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Plenty of the magicians after many free at the best. Date network? Absolutely free dating sites online. Except for online dating deserves: a premiere date. Find.

If you're ready for the challenge, we've compiled a list to help the singletons of our fair city to find someone special. Better still, recruit a mate to do it with you and you'll have someone to trade your stories with! This sounds so basic but we're not talking about someone who has just asked for it.

We went speed-dating in Valentine's week. Here's 7 things we learned...

If you see a cute guy or girl, make the first move and slip them your digits. Been flirting with yer man in Coffee Angel for the last six months? Ask him out for a drink. Friends despairing about your judgement when it comes to all things romantic? Let them have a go! In all seriousness, your social group is an untapped resource when it comes to dating as they'll be able to give you the inside track on any potential hotties.

Go for a casual pint in Kehoe's after work so you haven't wasted a whole night if it all goes horrible wrong. No matter how brutal it may seem, honesty is always the best policy when it comes to dating. We've all ended up on second dates that we have zero interest in or spent hours over drinks just to seem polite.

We're not saying you should turn around and leave if you're not feeling it in the first five minutes but stringing people along doesn't do anyone any favours. Nor does sneaking out of P Macs when they go to the bathroom. I know, this is a tough one.

We went speed-dating in Valentine's week. Here's 7 things we learned

As a people, the Irish are far too reliant on alcohol to oil those awkward social engagements but there are so many benefits to going on a sober date. But maybe that's just us.

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Kilmainham Gaol is a random but very rewarding choice. However, you can't expect everything to fall in your lap ahem so quit waiting on the messages to come flowing in and strike up a conversation for yourself. Just please, for the love of all that is good and holy, never, ever start with 'how r u? You're better than that. There just aren't enough people in Dublin to be narrowing down your criteria to hair colour, job description and the kind of shoes that they wear true story.

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