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A Couple Can Camp Comfortably in the Heat Normally, my wife and I spend a lot of time in our RV, usually just the two of us, and we have developed our own routines, including for how and when we do certain things in our RV. Especially when it's just the two of us. Visiting Grandchildren Are Power Hogs But on this day we did one, simple, unknowing thing that changed everything for us.

As we drove through the campground to our site, the boys started with the "Wows. Wow, look at that pool! Wow, look at that lake! Wow, look, miniature golf! But those were the last quiet and uncomplicated hours we had for the next several days. Learning Curve With Teenagers The boys eventually returned and immediately ran inside the RV, starving for some kind of snack. Well the first thing they did was to march in, open the fridge door and just stare. I went through a quick explanation of: How our camper's power supply was limited, How much current each of the appliances and the AC consumed, The importance of keeping the RV door closed, and The importance of always keeping the fridge door closed.

Then the Real Games Began!

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It was all to no avail. Pick the Right Campsite This can really make a big difference in energy consumption. Turn off any unused accessories and appliances during the daylight hours. Turn off your hot water heater during the day. Wash dishes only once a day , usually late at night.

Use cheap paper plates and washable reusable plastic utensils for eating your meals outside, while camping. Precook parts of your meals during the cool of the morning , for eating later in the day. Cook extra, when you do cook, and use what you cook for more than one meal.

Breakfast bacon, sausage, and franks are good examples. Plan your meals so that you get everything that you will need from the fridge at one time , rather than have the fridge running all of the time from constantly opening doors. Keep the RV doors closed.

A Couple Can Camp Comfortably in the Heat

When you open an RV door, that nice cool air rushes out and hot air rushes in. And the AC unit must run much more often. When the kids are outside, tell them that they must knock and ask permission to enter the RV. When they knock, ask them what they want. Half the time it is just a silly question that you can answer through the door without opening it.

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Schedule Outside Time Do your shopping, sightseeing, book reading, visits to the pool and the campground activity center, and other outside activities during the heat of the day to get out of the RV and reduce the AC load. Outside Cooler As always in an RV, storage space is always at a premium, so many campers don't bring coolers.

This will cut down on the trips inside when people get thirsty. Insulated Cups, Mugs, and Cozies OK, this is common sense, but do not use those thin glasses and plastic cups when camping in hot weather. Bathe Smart Bathe at the campground bathhouse, when possible. Use Your Grill Whenever possible, prepare dinner outside and cook on your grill. Questions must be on-topic, written with proper grammar usage, and understandable to a wide audience. I think it's a little known truth? Thanks for the comment, DON. Thank you so much, these are really great tips!

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Can an RV with 50 amp Power Be Used with 30 amp Power Source

This is used to display charts and graphs on articles and the author center. The option to run a amp recreational vehicle, or RV, from a 50 amp outlet is useful to many RVers. To avoid catastrophic damage to appliances, equipment and wiring circuits, and a real danger of fire, the amperage must be stepped down to 30 amps. This is easily done, by using a male to female connector, referred to by RVers and manufacturers as a "dogbone" connector, because it has two bulbous terminals joined by a short, slender cord.

Can 50 Amp Surge Protector Be Used On 30 Amp Service In RV |

Dogbone adapters comprise a heavy-duty three-conductor wire between a amp plug and a amp outlet. They work by leaving one of the 50 amp outlet's two positive volt legs unconnected to the amp outlet. Confirm there is power to the dogbone adapter, before plugging in the camper.

The one less wire would only give you the 30 amps that you need for your SS.

Installing an RV Outlet

We left it that way and it worked great. So, are you supposed to have all of the lower amp switches flipped on for the ones below what one you need? Technically as I was taught you should turn off any breaker in the pedestal before you plug your cord in. If you want to run an extension cord to the 20 amp outlet like the outlets in your house , then you would need to turn that 20 amp breaker on.

I have plugged rope lights into the pedestal 20 amp outlet before, rather than to leave the galley hatch open a bit. And, the campsite where I am right now has the 20 amp and 50 amp breakers both turned off. I'm plugged into the 30 amp and that's all I need. I hope that helps. That's good to know.

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I'm glad we didn't blow any fuses it damage anything. So, in future we'll turn all the breakers off, plug in, then just turn on the 30 amp breaker. Normally when you show up at these sites it's a crap shoot as people tend to leave the breakers on. I flip them off at the camp pedestal when I leave so the next guy can plug in without any issues. It's always best to do as Verna noted above and also do it in reverse when you are packing up Make sure the breaker is open not closed in when you arrive, hook up cord to trailer, plug in at pedestal and flip breaker on Do the above in reverse when leaving Turn off breaker, unplug from pedestal and unhook cord from trailer.

The 50 amp plug receptacles in these parks are for the large luxury motor coaches e. In theory you are absolutely correct as the trailers most RV's this size are wired for 30 amp service can only handle a max.

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  5. Any load or additional amperage beyond that rating would open up the breaker as things would start to heat up.