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Their relationships were ritualised to suit both genders, love and duty were intertwined and insecurity was nott in the picture. Because his scorn doesn't shape or affect her sense of self and value. So by modern standards Jane Austen's heroines are uncannily self-possessed and oddly detached from the need to be 'validated' or approved of by their suitors.

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So while women of that time were legally and economically dependent on men, they were absolutely not reliant on them. People think emotional difficulties between them are a remnant of the past but actually it's new — a change in the process of courtship. A complex menu of options is not necessarily freedom. Modern people tend to do it out of a desire to realise our inner self, to be validated. Illouz said the situation was so dire that we ought to be thinking seriously about what might replace marriage as a method of raising children. She is keen to stress that love is not over.

It's just that individuals now face a market of choices, a market of sex, and that can create great conflict and disconnect. Topics Valentine's Day The Observer. Social trends Marriage Psychology features.

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What were those things you did differently, and how does the past compare with the present? Romance is one of the most crucial elements to happiness in relationships.

So what is romance and why is it important in a relationship?

Many partners do not really know what romance is or how to implement it. Understanding why romance is so crucial is a necessary first step to those interested in rekindling love. But what are the little things you did to get his attention, to keep him interested, to win him over? We often do not realize how much work we were putting in in the beginning, nor do we notice our decreased effort, and how that can lead to an emotional breakdown and stagnancy. Romance needs to be a normal and necessary part of our lives.

And the truth is there are no secrets to romance — you need to know what works for your partner; what makes them happy and apply them as often as you can to sweeten your relationship.

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  • Sustaining a marriage demands work, cooperation, and commitment. You are in a marriage because, at the bottom line, you love and cherish your partner. When you decide to use romance to enhance your marriage , you decide to use it as a tool to show that you care, that your marriage and partner are worth the effort. These small acts collectively will make your relationship stronger, healthier and make it last longer.

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    Years after marriage there are couples who still struggle with the idea of how to be a romantic in a relationship. Creating romance in a relationship becomes easy when you become mindful of the below: Created through experiences that bring partners closer.

    Dating, Romance, Love And Marriage – The Top Ten Tips For Success - Romance - Nigeria

    This can be brought about through acts of affection, gift-giving, reminiscing, meaningful conversation, laughter, and intimacy. Romance should be a joyful experience; and is often reflected through enjoyable activities such as going to the movies, the carnival, attending parties together, or playing games. Humor is a major element to most romance. Couples with a good sense of humor will enjoy cheesy adages, funny greeting cards, comics, and laughing at the absurd.

    Love hurts more than ever before (blame the internet and capitalism)

    Many relationships fail for lots of different reasons. One of this is clash of egos.

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    • The Role of Romance in a Relationship and its Importance |
    • Couples act the way they want to as if there is a power struggle. Women are often submissive to men when it comes to who should take the helm of the relationship. But women decide more on emotion rather than logic. Men on the other hand take control and are more logical when it comes to decision making. Now, relationships tend to be shaken the typical type of command is not applied. Although this "norm" is not and should not be treated as gospel truth, there seems to be a great issue if couples go out of this "norm".

      The tendency is to have conflict. What couples should do is to learn how to compromise and understand each other to solve what needs to be solved. Being financially stable of both couples is another great factor to the success of the relationship. Although not all men and women are "gold-diggers", the truth is that it is important for both to generate money for financial survival.