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We dated for four years, and we managed to outlast our involvement at the company, but ultimately it was one big, longwinded learning experience. As I mentioned, my parents met at work.

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Is this person really worth giving up this aspect of your career, should things fly south? When my ex and I started dating, it was a very strange circumstance. Not only were we working at the same startup, but our CEO was the one who pushed us together. I remember my first day on the job, the CEO asked me to join her for dinner.

Don’t let your relationship interfere with your work

A month or so later, he asked me on a date, and after some back and forth, I agreed. There was no reason to bite the bullet so quickly. After that, we decided that we would not be alone together in the office, and we would not have any displays of affection around coworkers. Rules changed and evolved over time to include:. Some of these were good, smart rules. How, in a startup of 15 people, can you avoid working on projects together?

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And, you must resist the temptation to post your love affair on social media too. Stick to the dating pool of your peers. Many feel office romances are unacceptable when it involves co-workers at different levels and may see an inter-office relationship as a means for the inferior partner to get ahead. In other words, save the make out sessions for home, not at the water cooler.

How to Start Dating a Coworker (if at all) | The Art of Charm

Know this going in and refrain from speaking negatively about this person to your coworkers. This also applies to outside the office.

Ask coworkers to choose sides. McCarthy says to leave the disagreements at home, as this can make office settings awkward. Once the breakup reaches the office, it can be difficult to stay friends with both people because the ex-partners might get offended as to who is still friends with the ex.

The fact of the matter is, we spend a lot of our lives at work and working alongside someone is a good way to get to know them. When dating in the workplace, your job has to come first. Make sure you continue to meet all of your deadlines and put your best effort forward.

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No matter where you work, rumors are always running amiss. A different floor or even working in a different office will make things a lot easier. Avoid flirting through emails and instead stick to texting, or avoid it altogether. Remember, any email you write could be read by someone else or read later on in time. Spending time apart is crucial in a relationship.

And talking about your sex life is a little much. Save that for your BFF.