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You can start by just asking him how things are going, how his day was, or about one of the activities he participates in. Talk to him about dating in general. Know that you can't make him like you. Respect it if he thinks the age difference between you two is too big. Be honest with your friend. Listen to your friend. Your friend may be excited about you possibly starting a relationship with their older brother. For example, your friend could know that their brother is already in a relationship with someone.

Your friend could be trying to protect you from getting your heart broken. Continue being a good friend. Talk about the things you all always talked about. Leave your friend out of it. You may want to ask your friend to help you convince their older brother to think of you romantically. But, you should leave your friend out of it. It could make your friend uncomfortable. They could get mad at you and you could lose a friend. My close friend has a brother that is 2 years older than us. She thinks that he thinks of me as more than just her friend. How do I find out if he likes me without telling him I like him?

We are 13 and You can ask your friend to ask him what he thinks of you. You can also look for clues that he might like you. For instance, does he go out of his way to talk to you and spend time around you and his sister? Does he smile a lot when he sees you or seem to get nervous? If so, he might like you but be too shy to say anything.

You may have to be brave and tell him how you feel.

My best friend's just started dating my brother. A recipe for disaster, no?

Not Helpful 0 Helpful I am on vacation with my bff and her brother. I have a crush on him and I don't know how to control myself when he is around. What should I do? Stay calm and mature. Remember that her older brother will have a better opinion of you if you are relaxed and confident around him.

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Smile and talk to him, but avoid following him around. If you need to, limit your time around her brother so you can remain in control. Not Helpful 1 Helpful If he knows that you like him then give him a chance to figure out how he feels. He may need some time to get used to thinking of you romantically.

If he decides that he does like you back, then great! But, if he decides that he doesn't, don't let it get you down. There are lots of other great guys that will think of you romantically. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 8. What do I do if her brother is really popular, but I'm not popular so I feel like he won't like me? Even if your friend's brother is really popular, he can still like you. Make a list of all of your qualities and all the reasons why he could like you instead of focusing only on your popularity.

Although you can't make anyone like you, you can let your crush get to know you better - which will definitely improve the chances that they will like you. Let them see your personality and get to know you a little better.

Ask Shallon: How To Date Your Brother's Best Friend!

Talk to your crush when you have the chance and get to know more about them. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 7. What if your friend doesn't accept it, but refuses to tell you that she has a problem with it and you find this out from another person? Be mature and talk to your friend about the situation. Find out why she has a problem with it and try to work together to find a solution.

You may have to decide whether losing a friend is worth being in a relationship with her brother. I have a HUGE crush on my best friend's brother. He's three years older and lives next door. I'm around him all the time and it drives me crazy be so close yet so far. My best friend knows that I like him and thinks we are perfect.

Start by getting to know her brother better and giving him the chance to get to know you. Because there is a three year age difference you will probably have different interests, but you also could have a lot in common. When you see him calmly say "Hi" and take the chance to ask him about some of his interests. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 6. This can be a good thing because once her brother knows that you like him, he can have the opportunity to learn more about you and decide if he likes you back. Talk to him calmly and maturely when you see him, and when you feel the time is right, talk to him about how you feel about each other.

You know, probably not. I even had a friend with a reasonably attractive twin brother who I hung out with a lot. The problem is I knew too much. You know all those gross and embarrassing habits you have that you hold back on in a new relationship? And how you hope that by the time they come out, they love you enough already? Yeah, I had already heard all about his.

Dating Your Best Friend’s Brother: Is That Acceptable Or Too Close For Comfort? | MadameNoire

Like, it's hard to have a romantic attraction to someone when you've spent years hearing stories like that time he clogged the toilet really bad No fucks given but I cannot imagine anyone I was friends with being attracted to my sister because she's crazy. Personally I have nothing against it. However, in the movie she had HUGE reservations about her friend dating her brother, and so I thought it was kind of shitty for her to pursue it and kind of broke the trust between friends, I guess? IRL I have nothing against it but if my best friend hated her brother, I probably wouldn't pursue him.

We all hung out quite a bit. She took the break up well and things were amicable until she started dating a conservative white dude that really talked down in the fact that we would all hang out. So she stopped hanging out, and me and her sister have grown to have a pretty strong friendship. It's been a while, but at this point the girl I dated is pissed I have a relationship atall with her sister. My best friend doesn't allow me to date his brother.

Who would be perfect for me, but oh well. He mainly wants me to stop talking about how hot his brother is which I always do when I want to wind him up. I was thinking the same thing when I read her response, but then hearing someone talk about how hot your brother is can be annoying in general. And if my sibling dated my best friend, I'd be concerned for my best friend, because he'd be the one to end up getting hurt.

My sister would be fine. They're both good people, but she wouldn't be good for him. I tend to see my best friend's family as almost like extended family to me anyway.

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I wouldn't like my friend to date my sibling but I wouldn't stop it either. My best friends don't have siblings that I'm attracted to.

  1. Dating Your Best Friend’s Brother: Is That Acceptable Or Too Close For Comfort?.
  2. 32 Indirect Signs Your Best Friend’s Brother Likes You.
  4. Should You Date Your Brother/Sister’s Best Friend?.

But I'm okay with the concept. We're all mature enough that we could handle it if there was a break up. If my sister were available, I wouldn't, in theory, have a problem with her being involved with a best friend of mine. But I'd be concerned because my friends tend not be her type at all.