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Tips on Dating an Aries Woman

But I don't play games. Sorry for the lomg msg and I really hope she's not on this site to read this haha. Thanks for any insight as to her actions and what I should do. I could have written that myself! He is 10, and he reminds me everyday of myself, a male version of me! Curious why you mentioned Taurus males would not be reading this….

The Aries Woman: Love, Sex, Friendship, Style

I am dating an Aries Woman- Why would I not be interested in reading this??? Hi, I am a 40's something year old Aries male, and really enjoyed the post! A younger Aries female friend helped me discover who I really am, without even trying I've lived apart from my wife and kids because of practical work circumstances for about 3 years My wife wanted to separate before, but I kept on trying to make it work over and over and over again.

Yet, I now realize that I've actually internally mourned and grieved for 3 years already, without knowing it. I was not looking I have my own faults and could've done certain things better, this I know, I am a faithful person and have litterally locked myself up for 3 years. But this younger ram woman opened my eyes and captured my heart I didn't realize it at the time, but I was already hooked. The ensuing exercise consisted out of learning as much as I can about the female RAM, and it's something I have thoroughly enjoyed thus far.

It made me laugh, and laugh Now that I've encountered this incredible force of nature and many sites talking about the Aries woman will tell you that ;"I'm not sure if I should congratulate you or feel sorry for you! There is just nothing on Gods earth I want more, and so help me I'll die trying, because she's worth it We work for the same company, both in music This month a few days from now will be the first time I see her again after making my feelings VERY clear an known, the impulsive and upfront person that I am!!

She's coming out of a major storm herself, and so seems naturally cautious at the same time I have been out of the dating game for a looong time, I feel like kid and hope I'm not going to make a fool of myself around her. Our texts are full of fun, teasing and dare I say tension I know we Rams are supposedly easy to figure out, but THIS one is certainly playing her cards close to her chest and it drives me insane, although deliciously so at the same time!

I guess if I ever had to have a question it would be: The challenge is something I thrive on, the distance makes it hard to read her at times This is in my view as equal a partner as one could ever want or get She brightens my day with a few "innocent" WhatsApp texts I so, so, SO know I can make her happy, and she me She can "give" only what she can right now in our still-only-friendship of about 2 months or so In the shortest of time she understands me more than anyone I've ever known I'm trying to keep things light and fresh Is there something there to be had??

Aries Woman: Overview & Personality Traits

God I hope I'm on the right path. Lots of smiles, laughter in our banter, sometimes easy 2 hours of texting She's of course incredibly gorgeous like most ram girls , spirited, outgoing, a cello player no less Oh God please help me! If that makes sense..

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I feel privileged to be her friend, I;ve told her so…. So, my final question: Im a aries women birthday april 9. While he makes me crazy he is the most stable and secure man.


He balances out my craziness and helps me focus. If he read this he'd probably say that I'm his silly girl. But this is the perfect discription of an Aries woman. I'm an Aries who got out of a 10 year long relationship with a Leo. I'm now 6 months in to a relationship with a Scorpio and it's amazing! We both need space and adventure. He says I'm the best girlfriend he's ever had. It's been tough getting him to let me in, but I know I'm the same way, so it's required patience from both sides.

We both work well as a team and understand the goal we work towards. Most of what you said is very accurate. I'm a Tom boy, I like getting dirty, trying new things, I've dated every sign except Aries, and Virgo. I'm a jealous vindictive girlfriend, when I feel threatened. Otherwise I'm to a tee of your experience. Thanks really enjoyed your post. We are not judgmental but if you are a Capricorn or Scorpio forget about it and nothing bugs us more than stay at home moms who pop out kids.

You have to do this, you have to do that, we like real men not feminine, be assertive, we'll pay for ourselves but you have to pay, compliments cover a multitude of sins but we want you tell us we're girly even if we don't thinks so, we're impatient but don't rush us. Ok ok, If I read this a couple years ago and actually believed it then I would definitely pass on dating an Aries woman - sound way too complicated for my hectic and busy life. Fortunately for me I didn't read it and don't believe in stereotyping people based on when they were born and am now engaged to one of your kind.

But was definitely a fun read!

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Guess im the first Leo.. I was approached by a gorgeous, sweet Aries.. But i do miss her.. I have this uncanny ability to care so much, maybe even to much and i have a large heart.. I sincerely hope we withstand the test of time, id like that. It's been four months now. We are both completely and totally in love with each other. This is the best relationship either of us has ever had. Im constant with doing the little things.

Dating an Aries Woman: General Advice

I open the car door for her. I buy her flowers every week. I pay for dinner when we go out. There are times she insists and I let her. Aries are easy to read. They are usually telling you straight forward what they want. I interject my point of view if I think it's needed She sees reason and is able to adapt her point of view.

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We communicate very well and always come to a desire able outcome for both of us. There are times I can see she wants to take the lead and I just let her go. She is a smart, intelligent and independent woman sometimes to her own detriment. She often acts first and thinks about reprocussions when it's to late.

That's where I come in. I'm a very forward thinker. So me pointing out the possibilities to her has become a benefit for her. Our passion for each other is boundless. We have both taken our sex life to an utterly out of this world level. We are both eager to please, willing to explore and feed off of each other's pleasure. We can not get enough of each other. She has brought to my life that which I was looking for. A woman who would energize my life.

For her I am a strong capable man who is caring, loving and attentive. What we have is what everybody is looking for That one person that just makes being with them so easy. It took me 50 yeas to find her. I'll do whatever it takes to keep her. I am a cusp Pisces and just started dating a much younger Aries lady. I loved everything I read here. If all that has been said about Aries ladies is true, I'm in. I love independent woman who can be affectionate, are driven but not rude, enjoy competing and can win some times! We've had our third date and now are going on a fourth. I love the statement, "if she didn't want to be with you, she wouldn't be there".

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Right now that is really all I need to know. I would describe myself in the same terms. There are a few of us around. To all above, great article and feedback! Oh my god this is spot on!!! I dated a cancer in high school.

Dating Aries Woman: Are You Man Enough for Her? | PairedLife

Then I married and divorced two other Cancers! Neither worked they couldn't keep up with me on any level and were very sensitive and not motivated enough. Met a guy recently and asked him his sign, Cancer! I've been seeing a Virgo for about a year. We have a love hate relationship. It's super sexy but annoying all at the same time. I've never been more addicted to someone but it doesn't work. Holy cow these comments are so exact, he is frustrating to no end, he always beats around the bush as someone mentioned above. And the article is so true we can just sniff out the lies and deception.

Why can't people virgos just be upfront and honest?