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As I see it, the solution is not to repress these thoughts but to deal with them by accepting them and lifting them up.

Whenever you have these troubling thoughts, take the following steps:. Act against feelings of bitterness and hurt by thanking God for bringing her out of that lifestyle. This will help to keep resentment from infecting your relationship. She just made some poor choices, and most likely regrets them.

Should the virgin gal marry the non-virgin guy?

Remember that resentment is a choice, not just an emotion. You need to actively reject and uproot it.

Instead of dwelling on her past and moping over it, lift those thoughts to God when they come to mind. When you begin to think of her previous actions and relationships, take that as a reminder to pray for the healing of her memories and for the conversion of the men she dated. You need to realize the good that the Lord can do through it.

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Use your suffering to bring grace to others. This step is very important. Every time a memory comes to mind, I want you to pray for her healing and for their conversions. In other words, let the pain become a prayer. Resolve to lead a pure life with her.

The 5 Secrets to Dating Somebody Who’s Had Sex Before

This will infect the wound in your relationship and intensify your insecurities because it will make the thoughts of her past become more visual in your imagination. If the relationship is heading toward marriage, do not be afraid to talk to her about the struggle you are having. It is better that these issues come to the surface before marriage than within marriage.

If you do not feel ready for this, perhaps you can speak with a priest or some other counselor you respect without betraying her trust. However, remember that good relationships require open and honest communication. When you bring up your concerns, make sure not to blame her for the past, but rather express the fact that you want to work through this issue together. Never, ever, hold this over her or use it against her. Instead, share your insecurities, fears, or hurts, and allow her to love you.


This will require some vulnerability on your part and some patience and empathy from her. If your love is strong and forgiving, the two of you will be able to overcome this difficulty.


When you do this, do not get very specific with regards to things she did with the guy s. Such information will do more harm than good.

  • The Pros And Cons Of Dating A Male Virgin | MadameNoire.
  • The 5 Secrets to Dating Somebody Who’s Had Sex Before |
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  • How an Abstinent Girl Can Date a Non-Virgin Guy and Still Remain Abstinent - GirlsAskGuys.
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Previous intimacies of one partner often cause feelings of pain, inferiority, or resentment in the other partner. Talking through your struggle will help you to guard your heart from the poison of unforgiveness. This will cause her to resent you. I had once heard that a young man approached St.

Padre Pio in tears because his girlfriend broke up with him. It is entirely reasonable for you to feel hurt by her past. Forgiving someone is not about numbness.

Dating a virgin from a male perspective. : Christianity

As a note of encouragement, I have found that over time it gets better, and that in our case, marriage has been very healing. If you find that the issue is not improving, but is driving a wedge of resentment between you, find a marital counselor, priest, or parent to talk with. Marriage is one of the most important decisions you will ever make, and you need to surround yourself with wise counselors. The woman you are with should not have to live with the cloud of her past forever hovering above her. Your task is to help blow it away.

Reflect the love of God to her: There is a concern because some women may view men who are virgins or practicing abstinence in a less than masculine light because men are expected to be sexually aggressive. The women may view them as men who are afraid of physical intimacy, impotent, homosexual, or men who have something to hide. Remember all the buzz and suspicions about brothers on the down-low?

How an Abstinent Girl Can Date a Non-Virgin Guy and Still Remain Abstinent

On the other hand, there are many women who may not be alarmed about dating men who are virgins or practicing abstinence. These women may view men who are virgins or abstinent as men who are sexually responsible, disciplined, and have established standards that are set apart from societies sexual standards for men. In a brief case study, a number of women were asked to list the pros and cons of dating men who are virgins and men who are abstaining.

The results on the following pages gave many pause as to what how important or unimportant sex was in a relationship.