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I am a Capricorn woman In Love with my Aquarius man - husband, weloved each other for over four years, and I 'm pregnant now. I love him too much but I find problems In day to day communication, we alwaysclash when It comes to serious talk. He was a totally unromantic, hard heated man. Can you help me find a way to his heart? I just recently broke up with my Aquarius man of four years, becauseno matter how much he said that he loved me and that I was the only one forhim.

I honestly don't think that signs matter much though Ithink It depends on that Individual and If he or she really knows what theywant. To be honest with you all, speaking as a Capricorn my experience Isgreat. I am married to an Aquarius , and he has turned my life around. I amin the Marine Corps, as well as he. We met on base at a rec center, and juststarted speaking. We have only been together since February, and married sinceAugust, but I have never felt so secure with an Individual, and I really canjust be me.

It Is early, but we are both so confident of each other, and weknow It Is right.

Aquarius Man and Capricorn Woman Compatibility: Paradoxical Love

It Is not the stars or destiny, It Is two people whowant nothing but to be with each other. That Is all It takes. I am a Capricorn woman and I met anAquarius man thought I was In love with him, he always made me feel that I owedhim something even when there were other women somehow he convinced me to standby him, wait and support him until "they left him alone", never told me he lovedthat much, but I stuck with him until one day he proposed and I felt sovictorious, I won him at last!!

I broke myengagement off Immediately, I am now with the Scorpio man for 2 years and willnever leave him as long as he wants me. I'm a Capricorn In a relationship with an Aquarius man going for 10yrs now Its been an never ending adventure, no 2 days are thesame. I'm a cap woman struggling with an aqua man! It's early days In our relationship, that Is at the moment long distance andcasual. Although we have known each other for over 20 years and been back Intouch for 2 years.

We've been In contact virtually every day nearly 3 monthsyet after a slight disagreement a week ago have had no contact other than onetext. I texted him and he replied. I'm giving him space at the moment as I know that's what Aqua want and need andthought I'd get In touch In about a month when I'll send him a birthday card. Can anyone offer any Insight to whether I'm doing the right thing?

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Or whetherhe's done and dusted with me and just not told me? I'm a Capricorn women first dating a Libra boy n he broke my heart. I caught him by dating so many women at a time n after that Idecided not to trust any man In my life.

Aquarius man and Capricorn woman

I was living my life with broken heartbut I don't know how miracle happened In my life. But then I read somewhere else that theyalso don't like It when you play hard to get - go figure. How long do they need to chase before we let themhave their way? I have had a rough something years singlewoman and a Mom with a son. He Is the only man I allowed to meet my son. Ifelt he was different from the rest and I let my guard down.

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  • Aquarius Man and Capricorn Woman.

We also went tothe same high school and graduated from the same class, so there was that bondfor me. All I can hope Is that he Is a good man and I am wrong since I have beencheated on with my last 5 relationships. I have no proof that Is tangible thathe Is cheating on me, just my gut. Which by the way, has never been wrong.

Aquarius and Capricorn - Compatibility in Sex, Love and Life

But he tells me he Isn't and I want to believe him. Rejection Is not somethingI want to feel right now. So I may be In deep denial. So I am giving It some time, until I catch him or? I am angry and feel stupid to let this have gotten so far, meaning I fell forhim and we have been together. I have boosted his sagging ego to the top of thehill and I think he Is testing his new found libido.

Give him sixmonths to prove himself before sex. He has to knock the door down to get toyou, or It will not work.

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You can't pick him, he has to pick you. Make sure you can trust him, If you can't, don't go to bed with him. Look athis friends, notice the kind of people they are. Listen, listen, listen, menwill always give themselves away. Their actions speak more than what they say. And they can say anything to you. And always, always get tested for aidsbefore sleeping with them. It's free, takes only 20 minutes with a swab totest you and him!

I think I'm the one scared to love. I think therapy, medication and a few zaps to your ego with electricity with anaccompanying bitch slap from me and the rest of Aquarian Nation should remedythat stupidity! My guess, you always have the last word In everything you dobecause you don't want It done to you! If there Is anything I can say to you ladies Easy In theory - hard In practice. Try being In our shoes!

Are Capricorn & Aquarius Compatible? - Zodiac Love Guide

Fitting Intosociety Is worse than square peg Into round hole at times.. So to us, we areused to being out of the norm society demands we subscribe to.

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If we find a relationship that Is too difficult with our typical fringeproblems. Here Is the million dollar secret: One thing about what I've seen here about you Capri Ladies, unless youpersonally witness an Aquarian cheating on you - your ego Is running so manyscenarios so fast that even WE can't keep up! Remember the distraction thing earlier??

Its like watching TV without reallywatching.. When we snap out of ouraltered state and come home If you aregoing to accuse us of doing cheating we might as well fan the flames so hotyou'll have no choice BUT to believe your own drama! If It was me, I'd lead you on too I'm calm so to me So It Is a joke -amusing. The heavy lifting Is already done! Think about all what I have told you.. Just be ready to get an answerthat Is sharp and swift because Its been considered from directions youCapricorn Women couldn't even conceive.

Then Imagine this, we want your side since the grounding Practical partcompletes our solutions from outer space - only you could provide to us Aquarian man lives to care for and do theheavy lifting for our Capricorn Women - Beautiful, Stable, Secure and Grounded. Maintain the stability of Our home and when Your Aquarian returns. Your ego will sink this If you try to steal credit and rearrange the steps Ifyou aren't careful I am an Aquarius woman and I am getting married to a Capricorn manand I have to say he treats me better then any other man has personally I sayits not what stars your born under that make you and who you love work Its yourfeelings and what you have faced In your life.

My God I never felt like this with any sign before. Its a long distance relationship gettingstronger by the minute to the point of moving together soon, I'm very Blessed tohave him In my life..