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Eventually, when we are able to choose our character the game sends us all to the main page and starts again the match search; that could happen at any moment when we choose characters, even when they are already locked.

  1. The matchmaking "bug" is awesome > Feedback | Forums |
  2. Report a Matchmaking Bug.
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  4. Survivor Matchmaking Bug — Dead By Daylight.
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This happens in casual and test maps modes, I do not know if this also happens in competitive mode. I thought that maybe it was a specific server bug I play on Latin America North , but when I tried to play in the North American server the bug still appeared. Also, I thought maybe it was my pc, but I've talked with many friends who also play the game, and all of us have the same issue.

Survivor Matchmaking Bug

Ye same here dude. I've had one game in the last 45mins. Can see a update coming again soon lol.

  • {{{name}}}.
  • Gameloft Forums • Multiplayer matchmaking: Bug or not as a.
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  • League of Legends.
  • Same here, 2 games in about 2 hours of sitting in match making. They have taken this action as a consequence of a bug affecting the Recall ability. Recall, like using a hearthstone in World of Warcraft , allows the player to teleport back to base.

    1. Bug/Exploit in matchmaking.
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    So what does the bug do? It makes Recall work instantaneously.

    Report a Matchmaking Bug | Matchmaking Feedback & Discussion | Forums | Halo - Official Site

    The bug was originally observed on Riven, so she was temporarily disabled. You can lose levels now Welcome to the -Yoink- show my friend.

    In a lot of Grifball matchmakings, i join a game that ends right when I join. Action Sack Halo 5 Map Name: I forget the map names, but the warthog and ghost race maps.

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    Race Is this an exploit or broken feature? Broken Feature Describe the bug: During the race game types people get out of their vehicles and the game respawns them in a new vehicle without despawning the old one. This wouldn't be an issue except that people continue to do this and more and more vehicles pile up without despawning.


    Eventually people get stuck in the pileup and think they can get around it by getting out of their vehicles and respawning, but this just makes it worse. It gets to the point where most of the race involves just getting over the pile of abandoned vehicles.