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Yes, I know, writer stuff. I do like it that they showed that MY had several boyfriends before joining the agency, which bucks the usual trend that all these women never experienced love before. Though it does create a bit of a plot hole, since BH said she's done all the chasing and got rejected every time They keep trying to list all these good traits about her in the show, but she still has very little bearing on the actual plot outcomes.

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When you have a weak character that doesn't affect outcomes, you need to generate more events around them to get any sort of movement, which means to get anything done, you need to surround that character with other characters, but since they don't affect anything at all, it causes issues in your plot because the events don't seem flawless anymore. I'm seeing more of that as if they realized it, but it's too late to fix it. At least they realized it for next time. I like the cute, but Min Yeong is still flat. They are trying to fix her, but at this point it's a bit late At least Live writing.

I don't think we can consider it as a plothole because Byung Hoon meant it as a generalization. Like she was rejected and dumped a lot and the number of those failed relationships outnumber them? They work in preproduction is that the right term? People have different opinions so unlike some of you, I see the purpose of Min Young in the Agency other than being a female.

Unless the translation was off. TVN does do live shooting Nine was live shot.

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The cracks showed a little towards the end. Mostly in terms of endless amounts of phone calls--the script was definitely adjusted for being behind schedule. Plus a few previews were missing for being behind schedule. And there were reports about it being behind schedule. That's fine, so then what is her role and how has it affected the plot outcomes within the agency's work?

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And even though all those personality traits get listed out, they never get proven. It's fine to physically say it in the script, but if it doesn't play out, it's not proven. It's not played out so far.

Dating Agency: Cyrano

Everything everyone has listed has had very little bearing on the plot. So what has had bearing on the event outcomes from her personality traits? I've been watching for it and can't find much other than romantic interest. The script physically says, "She's more persistent" But she's not the one that instigates keeping after the client. It's always someone else.

When they wanted to give up on the fire fighter, it wasn't MY that asked first, it was MJ. The script says, "She believes in love more than any other person. They repeat it over and over again, but she's never argued with BH that HER plan will work better than his. If anything, the script has proven the BH is better than her in his loveless plans. Even when she had her own plan and was made to do her own plan, BH was there holding her hand behind the scenes.

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Which I hated to no end for lots of reasons. And they cut that arc short. Yes, but it doesn't have any bearing on the outcomes. BH hasn't changed how he does things at all. The operations he does are exactly the same. She hasn't convinced him to change how he thinks about love one bit from the professional side.

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She hasn't argued him down once. And then in the one shot where she could have led, her own romance Rather, they are doing it on their own. The one shot she does have, she doesn't take. They keep saying she has these traits, but they never play out. They gut the character If the show had put in the character arc where she learned to run her own agency, say The only bearing on the events she's had is that she's a woman.

I haven't read every post you've made so I might be jumping the gun here in which case, I apologize , but the few posts I have seen of yours with your hypercritical criticisms of MY's character is starting to become really, REALLY problematic for me, especially when you've mentioned before that it's the feminist in you doing it. Because you're pretty much using BH as the standard of which to compare her to when her character should be judged BASED ON THE CHARACTER and not simply in comparison to her male counterpart, who also happens to be the main character in the whole series and will therefore be more fleshed out and more thoroughly thought-out than the characters that orbit him, which of course includes MY despite her main female lead status.

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That's not even mentioning the fact that, he's a completely different character from her and has a completely different use in the narrative. When you're the main character, mastermind and manipulator, one would expect that it's YOUR ideas that are most followed and your rules and decisions overriding everyone else's, not the other way around. MY is the best point in the agency. I know you don't think that's a skill or talent because you kept insisting she needs one , but she's the empathetic character who can get their targets to open up and provide information the agency needs in order to advance their game.

When their entire plan relies on information-gathering, I don't understand why MY being the best at face-to-face spying is somehow not a talent, when MJ and AR offer the agency the same things, except more indirectly. That BH is better than her at coming up with plans to make use of that information is irrelevant because he's the mastermind, not her. That's HIS job, just like her job is being good at getting first-hand information by lying to the targets to their face.

More importantly, she's both a quick learner and quick enough on her feet that she doesn't need BH constantly feeding her lines. Being quick on their feet is shared by everyone in the agency of course, but when the series shows the others needing BH to provide direct lines, that's something that separates MY and something that the series is showing she excels at.

Yes, she fulfills the "girl" role, but that doesn't mean she contributes nothing, especially when she provides interaction with everyone that are not solely job-related and which then leads to them discovering things about themselves. That AR was able to provide his own lines to the girl in love with him, that MJ finally realizes what the accelerated heartbeats mean -- these are things that interacting with MY contributed a hell of a lot on. Min-Young embodies stereotypically feminine traits and excels in stereotypically feminine jobs - she is definitely "the girl" both in how she deals with their targets, and how she interacts with her teammates in the agency and just how she reacts to things in general You don't see any of the traits that make her more well-rounded than everyone else apart from BH who is the Main Character tm which just makes me think that you think she's a weak lead and a weak character because, well, because being a girl is somehow a defect.

Woohoo, I love that the pace is picking up. Can't wait to see how all the different simultaneous missions overlap and collide with each other. Gong Min Young is seriously amazing. Everytime you expect her to act this way, she surprises you lol. I love how honest she is toward her feelings. She isn't shy at all about loving Byung Hoon and I think she is exactly the person he needs. I always loved their moments but really, since the confession, I can't help but giggle knowing that Min Young is trying so hard to seduce him and with his expressions, you can't help but fall in love.

I love the scene where they are in Min Young's bedroom and after she told him that maybe he didn't respond because he liked her too, he is like "What should I do with you? But yeah, I was so hurt when he told her "Do you think you are in the same league than her? Like seriously, after watching tons of dramas, you gotta give credits to the girls. They are so forgiving after all the craps their lovers did before to them O.

And yeah, it is refreshing to have main characters knowing and having experienced love before.

In some dramas, I'm like WTF when people act like they didn't have any relationships before because it is way too obvious. Anyway, Min Young is really amazing to be so bright and willing when it comes to romance when most of her romances ended up being disasters. In next episode, we gotta see more of her ex boyfriend so amazing. I know that it would be too easy if he accepted her right away but the whole "he is a better man than I am" is pure BS to me especially when he knows deep deep inside that he loves her too.

At last, a daylight shot of Moo Jin's Rubik's Cube. I knew I knew it I knew it: I laughed when Min Young was purposely failing at the marionette. The grandpa marionette bobbling was hilarious.