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When the gate drops.. Unfortunately I'm seeing a guy who thinks all sports are stupid. Most of the cattle sports ie stick and ball are. Two wheels and a motor on the other hand And for the ladies Vital MX - Motocross. How about the fact they always make sure things are well lubricated before the gate drops? Moto Moto https: For every dark night there is a brighter day. GuyB 64 GuyB https: The message posted above is most likely my opinion and shouldn't be taken as fact MotoRacer53 MotoRacer53 https: Trip Trip https: They know how to prepare for a mud race..

Ok thats just wrong.

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Freddie practices two to four times a week depending if it is a race week or not. I go to the practice track with him 95 percent of the time, and 75 percent of the time I am doing the same things I do for him on a race day, plus running his pit board and giving him his lap times. I also spend time reading, learning about how he should eat, and the mental side of being an athlete.

What do girls think bout guys who ride motocross?

All that matters to him is riding and racing. I want him to be able to focus percent on his race and not be worried about anything else. I make sure his gear is ready and clean for each practice and race, along with preparing his drinks and food. He always likes to sleep between practices and races, so I have to check the clock and wake him up on time. I always remind him of what he can do and goals.

During a moto, all I can do is cheer for him. They see it and hear about it all the time, and they have their own interests. They do like going to the races—but just for the social aspect and the candy they get from the different teams. I make it here at home and freeze some of it the night before. He takes it in a cooler on the plane with him to every race. The older Andrew gets, the more particular he gets about his gear and the way he likes things done at the races. Coffee is always a must for us.

We actually hate the taste but just do it for the buzz [laughs]! Then, once we get to the track, I usually help Christian get his stuff ready for the day: In between practices and races, I make him eat and drink his hydration mix. I usually have to shove it down his throat. His race-day food always consists of the same thing: Race-night meal is usually his cheat meal, which typically means Olive Garden.

When it was race time I would go to the line with him to stomp his gate, set his holeshot device, top his bike off with gas after the sight lap, and give him a fresh set of goggles and water. If there were any parts we needed, things that needed done during the week, I would map out those places on our route.

For now, Marvin and Mathilde Musquin have agreed to focus on his career first. Then it will be more my time, and I know he will support me the same way I support him. Jacki Short feels the same way when it comes to unconditionally supporting Andrew: We felt that they needed at least one of us here. We were 19 and 20 when we got married. I was racing and Andrew was racing. After I got hurt I put my wants aside to support Andrew.

As much as these ladies love supporting their men, not all of them enjoy the races. I usually make the person standing next to me keep me updated, until a couple turns in. During the race you can find me freaking out and nervously shaking. The best part of the day is when the races are done and we are in the car on the way back to the hotel. I love knowing that my husband is safe and the hard part is done.

14 Reasons Why You Should Date A Motocross Rider - Motocross Online Magazine

Mathilde and husband Marvin Musquin both share a passion for the sport and grew up around motorcycles. Mathilde's father was a race mechanic in France, and her brother used to race. Mathilde met Marvin when she was 15 years old at the Bercy Supercross in Paris, they became friends, and they started dating a few months later.

Dumbest move she ever made Of course it's for real.

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  • This exact scenario has played out countless times at tracks across the country in the Beginner class. They don't like it. But when you have to tell them on Saturday night that you have to go to bed early to wake up on Sunday for a race Words like obsessive compulsive will be thrown around. My wife likes it ,she's not into racing but loves to trail ride. I'm hoping my son likes to at least trail ride as well.

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    I can't think of a better way to spend quality time with the whole family. More likely to attract other moto bro's, bro. Vital is likely the land of divorced or single men Vital MX - Motocross. Forum Main The Dumbgeon What do girls think bout guys who ride motocross? Wondering what they think of guys riding dirtbikes?

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    What their thoughts are and that. You came to the wrong place. Somebody paid attention in the "How to make a Dumbgeon worthy thread, " class. Dimblewambie Dimblewambie https: JM JM https: Turbojez Turbojez https: HenryA HenryA https: At least that's what the t-shirt I used to have said.