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In , The Onion received an email from Michael Cohen claiming that an article published about Donald Trump was defamation , and demanded that it be removed with an apology. In June , The Onion launched the spinoff website ClickHole , which satirizes and parodies so-called " clickbait " websites such as BuzzFeed and Upworthy that capitalize on viral content to drive traffic.

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In November , Bloomberg News reported that The Onion had hired a financial adviser for a possible sale. Our advisors will continue to have those conversations and, hopefully, they will lead to the right outcome. Club centered on celebrity culture—was launched. We have less demand for a ton of new content for a brand. There's demand, but we just overestimated what the demand is. McAvoy said in a memo to staff.

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In January , it was announced that The Onion was partnering with Lionsgate Films and production company Serious Business to develop multiple film projects. To the basement you go, Pulitzers. In September , it was announced Cole Bolton the site's editor-in-chief, and executive editor Ben Berkley that they were stepping down from their posts.

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A source familiar with the situation said that departures were partially due to disagreements about the direction the site was taking under the ownership of Univision. During The Onion print edition's year run—from the publication's initial creation in to the end of the print edition in —it was distributed for free in various cities across the United States and Canada as well as via paid mail order subscription to subscribers around the world.

By the time the print edition of The Onion ceased publication in December , it was only available in Chicago, Milwaukee and Providence. At its peak, The Onion had a print circulation of about , while the publication's websites brought in more than 10 million unique monthly visitors. Below is a list of all of the cities in which The Onion was distributed freely at different points from to As of , the current editor of The Onion is Chad Nackers.

Since the first publication of Our Dumb Century in , The Onion has produced various books that often compile already produced material into collected volumes. It is also not the first time Onion, Inc.

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In June A. Club Philadelphia city editor Emily Guendelsberger was the victim of an attack and—according to the Philadelphia Daily News — her job did not provide health insurance to cover hospital bills. According to the WGA, Onion News Network was the only scripted, live-action program that had employed non-union writers. After the show's cancellation, a pilot for a new comedy series titled Onion News Empire premiered on Amazon. The pilot was one of several candidates for production on Amazon, but was not ultimately selected.

In , The Onion launched a series of YouTube videos produced by its Onion Digital Studios division, funded in part by a grant from YouTube and exclusive to the site. Series produced so far:. In , New Regency Productions took over the production of the troubled project. After two years of being in limbo , the film was released directly on DVD on June 3, Upon its release it was credited as being directed under the pseudonym of James Kleiner but is still directed by Kuntz and Maguire. Schafer with regards to a missing " Executive Producer " credit on the failed film.

As stated in the lawsuit, "Onion, Inc. The core voice of the podcast was that of a fictional newsreader named "Doyle Redland" who was voiced by Pete S. It was released in six parts and parodies other true crime podcasts such as Serial and My Favorite Murder. Occasionally, the straight-faced manner in which The Onion reports non-existent events, happenings and ideas has resulted in third parties mistakenly citing The Onion stories as real news.

Several commentators have characterized The Onion as being more overtly political. Noreen Malone characterized the publication as having a left-leaning outlook by stating:. The best op-eds in the country are written by the staff of The Onion , though they're often published as news articles. The satirical paper [ Malone—like other pundits—specifically noted the publication's sharp take on the Syrian Civil War , with David Weigel characterizing the publication's stance as effectively being "…advocacy for intervention in Syria.

Emmett Rensin claimed The Onion is an important if unintentional fomenter of Marxist thought in America:. But only one is breathing new life into a far-left movement mostly vanished since FDR dropped dead. It isn't The Socialist Worker.

The Onion - Wikipedia

It's not The Militant , either. Rather, the vanguard of revolution—the paper most dedicated to the overthrowing capitalism in the United States today—is none other than The Onion. According to Rensin, examples of indictments of false consciousness , commodity fetishization and valorization of the invisible hand also abound. Rensin attributes the material to the humorists' need to work from "obvious, intuitive truth—the kind necessary for any kind of broadly appealing humor" rather than a conscious decision to promote Marxism.

In President Donald Trump expressed confidence that his son-in-law Jared Kushner , whom he had just appointed as an advisor on foreign affairs, could bring peace to the Middle East.

An Onion article then made fun of the starry-eyed way in which Trump treated the long, complicated and bloody conflict as a mere organisational issue he could delegate, reporting that peace between Israel and Arabia was just too big for Kushner to achieve within the already started office week and now had to be shifted into the subsequent week.

The article was then passed around by White House staffers who were apparently alienated by Kushner's appointment. In September , the assistant counsel to President George W. Bush , Grant M. Dixton, wrote a cease-and-desist letter to The Onion , asking the publication to stop using the presidential seal , which it used in an online parody of Bush. By executive order , President Richard Nixon had enumerated the allowed uses of the seal Executive Order , which are more restrictive than the federal statute, but which allows for exceptions to be granted upon formal request.

The Onion responded with a formal request to use the seal in accordance with the executive order, while maintaining that its use was legitimate. The letter stated, "It is inconceivable that anyone would think that, by using the seal, The Onion intends to 'convey The post was deleted within an hour, but not before hundreds of angry responses. I think she can take it.

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On June 16, , The Onion featured an article of professional wrestler The Big Show being killed by WWE after a seven-year-old boy wandered into a steel cage during a live event in Indianapolis. The article, meant to lampoon the real-life killing of Harambe , received criticism for satirizing the murder of an actual person, as well as leading many wrestling fans to believe Big Show was dead. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This article is about the U. For other uses, see Onion disambiguation. Retrieved 24 July Archived from the original on 16 June Retrieved 22 June Archived from the original on March 31, Retrieved December 30, Retrieved 13 December Retrieved 24 June Retrieved 21 May Retrieved May 21, Retrieved June 20, University of Chicago Institute of Politics. Retrieved 26 November Retrieved 9 July Funny site is no joke".

Retrieved 21 November Retrieved 25 June Retrieved 30 June Archived from the original on 30 May Retrieved 27 June The National College Magazine. Retrieved 3 July Archived from the original on 11 June Reece Hart's Humor Page. Retrieved 23 March Archived from the original on 25 June Archived from the original on October 19, The New York Times. Archived from the original on 7 February Retrieved 29 June Archived from the original on 20 April Retrieved 26 June Archived from the original on March 5, Herman 1 April Our Dumb Century by the editors of The Onion ".

Archived from the original on August 15, New York Daily News. Retrieved June 24, The New York Observer. Retrieved June 25, Poking a Dead Frog: Conversations with Today's Top Comedy Writers. And Here's the Kicker: Conversations with 21 Top Humor Writers on their Craft. American satire is funny". PR Newswire Press release. Archived from the original on 11 November Archived from the original on 14 November Retrieved 28 June Archived from the original on 24 September Vows — Jen Cohn and Robert Siegel". Archived from the original on 17 January Retrieved 2 October Adventures in tastelessness at The Onion ".

The Wall Street Journal. The Leonard Lopate Show. Digits — The Wall Street Journal. Report says The Onion discussing sale". Retrieved 27 July Herman 20 July Archived from the original on 18 February Archived from the original on 25 March Our paywall experiment is just that". Archived from the original on 10 February Archived from the original on 25 October The Wire The Atlantic.

Archived from the original on 17 June On Trump's behalf, Cohen demanded that The Onion immediately remove the article and apologize. Said to Hire Adviser for Sale". Sure, We're for Sale. Club's new sister site, StarWipe". Retrieved September 26, The Onion goes 'back to basics,' restructures Onion Labs". This way the app can ensure your profile is not visible to your professional connections, while at the same time giving potential matches a better idea of who you are as a person based on your education and professional experience. Bradford hopes the dating pool represents many different industries.

The main thing is you have to bring something special to the table. But we are going to be expecting you to have accomplished something in your professional career to compensate for that. That to me is a just as impressive, if not more, than someone who went to Tier 1 university. Each community is capped at about 10, Krista White, 23, lives in Silicon Valley, California and works in public relations. She studied theater at Columbia University.

She has been on the waitlist for The League since February. He too lives in Silicon Valley.