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Plenty of the magicians after many free at the best. Date network? Absolutely free dating sites online. Except for online dating deserves: a premiere date. Find.

Anyways, I forgave him and told him not to do it again. The day before yesterday he was using my computer and he left his email open. I know I should have not done it, but I looked in it really not expecting anything. I saw that he had registered on match. Needless to say I was furious. I looked him up on that site and it said once again that he was looking for "something casual, with no strings attached.

Fool me twice, shame on me. While I was livid I registered on the website with a fake profile that I knew would interest him, since I know what he likes. I as my fake profile actually even sent him a note today that I was interested in him. I don't like playing games, and now that I have cooled off I am itching to say something to him. Ok, so you go wail to him, "Wah, I found anoooother profile. How could you do this to me after I told you not to? Wait minute , what were you doing snooping in stuff again. What the fuck's wrong with you?

You better do something about that jealousy, girl, if you keep it up you'll make me got out on you for real! He doesn't have any clue that I saw his email and I have been acting all sweet with him and asking if he loves me and is he really into our relationship, if he is bored.

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You can quit patting yourself on the back, Miss Detective. Unless that's your usual lame way of acting, you're being anything but subtle. I just don't get it, we hardly ever fight and I try to give him space when I sense he needs it and we just get along well. I am such a doormat, why would he go out on me when there is nothing I wouldn't do for him. Hell, I'd even go for a threesome if he asked me sweet enough. But only if it were with another guy He treats me great and is loving, helps me with everything, is always calling me and coming over I don't want to get into a fight with him but I just can't drop this nagging feeling.

Even I, in my infinite stupidity, can't deny it any longer I am tempted to see if he would go through doing something with my online alter ego and at the same time I just want to confront him about the whole thing Of course I could kick his ass to the curb too. But nah, way too simple, not enough drama. Oh and I forgot to mention, once I saw the new website, I went to the original one that I caught him on and his profile is still up.

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It pisses me off that he would use that picture to pick up other girls. Go take a cold shower. It just might stimulate your undeveloped mental facilities. How about you just chill and stop being such a sourpuss. Very well said Abby. She should have gone with her intuition from the very beginning. If the girl would have had any balls whatsoever, she would have left him the very moment he uttered his ludicrous excuse, of checking out other women "because he was bored".

If she would have a shred of intelligence, she wouldn't be writing for advice after finding the second profile and his updated first one For some it may be sarcastic or even mean to point this out. To me it's telling it like it is. You're going to find more than a few who are going to make negative comments about the letters and your responses.. However, you will also find many, like myself, who enjoy it!

You say what many think but don't have the balls to say. Eagerly awaiting your next post! Same thing happened to me- I dumped him the day I found out -without discussing it. I can think of few better ways a guy could demonstrate that he does not want to be with a girlfriend than to do this! It's funny how Abby set the mood and led the way for all of her brainless followers to attack this girl.

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If she had been friendly and sympathetic they all would be too. Going through this myself at the moment and I'm fairly sure I'm not "a moron". Hope everything worked out with this girl. If he said he was just bored, why did he put on a picture and a profile. The jerk was looking for something It happened to me too. And the idiot asked me to marry him and tolkd me he loved me all the time. We all deserve better. You will never be able to fully trust him, he will just hide his mail somewhere else.

Think about aids, stds, that should help you to figure he's not worth it! I was going to write a similar blog concerning this topic, you beat me to it. You did a nice job! Thanks and well add your RSS to come categories on our blogs. Thanks so much, Jon B. Going through it once doesn't make a person a moron. Going through it twice certainly does. Any more than that and you might want to ask someone to put you out of your misery. I myself just left a man for good, because of the same reason. I caught him on tagged. He said he was just on there because he has no friends, and he can only relate to other women.

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I tried believing him, even though my intuition was telling me otherwise. I was making myself sick trying to force myself that I could ever trust him. I left him for a few days to think about things, and sure enough he had signed up for another dating site while I was away. Needless to say, I left him for good last week, it's like a huge weight has been lifted.

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I know that I deserve so much better, and so do you. Please take my advice.. YOU are better than that.

I did and I feel wonderful now. I'm going through a similar thing too. We are in councelling and hoping we can get a grip on this, good luck but without help it will always be the same arguement. He's put out tons of cash out for a councellor, so I hope he's truthful when he says he'll never cheat on me , and that he would leave me first before he went for another woman.

I'm going throught the samething, I have been with my boyfriend for a year now and I do alot for him, but anyway this past weekend thing just didnt feel just right for some reson so i started looking around on some sites and there he was right out in the open saying he was looking for a outgoing women for long term.