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How Machine Learning Can Transform Online Dating: Kang Zhao Interview | Data Science Weekly

To find you the ideal match, the online dating claims to merge both science and data. It is no wonder that in addition to generic sites like OkCupid, eHarmony and Match.

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When it comes to trust, the industry has a very long way to go. A Pew study revealed that 54 percent of the online daters believed someone had misrepresented themselves in their profile and they are correct. About 81 percent of the online daters delineated wrong information about their age, height or weight. They are also likely to lie about their sexuality and income and utilizing flattering out-of-date photos is an all too common practice. Big Data and Data Science explore the future, present, and past of online dating.

When judging the prospective dates, on what data does the users depend? How do the matching algorithms of dating sites function? To find the ideal match, how can you optimize your profile? All these questions can be answered with Big Data and Data Science. Online dating is booming today but can the algorithms be really utilized to forecast love?

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There are many positive as well as facts behind the phenomenon of online love. After visiting an online dating site, the users of online dating spend an average of 22 minutes. Every week, they get involved in the computer-based online dating activity for 12 hours. Most of the people today strongly believe that online dating is a much better way to meet people and it enables them to find the ideal match for themselves. A percentage score is assigned to the members.

It calculates the probability of them being a good match.

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  4. So, this summarizes the role played by big data in dating sites. He enjoys spending time with his friends. I was amazed by how much information I was voluntarily disclosing: A July study revealed Tinder users are excessively willing to disclose information without realising it. This is why seeing everything printed strikes you. We are physical creatures. Tinder knows me so well. It knows how often you connect and at which times; the percentage of white men, black men, Asian men you have matched; which kinds of people are interested in you; which words you use the most; how much time people spend on your picture before swiping you, and so on.

    Personal data is the fuel of the economy. What will happen if this treasure trove of data gets hacked, is made public or simply bought by another company? I can almost feel the shame I would experience. The thought that, before sending me these pages, someone at Tinder might have read them already makes me cringe.

    I asked Tinder for my data. It sent me 800 pages of my deepest, darkest secrets

    The data is still out there. Login with Facebook and instantly begin flipping through profiles of nearby women or men. Tinder uses location services to find other users in a certain area. The company said that, on average, people log into the app 11 times a day. Women spend as much as 8. All of this can add up to 90 minutes each day. Badoo subscribers sign up by posting a photo and basic personal details.

    Location-based technology lets them check in via smartphone to find users and see how many feet away they are at that moment. When two people mark each other as green, Badoo contacts both and suggests they initiate a chat. Romance Graph for you? MongoDB at eHarmony — Slideshare. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

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    All that data, ripe for the picking

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    1. Speed Dating Data : Introduction

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