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I have to say there is a huge difference from freely choosing a lifestyle option among ALL the lifestyle options that exist and choosing one among two options i. People who grow up in a closed society "don't practically have options. Though I don't know the people on "Polyamory" personally, I strongly suspect that they are well aware of other loving lifestyles and chose polyamory as the best fit for them.

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That said, there women who are enlightened fully educated women who chose to submit to a patriarchal relationship in some cases because of personal preference or, more often, for religious reason i. MOST people make choices I would not make for myself or the women in my life because I feel it limits their potential for full development as human beings Above all else I'm a libertarian philosophically not necessarily politically. Which means that competent adults have the freedom to choose whatever lifestyle they want as long as it does not conflict with the choices of others to do likewise.

But that assumes "informed choice. The only people I feel sorry for are the people whose authentic selves would prefer a lifestyle that is denied them by ignorance our societal convention. That goes of people who are gay, monogamous, BDSMers, polygamous, or any alternative combination of living and loving.

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I must say though that I find it ironic that those who support alternative lifestyles often seem as intolerant of people who choose a different alt lifestyle as those in mainstream of our puritanical society. People brave enough to challenge the status quo should at least respect others who are doing the same. I have to admit that while I really enjoyed the show and seeing all the dynamics of Poly relationships, I am really disappointed that I was left with unanswered questions.

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Is there a site that will let us fans know that what happened with Triead of season 1 and with Chris, Leigh Ann, Nad Megan? I hate getting so involved in a show and then not having any closure. So please someone let me know, email me at ksskidude yahoo. I want to know what happened to Anthoney Lindsey and Vanessa? Season 2 typical muscle head 2 young hot girls forcing situation all for tv not fond of that trio. I think it's interesting that both groups in Season 2 of polyamory didn't recognized that they are doing something unfair. Chris is not taking into account that he is okay only with having women and not having Leigh Ann have a boyfriend; he didn't explore that option and give the girls that freedom.

Seems a bit unpoly to me to exclude his mates having lovers. Kamala likes to include everyone eventually sexually, but I find this hard to accept or do because not everyone is attracted to everyone or can just have sex with everyone in a group for the fun of it. Each person should be allowed to have their separate relationship but get to know each other in a nonsexual way to minimize jealousy. These viewpoints were not addressed. The young couple from Season 1 who engaged their girlfriend did it the best.

The husband also gave his wife permission to have a boyfriend. His only rule was not to lie about it. That was until the dynamic became clear. Yes, she lied so I understand where that is wrong. But, why is it okay for Chris to have what he wants but not Leigh Anne? Leigh Anne should be able to explore the sexual tendencies she has.

Rules should have been set, I guess. If Megan wants to come hang with us, we'll take care of her. Tahl must be so happy he married that bitter woman. Is that Jennifer Grey, by the way? Emotionally going deeper is awesome, too.

Polyamory - Season 1 Episode 2, Poly Rules | SHOWTIME

So is sex, but ya know. I just wish I know what happened to the Triads. I could care less about the pod. She'll ruin him if she hasn't already. I find other people' sexy lives fascinating. Jen's monogamous sister drops by to check out Jen's new digs while Kamala has her hot date with Roxanne and hesitantly inquires about the true level of attraction between Roxanne and Michael. Anthony encourages his wife Lindsey to find a local boyfriend so Lindsey thinks about reconnecting with an ex-lover Jacob, but is he polyamorous?

It's anniversary time for both families!

Poly Rules

Vanessa plans to propose to Lindsey and Anthony and ask for a life commitment and see what her true place is in the triad. Kamala celebrates 10 years of marriage with Michael with a private date and gives him a very special gift that pushes her own boundaries of possessiveness and jealousy. The San Diego pod are having a poly potluck as an unofficial housewarming for Jen and Tahl moving in but Jen has issues with some of the people Kamala and Tahl want to invite. Anthony gets an invite to the poly potluck through one of the poly groups he's a member of and convinces Lindsey and Vanessa to check it out, so the Triad heads down to San Diego.

Anthony's parents are selling their childhood home so the Triad takes a trip up north to visit the home one last time and take this opportunity for Lindsey to come out to her mom about being polyamorous. The Pod is having a great time on the beach as a family unit which makes Tahl realize how happy he is, and decides he wants to come out to his very conservative parents. Jen disapproves but ultimately, it's Tahl's decision. In the season finale, San Diego is put to the test when one of Jen's major boundaries is broken - will she and Tahl move out?

Meanwhile, the triad contemplates what's next for them and what it means in the eyes of their community and the world. New family unit Chris, Leigh Ann and Megan are introduced. Leigh Ann's business commitments lead her to spend more time away from Chris and Megan than she wants, causing her to worry that the two are spending too much time together. Tahl reveals that he is bisexual and mentions an interest in Michael's brother. Jen has taken on a new partner and they decide to fluid bond. Chris makes an effort to spend more time Leigh Ann but her outside commitments continue to interfere.

Apparently, she and her husband have a rule where they can each hook up with whoever they want well, there are more rules, but that's not the main point here. Basically, she'd be free to see me, go on dates, get drinks, make out, have sex and so forth, but she wouldn't sleep over at my place, I couldn't sleep over at her place, and so forth. As she described it to me, I was like, "Is there a catch? That sounds kind of awesome. Dating a poly woman is something I've never done before, and for all I know it's actually hell or at least more complicated than dating monogamously.

Do you have any experience here? How does one "play" this type of situation?

Coming Soon

For many straight guys, dating a polyamorous person seems like a miracle, for good reason. Your lack of commitment is never going to be questioned, ever.

It seems pretty sweet, right? It seems like a normal relationship, without all of the irritating trappings that make you feel caged and unwelcome. And you have to do the mental adjustments that this entails. This sounds so simple, I know.