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Is dating multiple girls at the same time okay?

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Is dating multiple girls at the same time okay? - Forums

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Give Women Hot Phone Sex. They offer consolation and solidarity and uplift, competing as they do in a marketplace. But we have a right to remember how barbarically they behaved when they were strong and were making an offer that people could not refuse. I don't really see anything wrong with it unless you lie..

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If you tell them you are dating them exclusively then I think it's wrong.. To throw away all options for something that hasn't happened is ridiculous imo.. Interesting, plenty of good point on the affirmative side brahs. Does anyone who voted 'no' want to chip in their 2 cents? You're not committed to either one yet, might as well have as much fun as you can while you can.

Plus you're young man, take advantage of situations like this or you'll regret it later. Originally Posted by Rectify. If you and the girl haven't spoken and agreed on being exclusive, then why not.

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She is free to do the same, so if you want to, go for it. Let's be honest, what is 'dating' It's not that much different to just going out and screwing girls. I see new girls a week, it's rare that a week passes without anything occuring for me, if that happens it's generally due to my laziness.

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  • You've gotta make use of your time when you're single. Most guys just don't put themselves out there, then wonder why nothing ever happens for them. Women arn't gonna que at your front door, and they have no problems finding guys if they're at least average, nor going on dates or screwing with multiple guys unexclusively. So do the same. But the point is that if you're gonna be doing this, you have to be OK with her doing the same. When i'm with a girl, i show her a good time and if we both have fun, then i we can see each other again sometime i guess.

    But when she's not with me, i don't even think about what she's doing, where she is or who with, because let's be honest Unnecessary stress and a waste of energy. Originally Posted by Amb AMC The only real natty bodybuilder that I know for sure is me! So, ive been dating this girl for around 3 months and banging some other chicks at the side, but she is like my official and chit seems to be gettinf serious yoo, but i just met a really pretty girl that seems to be really girlfriend material, should i date both while i decide which one to make it serious with?

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