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And that is even if you are focusing on only one aspect of this very diverse subject. When trying to identify antique furniture, dedicated antique hunters search for beautifully preserved pieces, armed with pins, magnifying glasses, spirit levels and all sorts of testing equipment. Other interior or home decorators tend not to take things so seriously but are still interested in items, history and authenticity.

Many vintage furniture buyers opt for quality reproductions that are more affordable, and either option is fine providing that you research your subject well when identifying antique furniture. There is no exact science where antique furniture is concerned; you simply make an educated decision based on what is most important to you. Becoming knowledgeable about antique furniture takes research, even if you are focusing on only one aspect of this wide-ranging subject. Many collectors prefer particular eras, styles, and makers, while others have more eclectic tastes.

Get an expert opinion: A trained eye is more likely to find an undervalued treasure or a clever fake than a novice ever would. Use the press and stay informed about current trends and potential scams in the antique trade by consulting popular and highly regarded antique trade publications.

Tips & Advice on Identifying Antique Furniture

Consider practical matters Carefully: Always check the size and weight of any piece of antique furniture that interests you. Shipping furniture can be a costly proposition. To reduce these costs, search in local antique dealers and check other sellers who will provide a complete wrap and ship service. The first aspect is the joinery ; machine-cut furniture was not produced until about If the piece has drawers, remove a drawer and look carefully where the front and back of the drawer are fastened to the sides of the drawer.

A primer on furniture styles

Chippendale was influenced by ancient cultures, such as the Romans, and Gothic influences. Look for Gothic arches, Chinese fretwork, columns, capitals, C-scrolls, S-scrolls, ribbons, flowers, leaves, scallop shells, gadrooning and acanthus leaves. The most popular wood used in this period was mahogany, with walnut, maple and cherry also present. Legs become straight and regional differences still existed in design elements, such as feet.

System for Dating Country and Primitive Furniture, Part One

Claw and ball feet become even larger and more decorative. Pennsylvania cabinetmakers used Marlborough feet, while other regions favored ogee bracket feet. One of the most popular forms of this period was a card table that sported five legs instead of the four of Queen Anne designs.

Federal Hepplewhite , This period reflects the growing patriotism felt in the young American states. Their desire to develop their own distinctive furniture style was apparent. Stylistically it also reflects the architectural style known as Federal, where balance and symmetry were extremely important. Woods used during this period were mahogany and mahogany veneer, but other native woods, such as maple, birch or satinwood, were used.

Reflecting the architectural ornamentation of the period, inlays were popular, as was carving and even painted highlights. The motifs used for inlay included bellflowers, urns, festoons, acanthus leaves and pilasters, to name but a few. Inlaid bands and lines were also popular and often used in combination with other inlay. Legs of this period tend to be straight or tapered to the foot. The foot might be a simple extension of the leg, or bulbous or spade shaped. Two new furniture forms were created in this period.

They are the sideboard and the worktable. Expect to find a little more comfort in chairs and sofas, but not very thick cushions or seats. When a piece of furniture is made in England, or styled after an English example, it may be known as Hepplewhite. The time frame is the same.

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  • Guide to Furniture Styles from Connected Lines.
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Robert Adam is credited with creating the style known as Hepplewhite during the s and leading the form. Another English book heavily influenced the designers of the day. The style known as Sheraton closely resembles Federal. The lines are somewhat straighter and the designs plainer than Federal. Sheraton pieces are more closely associated with rural cabinetmakers. Woods would include mahogany, mahogany veneer, maple and pine, as well as other native woods.

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Empire Classical , By the beginning of the 19th century, a new design style was emerging. Known as Empire, it had an emphasis on the classical world of Greece, Egypt and other ancient European influences. The American craftsmen began to incorporate more flowing patriotic motifs, such as eagles with spread wings. The basic wood used in the Empire period was mahogany. However, during this period, dark woods were so favored that often mahogany was painted black.

Inlays were popular when made of ebony or maple veneer. The dark woods offset gilt highlights, as were the brass ormolu mountings often found in this period. The legs of this period are substantial and more flowing than those found in the Federal or Sheraton periods. Regional differences in this style are very apparent, with New York City being the center of the design style, as it was also the center of fashion at the time.

This valuable furniture guide can be purchased at krausebooks. New furniture forms of this period include the sleigh bed, with the headboard and footboard forming a graceful arch. Several new forms of tables also came into being, especially the sofa table. Because the architectural style of the Empire period used big, open rooms, the sofa was now allowed to be in the center of the room, with a table behind it.

Secrets to Date & Value Antique Furniture by Dr. Lori

Former architectural periods found most furniture placed against the outside perimeter of the walls and brought forward to be used. The Victorian period as it relates to furniture styles can be divided into several distinct styles. Her love of ornate styles is well known.

When thinking of the general term, think of a cluttered environment, full of heavy furniture, and surrounded by plants, heavy fabrics and lots of china and glassware. This is the first sub-category of the Victoria era. This style is best simplified as the plainest of the Victorian styles. Lines tend to be sweeping, undulating curves. It is named for the style that was popular in France as the Bourbons tried to restore their claim to the French throne, from to The Empire Classical period influence is felt, but French Restoration lacks some of the ornamentation and fussiness of that period.

Design motifs continue to reflect an interest in the classics of Greece and Egypt. Chair backs are styled with curved and concave crest rails, making them a little more comfortable than earlier straight-back chairs. The use of bolster pillows and more upholstery is starting to emerge. The style was only popular in clusters, but did entice makers from larger metropolitan areas, such as Boston and New Orleans, to embrace the style.

In the South and Midwest, hand-cast brass latches were in use before These early latches were inlaid into cabinet doors rather than being attached to the surface, as were the later cast iron latches. Dealers who specialize in country and primitive furniture have depended on the above methods plus the study of nails for dating their antiques.

Many dealers feel that the technological system is superior to the stylistic system. Furniture styles linger for years. New technologies, because they bring cheaper prices or faster methods, are accepted quickly — usually within a year or two.

Timeline and descriptions of antique furniture styles

The Dating of Old Houses, a paper prepared by Dr. Mercer, contains photographs, drawings, and patent information on nails, hinges, screws, hardware, planing machines, etc. The screw above was handmade. The slot in the top was hand cut by a hacksaw. The screw on the right was machine made.