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We are just meant to be close friends. I think maybe I felt bad for him, and wanted him to feel better. I think he just sees it as a moment of weakness.

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Hooking up with her made me realize we are not a couple, which I guess is a good thing. Ever since we did it though something has been different between us. It was weird, but at least we got it out of our system. Writer based in the Philadelphia area. Person who really loves her dog and watching cooking shows.

  • 11 People Who Hooked Up With A Friend Share How It Affected Their Relationship.
  • 'Hooking Up' -- What Does It Really Mean?.
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  • 11 People Who Hooked Up With A Friend Share How It Affected Their Relationship | Thought Catalog.

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What Does "Hooking Up" Mean? - Sexy Times With Gurl

At the end of the day, you have two choices in love — one is to accept someone just as they are and the other is to walk away. Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday.

Hookup culture - Wikipedia

You may unsubscribe at any time. By subscribing, you agree to the terms of our Privacy Statement. Nicole Tarkoff Writer based in the Philadelphia area. Over 50 percent reported at least one and a third reported at least two hookups during the school year, indicating that these liaisons -- however the students defined them -- were common.

What Really Happens When You Hook Up With a Friend

Still, the students "greatly overestimated the pervasiveness of hookups within the general student culture," Holman wrote in her report on the study. In theory, if all students adopted Holman's definition, they would all have a better idea of what exactly their peers meant when they reported a weekend hookup. But is pinning down the definition actually useful?

What if there are advantages to leaving the meaning ambiguous? It's a way for them [students] to communicate about it but without having to reveal details.

Hookup culture

It seems the phrase offers a way of divulging information -- which, yes, could still be considered gossip -- but also provides an element of mystery about the encounter, which could protect privacy in some cases. And in today's social media-obsessed, oversharing culture, that's not a bad thing.

The fact that participants were divided along gender lines when it came to reporting their hook up experiences comes as no surprise. Holman sees this as a response to the increased pressure on men to exaggerate their level of sexual activity, she wrote.