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Or, maybe he is violating the terms of their marriage, a hurtful thing, but one that many people do for many different reasons, and not something that will be mitigated at all by your interference. Are you complicit in this because you know about it? Yes, a little bit. But you also know that systemic racism exists, that a tremendous inequality in distribution of wealth exists and that many people in your community go hungry every day. And your knowledge of those things makes you culpable in them as well. I strongly suggest you start by trying to right some of those problems.

My husband and I are close friends with another couple. We have a six-year old boy, and they have two children, an eight-year-old boy and a four-year-old girl. For years, now, the kids have socialized, because we socialize.


For others, the game goes on—informed by these widely held opinions. Infidelity rates are somewhere around 50 percent for men. Right" away from his wife—even if it means taking an increasingly tenuous emotional risk.


If women like Susan are very fortunate they'll learn more about the behavioral statistics of men who cheat before they decide to deepen their emotional risk. In comparison to married men who cheat, the majority of women who enter into affairs with married men report that they do so because they are in love or falling in love with him. There may be a vast disconnect between what Susan is thinking and what this man she thinks is the man of her dreams is thinking.

When Your Friend Dates a Married ManDo You Stand By Them? - Everyday Ethics

It may be morally or ethically wrong; it just depends who you ask. But this article is not about judgement.

About David

It's simply about understanding our natural tendencies and their origins. If a woman in Susan's position digs deep enough into the infidelity blogs and self-help guides and finds these facts, she may just save herself before he ends the relationship. And, according to infidelity studies, this will likely happen around year three or four. Maybe his wife is starting to suspect something. But year four seems to be a drop-dead date in the data. Whether she discovers these facts or not, her heart is destined to be broken. Broken relationships lead to broken hearts. However, some data point to the possibility that a broken heart after ending it with a married person can be much more difficult to heal than a broken heart after a more traditional relationship.

Researchers point to several possibilities. She may feel like a double-loser, as she or he did not win over someone who, as all signs indicated, was less desirable. They may feel that the reasons for ending it should be obvious to their affair partner, and that she or he should just take it like a "big girl.

Whether through shame, a desire to protect the cheater, or both, it is often true that no one knows of the relationship. If friends know, it may be only a best friend, or those in a close circle. What is the advantage to him to change up the status quo? If you are serious about building a legitimate relationship with him, you will need to set a time limit. Otherwise, you may find yourself waiting around forever. After the Divorce Assuming that your dreams do come true, and he does in fact leave his wife for you, what next?

Your entire relationship was built on a series of lies and deceptions. How likely is it that he will be honest and forthright with you? What happens if the two of you marry? How long before the next younger, prettier girl turns his head?

It starts with passion.

Will you ever be able to fully trust his commitment to you? How will the two of you deal with problems that crop up in the future? How will your community react? What will you tell your friends and family about how you met? True love is patient and kind. If what you have is legitimately love, then it will wait. Encourage him to work out his relationship with his wife in whatever manner is best for them.

Allow the breakup of the marriage to evolve naturally, without your interference. If your relationship is meant to be, then it will be, even if it takes some time. Of course, the possibility exists that he will reconcile with his wife. If this is the case, then you may be sad or hurt at first. However, it is better that you not be involved when this happens. You will recover, and you will be stronger for the experience. Dating a married man is fraught with difficulties and problems. If you decide to proceed, you will not be alone.

However, it is important that you think through the potential pitfalls before you begin this type of relationship. Follow your heart but use your head. Only you can decide if your affair with a married man is worth the risks and dangers. Thanks for signing up for our newsletter!

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