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When men message women, women tend to respond most often to men around their own ages. A year-old woman will have better luck messaging a year-old man than a year-old one, according to the data. And a year-old man is more likely to respond to a message from a year-old woman than a message from any other age group.

When women make the first move, the age gap dating norm is reversed. I asked my friend Trevor, a year-old mathematician, what he made of it. They have more interesting jobs and hobbies, and their profiles are just better … no stupid selfie-only profiles. Did that explain it? Across all ages, straight women write shorter profiles than straight men. And then there are those year-old women who really clean up with the year-old dudes. Cindy has been dating men in their 20s for the past 15 years.

Working in tech, she sometimes feels she has more in common with somethings than older men. When I spoke with women who message much younger men on OkCupid, most of them told me something similar. I have no desire to have a man telling how I should be conducting my life.

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But I have been on dates with guys some 10 years older, and my feelings are this: The odds are in your favor if you do. Written and researched by Dale Markowitz. Graphics by Hanna Kim. Sign in Get started. The thought of living alone made me nervous, and setting up a home seemed the most practical way of avoiding this. My husband was a successful designer, had worked overseas and was thinking of retirement.

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We got on very well, had similar interests and senses of humour. I became pregnant almost immediately.

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There were eyes raised at the beginning of our relationship; an expectation from people that I was "chosen" for youth and looks. But we've been together over 20 years now, and our age difference is now rarely mentioned. There have, however, been pros and cons to our situation. When I was young I tended to hang on his word — he is clever and has had a lot of life experience.

But as I matured, tensions sometimes set in. I developed my own opinions and became less willing to be lectured or talked down to. I also gave up education to parent our children: This is partly to do with insecurity; he has mentioned being worried that I will find a "younger model" to replace him with. One day, I'll have to think about health issues — in fact, I do wonder about how I would perform as his carer — but so far he's had amazing health. But there are a lot of pros, too. There was never any issue about commitment.

My husband had already lived a pretty full life — if men have biological clocks, his was definitely ticking.

He is a very devoted and dependable father; his maturity really came into its own when he became a dad. We've worked very well as parents, planning and agreeing on courses of action, giving the children a strong framework. The fact that he had a steady income and a house relieved much of the pressure young couples must feel when they become parents.

Although it may not have been my wisest choice to settle down so young, I feel I've gained in having a partner who carries with him so much life experience and fullness of character.

I have recently started seeing an older man. I'm 34 and he has just turned 50 — a gaping chasm of 16 years.


In the past I have generally dated men my age or younger, so this sudden leap into the world of "the older man" was a life change for me, and what a splendid one it has proved to be. Our cultural references may be a bit different, but that's the only thing highlighting our age gap. We laugh at the same things and have similar hobbies, and yes, I find him very attractive indeed. He might not be able to do the splits as well as he used to allegedly or stay up very late week nights, but who gives a damn? I remember my dear old grandma saying on the morning of her 85th birthday that she still felt 21 inside, and I think this is something people forget when denouncing couples with an age gap.

We're all youngsters inside. Yes, that would be lovely thanks. I have one, and he's still able to play "it" with his grandsons at the age of I am 49, and my partner is We have been together for the last six years and have weathered the twilight years of my fertility together. While childrearing was discussed and rejected, it remains to be seen whether this is something he ultimately decides he cannot live without. I do think there is a big difference in how age-gap relationships are viewed depending on who is older, largely because of reproductive issues: If the woman is the older, it is either trivialised as a "cougar" fling, or viewed as a tragedy for the hapless younger man.

In our case, we each grappled extensively with the age difference in our own way in the beginning, but realised after a couple of years that what we really wanted was to be together. The key to age gap relationships is not to try to deny the difference, but not to get too hung up about it either.