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However, the style looks more typical of mids to s, so Howie appears to have been using 60 Prince St on his cdv's when his studio address was 60b Princes Street, Cartes de Visite by date The style of cartes de visite changed gradually over the second half of the nineteenth century.

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Cartes de Visite by date. The date ranges refer to the periods when the photographers operated from the appropriate address.

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The Backs of Cartes de Visite. It's going to be difficult to date his clothing though as so much is hidden by the beard.

Oh and just spotted your reply Paula Too. That's very helpful as it such a specific short period of time.

They may have been around longer, I don't know, but that's the dates given there. Gives you a rough idea. Thomas Legge seems a bit of an enigma. I think I've found him as a licensed victualler. In his son is listed as a photographic printer.

  • Carte de visite - 19th Century Photographs.
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This card has all the hallmarks of 's rather than 's but that is when you have to date it. Legge was working from his father-in-laws home at 4 Walsall St.

Photography, 'carte de visite' portrait dating from 1890s

Password Forgotten your password? If is associated with an Alamy account you'll receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password. Photography, 'carte de visite' portrait dating from s - Image ID: