionists typically claim that all this 14c results from contamination, but statistical analysis indicates that when plotting erroneous dates as from contamination , the data should fit a normal curve.

However, it does not. Regarding the results from the ten dinosaurs dated as above , of course, bacteria do not make collagen. And if the 14c came from contamination, for example, one would not expect the contamination to so equally affect the bioapatite and the collagen.

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The above paper indicates that where sampled, the ground area has decreasing 14c with distance from the dinosaur bone, indicating that modern carbon is leaching out of the bone which is not problematic , but, most significantly, not seeping into the bone. Dinosaur bone showing 5pmc means that five percent of the carbon in the bone needs to be replaced with modern carbon, which high level of contamination would very possibly be detectable. Dinosaur bone showing 5pmc means that, because the 14c half-life is so brief, 5, years, if the radiocarbon is from contamination that occurred 6, years ago, a full five percent, i.

See below, 42 minutes into Paul Giem's presentation. Thus, where researchers find both soft tissue and 14c, especially in small bones as with the mosasaur , the claim that the biological tissue is dinosaurian and is not contamination works exactly against the claim that the 14c is from contamination.

How do we date dinosaur bones?

The inventor of the radiocarbon dating method, Dr. Walter Libby, stated in the journal Science, "There is no known natural mechanism by which collagen may be altered to yield a false age. Here's our RSR explanation of why this is. Because new carbon atoms will not replace original carbon atoms in the collagen molecule. As a result of decomposition, to the extent that original carbon atoms were falling out of the tissue so to speak , then to that extent you would no longer have collagen; rather, to that extent you would have humic acid.

Decomposing collagen cannot be "repaired" by free carbon atoms happening upon the decomposition. Rather, the collagen must be manufactured within a living animal with its constituent carbon atoms into a " super-super-coil In addition to work already done documenting appreciable 14c levels even in contamination-resistant specimens, we recommend a few experiments including a couple proposed by RSR friend David Willis: The young earth model predicts the finding of significant quantities of carbon 14 throughout the bone.

The evolutionary model would predict no modern carbon in such a bone, but as a secondary assumption, if 14c is found, since any contaminating material would have to pass through the outer layers of the bone to get into the center, the contamination explanation would expect to measure generally decreasing percentages of 14c from the outside to the center of each individual bone.

Carbon-14 dating decontaminated dinosaur bones

A second experiment, beginning as above, would be to date a small diameter bone and a larger diameter bone from the same dinosaur. Getting the same dates would help rule out contamination because the smaller bone will have a larger surface to volume ratio which, if contamination were a significant factor, should result in higher percentages of modern carbon. A third experiment that could falsify contamination as a possible source of 14c involves: With the announcement that these reserves in Siberia contain diamonds that are "twice as hard as normal", these will be ideal for 14c dating because their natural hardness would further rule out contamination.

Also, evolutionary geologists claim that these diamonds were already ancient when, allegedly 35 million years ago, a meteor impacted above them.

Dinosaur Shocker

The evolutionary model predicts no carbon dead 14c. The young earth model predicts significant quantities of 14c measurable throughout the diamond. A fourth experiment that could falsify contamination as a possible source of 14c involves radiocarbon dating of allegedly million-year-old amber, by selecting pristine specimens, the condition of which may also help to rule out contamination. Hear Bob's interview with Steve. Also, at the 7th ICC Dr.

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Dating bones in situ , and dating their surrounding matrix, will elimate various sources of possible contamination and provide significant additional data. Published by RSR on Aug. Consider then, the fossil remains of organisms that had lived near the surface but that have been long buried in ocean sediments. If neutron capture were responsible for much of the unexpected 14c, then collectively, such ocean specimens, collectively, should have far less 14c than specimens excavated on the continents.

Further, more analysis should be done on relevant specimens excavated from uranium mines , comparing their radiocarbon percentages to similar in type and estimated date specimens gathered away from uranium mines. Thus, marine deposit specimens and uranium mine specimens can function as control groups.

Regardless though, for an uncontaminated specimen like diamonds, pure collagen, dinosaur soft tissue, etc. Even soft tissue has shown to be preserved with minerals such as iron rendering the method useless for dating. Why does dating sedimentary rock or these fossils often show traces of carbon 14?

Because they have been exposed to the environment. Sedimentary rock can contain pockets gas that would reflect the atmosphere when the rock was formed. This is not a problem with more recent bones that are not permineralized.

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  6. I hope this answers some YEC questions about why scientists do not date dinosaur bones with the Carbon 14 method. It is not because they are afraid it would show the dinosaurs lived only thousands of years ago, it is because they know the test cannot be give accurate results since the material being tested was not actually "once living" after minerals replaced the actual bone.