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This is you being unhappy with yourself. This is you hating yourself. This is what you are actually trying to conceal from people. But don't be fooled, you will eventually show this side to a person you persuaded to be alone with you. You are still trying to conceal your negative feelings from the world but now you have a friend who is very unfortunate to be alone with you. This is even worse when you have children who have to be around you.

Lack of Social Skills in Women vs Men : PurplePillDebate

If your reaction is to feel sorry for yourself, you will talk about all of your problems and probably not give your friend a chance to talk. If they do and it is not what you want to hear, your sadness may turn into anger. Again, this is why a person should not be alone with you. If your reaction is anger, e. You will make your new friend very uncomfortable, unsafe in fact.

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That is why you should not be alone with somebody until you have your true feelings about yourself under control. So how did I do that? When I was alone and had my cry or fit of anger, I had to stop and think for a moment, what am I neglecting right now? Chances were I was neglecting something in order to have my pity party. That was what I needed to take care of at that moment. It could be your studies, your housekeeping, meal preparation, a call to your parents, whatever.

If it involves another human, make sure you are calm before you call them. This calmed me down and then I was able to think more rationally about why somebody put me at unease. Was it something in my control, e. That I can fix. These are your social skills. Was it something out of my control, e.

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That is not my problem and I don't need to do anything about it. This last part will be very obvious so if nobody raised an eyebrow to your bad dancing or mentioned any physical attribute, chances are you made a social mistake. This is not about being thin skinned or weak or not able to "take it.

You owe it to your mental health to get away from people like this. Once you can detect these people you have been ignoring your intuition up till this point and successfully stay away from them, you will find yourself having your social skills corrected by rude people. You are on the right track. These are the people you want to learn from. They are rude to you because they are telling you, don't bring your mental problems to me. Okay, so now I will discuss how to start working on those negative feelings in public.

These are the ones that you try so very hard to hide from people but people are good at detecting.

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Well, at least the ones who did not end up alone with you. Intuition - listen to it.

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Your mind tells you when you have made a social mistake. What does it sound or feel like? If you can get over your negative feelings without have to be alone, start trying to correct your behavior so that you can rejoin the group. You may have lost the trust of that specific person but all they ask, by being "rude", is that you keep your distance. Don't retreat from other people. If you are starting to feel like you would rather be alone, go and be alone.

Dating a Man With No Communication Skills

The day you can shake the hands of a "rude" person is the day they are no longer rude. I would hope by this point you now have learned how to detect and protect yourself from the very person you were trying to hide. Now you will know what it means to be confident. Interesting post, thanks for your thoughts.

I agree with quite a bit of it in almost every interview I've had for example I can afterward think of what I did wrong. I have a tendency to do jack-ass things when I'm in a social or professional situation with a group of people or even just one person who makes me extremely uncomfortable. I guess the only down-side to this sort of thing is that what is "wrong" socially is going to be different for everybody. In particular, in this multicultural society we're living in, acting one way might be considered right for some people while others would look down on it.

So that's one thing to keep in mind I guess. Me, I have horrible social anxiety which makes me do stupid things like completely ignore people rather than talk to them or inviting them to talk to me. Occasionally I'll even ignore someone greeting me because I'm just not comfortable enough to say anything back and then I'll think "why did I do that???

Then there's my job; it's geared toward sociable people and I'm just not that way. If you have trouble activating your social skills around someone you have a romantic interest in try finding common ground between you two. The moment you find something that you both relate to, your next step is to let that be the driving force of then entire conversation.

You may panic or not know what to do during the moments where there is no common ground, but your job is to be cool. Hang tight and navigate through potential topics through your questions. The social butterfly in you will hatch when you find that connection. That leads me to another concept that, once mastered, will bring out social skills that you have. It not only gathers information about her but it gets her talking. Now, the key is to be weary of closed-ended questions. Closed-ended questions only require short, simple answers. Open-ended questions, however, encourage giving free and intimate information.

An example of a closed-ended question is: Where are you from? Do you like that song? How old are you? Examples of open-ended questions include: How do you like your job? Why did you decide to major in music?

Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

Can you tell me more about that? How did you do that? Copy and paste these tested words to get a response and get her addicted to you - every time! Enter your name and email below to get a FREE copy of this report By Joshua Eferighe Highly opinionated, contentious and one to always speak his mind, Joshua Eferighe has been on the path of expression through writing before he even chose the profession. Love him or hate him, you'll always want to know what he has to say.

Follow him on Twitter jman23j.