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Can't wait to hear about your one year mark!! WickedQueen The thing I love the most about my enfp is that beautiful heart. Thats the one of many things he has that I covet. I know how we can be joykills so I really try not to that. When he comes up with some of his wild ideas I try to mention just a little practical thing about it he might think about and I notice after a few days he's on to something else.

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It definitely has its challenges but being with him has made me a better person for it. I'm so much closer to the person I've wanted to be and have so much more self awareness now. I think me being 40 helps with working on myself more as well I believe his heart is perfect and love that about him.

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  5. He is so much fun and makes me feel like I'm the only woman in the world. He's written me 3 songs and numerous poems. I've always said I wanted Edward from twilight and he is definitely right up there with him. So there's some of the positives I know there are things we have to compromise with any relationship and we have both done that. But there are some things that are our core and we cannot compromise.

    Mine are security and stability and that is something that alot of enfp's know nothing about. LOL I need those things inside as well as externally. I need to feel secure on the inside that I can trust him and that he loves me no matter what and I know that enfp's can have some commitment issues. He's never been married and is He said he never found the one and wanted to marry me after a month of dating.

    Also, I need security as in retirement and not wanting to struggle later in life either. I need stability externally, as in he HAS to work! I told my guy I would love to meet a couple with our combo. We could definitely have some laughs! Would love to hear your or anyones thoughts on this! WickedQueen and Ahiko thanked this post. Originally Posted by Diamonic. I'm sure there is post here somewhere about this combination in a relationship but didn't want to look that long.

    I also really loved your last paragraph, I think that was explained well with opposing personalities, I get it now! I also feel that you have the added benefit of being a male and better physical strength, as well as cultural biases that tell you to be strong. But best case scenario would be a kickass awesome family, thats good too: Also, while ESTJ's can definitely take things too far, their trust is built on other people being honest and firm with them.

    They actually feel more secure in your relationship if you call their crap. Just be a stand up dude and be honest about everything. Once you lose our trust it can be hard to get it back. And I will share what went wrong. We met in homeroom in the 6th grade. Right off the bat some of the main problems that started arising was that she was all about groups of people and making sure no one felt left out, but I wasn't.

    The ENFP’s Guide To Dating Guardians

    I wanted to only be with friends I liked and felt like she was always just leaving me behind in order to include everyone else. Fast forward to 13 years later and I can honestly say that was one of the biggest issues we dealt with which constantly hurt me.

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    ENFPs are huge group people always wanting to hang with everyone and make everyone feel special and included. I am literally the exact opposite of that.

    ENFP Personality Types Rank Their 5 Love Languages

    I don't want to be friends with everyone, I want a select few and I want them to be the most important people to me. I am a social networking butterfly and can connect with just about anyone, but at the end of the day, I have my few friends and they are the ones I want to spend the most time with. And I'd prefer if I wasn't constantly fighting for their time and attention.

    After we graduated and moved on she pretty much did with every ENFP tends to do and just leaves you in the dust. We have the hardest time catching up, and she's always "busy" but is constantly posting pictures on social media with other people we also live in the same city. I had an ENFP mentor who I was in a small womens group with her and she was amazing, and again, when I was in the group we always were able to go out to coffee or lunch and hang and she made me feel so special and then I moved and she never responds to me on facebook or anywhere else and it just sucks.

    Why do ENFPs just leave you once you are no longer apart of their social circles? Why can't they simply answer a fucking text or message asking how they are doing? How come if I don't see you regularly I become non-existent? I work with one now and she drives me insane and I know I'm not easy to work with either, but she's 6 years younger than I am so it's a very distant relationship anyways, but I love her creativity and really appreciate working with her.

    I have an INFP best friend who lives miles away and we talk almost every single day and have for the past 4 years, either facetime, memes or just messaging. I am not holding them to unattainable standards or expecting too much from them. Thank you so much. I like her a lot though. This will definitely help me in the future. If you didn't have a lot of time together, you turning down something with others just to spend time with the ESTJ says so much to them.

    I get that you all have these huge social circles and a million activities and are always invited out, but an ESTJ knowing you turned it down just to be with them is something that speaks volumes. And ESTJs aren't necessarily all about that party life. We might be extroverts, but we like spending our time with those we care about. Parties and concerts and bars and nightlife aren't really our thing. We will go occasionally and really do like a good party, but for me at least, it's rare that I go out more than twice a month. I like going on dates with just my guy. Going to the park and kayaking down the river, going on a hike, going to the shooting range.

    I like dates that are actual activities and not just sit down and talk all night. I love that my INTJ partner texts me almost every single day, even if it's just a simple hope you're doing okay. We are long-distance which is hard enough for me, so knowing he at least is saying hi means a lot to me. I guess that some people see that as super clingy or annoying, but he's not asking what I'm doing at all hours of the day or gets paranoid if I'm not responding right away, and I don't get that way either, but that simple checkup is perfect. Or a funny meme or video he saw.

    Just knowing I'm on his mind is great. Even just watching the same show and catching up on what are thoughts about it was. Gosh, that honestly means the freaking world to me, as dumb as it sounds. I'm super romantic and buying me flowers or sending me and those small simple reminders that you are thinking about me are what matter most.

    The ENFP’s Guide To Dating Guardians | Thought Catalog

    Respect her independence or end it now. Even if I am not financially well off I still hate when people try and do everything for me and treat me like a charity case. I find it extremely insulting. The moments of connection they may experience when the ENFP applies their Te are likely to be overshadowed in time through their differing opinions on most topics.

    These types are both crystal clear on what they want out of life — and those visions are unlikely to line up. As a result, it is can be difficult for these two to find common ground as one would always have to be using their inferior function in order for natural communication to take place. Additionally, both parties tend to be quite committed to the relationships they enter into and are therefore willing to work as a team to make the relationship a happy and healthy place to be.

    ENFP Relationship Compatibility With Other Personality Types

    Both partners prefer making decisions based on their feelings and are therefor happy to compromise — to an extent — for the good of the relationship. There is a large potential for miscommunication with this pairing, as the ISFJ tends to show love by running errands and physically providing for their partner whereas the ENFP places a strong emphasis on affirming words. This pairing will stand the best chance if both partners values line up and they are willing to put work into the relationship.

    At the end of the day, you have two choices in love — one is to accept someone just as they are and the other is to walk away. Nothing terrifies me more than being so close to someone and then watching them become a stranger again.

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