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To better have a conversation, they switched seats and began flipping through the SkyMall catalogue and spent the rest of the flight making fun of it. While one would think that Rosie would be getting all the attention when the couple goes out the girl is flawless, I tell you! People have been surprised that this couple have made it this far, considering the year age difference between Calista Flockhart and Harrison Ford.

But, fame is not what keeps a relationship strong, and the two have kept things together, even after a scary plane crash Harrison endured while he was flying in Instead of playing a lawyer or actress, Calista instead rushed to his side and played nurse! While women who date older men rarely get an eyebrow raised in their direction, the same cannot be said for men who date older women.

While Hollywood is all about youth and beauty, it is almost unheard of for a man to choose to date someone older than him, especially when the age difference is significant, like the 23 years that separate Aaron Taylor-Johnson and his wife, Sam. And, when it comes to naysayers who pooh-pooh their relationship, the couple has only two words: It was a relationship that seemed strange from the start, and unfortunately ended pretty terribly, with domestic abuse accusations thrown around and a very messy year for both Amber Heard and Johnny Depp.

They got engaged in , married in , separated in May , and divorced August They went on record numerous times saying that their relationship was a lot of work, and perhaps part of that was due to their wide age discrepancy. The odd couple separated after 5 years of marriage, but since Christopher already had a pretty spotty track record relationship-wise Adrianne was the third Mrs.

The two met in when Padma was only 28 and Salman was 51 and married to his third wife. They married in and divorced in In her autobiography, Padma talks about how Salman was insecure and jealous, and regularly abandoned her in times of need like during a particularly brutal surgery she underwent for endometriosis for work.

If only you could have weddings without marriages. The couple have been together for a solid 15 years, including a minor break in for a few months, due to them both battling personal demons Michael had throat cancer, Catherine was diagnosed as bipolar. Despite the 25 years between the pair and the fact that Bogie was in his third marriage when he first took up with her , they got married in , when Bacall was 20, and invited all of Hollywood to join them.

The director of the film they met on, Howard Hawks, discouraged the two, saying Bogie was being unprofessional and that Bacall was foolish and Bogie was toying with her affections. Ah, but the heart wants what it wants! While the two had met over a decade ago, Sarah was in a relationship with another woman this time only 18 years her senior.

Now just 22, Courtney met and married Doug Hutchison, now 56, when she was just 16! Well, they are closer in age than Courtney and Doug! I get a partner in life, and I suppose I get to work out my daddy issues? I'd like to say I'm very tolerant about most things but tha fuck? He was probably older than most of her teachers This comment was generated by a robot! Send all complaints to epsy.

Is having sex with an older man if you do something that turns you on? Honestly, I mean all I think about is how old and wrinkly his penis could be. And last question, was he previously married and had kids etc? It's not like I have a fetish for older men, but I do think the slightly grey hair, mature look is sexy. The stability and confidence is hot too. My boyfriend has an older body, but he has a decent body for his age.

Yes there is lines around his eyes, grey hair, and thinning hair, but he owns it, and wears it well.

Dating Younger People - Age Gap

His penis isn't wrinkly, is that even possible? I dont know, that was the first thing that came to mind lol. Nah but in all seriousness, I think that you have a lot of heart to be able to be so cool about it all with your parents and what other people think.

Being judged by other people tend to have deep psychological effect on someone, and it sounds like you've taken it head on. He's had 2 previous marriages; one when he was in his 20s that lasted 4 years no children , and another one that last almost 20 years 3 daughters. Basically, he's seen things that has damaged relationships, and learned from it. He definitely knows himself more, and what he wants in a relationship. His previous marriages has just given him more life experiences to draw on. Sometimes there are benefits to our age difference.

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If I'm freaking out and doubting my abilities, he calms me down and puts it into perspective. Like last year when I was applying for jobs and getting worried, he was like, "Honey, you're awesome, and even if it takes a while, you will get a job. And you might say, "Why don't you just do that with your parents? They honestly just want me to tell them everything is great and fine, and they want all of their children to look normal and successful lol.

Almost like he feels he can take a shortcut on things, because he's been there, done that. When we first started dating, he kind of just wanted to respond to me like he had done with his past wife. Like, wife 2 liked this, so my gf should like it also. Our energy is very different too. I like to be up late at night, doing things all day, and he gets tired at 11pm. One of the biggest ungoing fights in our relationship is his sleepiness, because when I'm over spending the night, he wants to go to bed, and I don't lol. He wants me to lay there cuddling him, and I'm bored lol. Or I want him to stay up and talk to me, but he's sleepy lol.

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We both get up at around 6: On weekends, I usually get up before him too lol. My father was a very detached, emotionally cold man. Do I think that has affected me?

15 Celebs Who Dated People The Same Age As Their Parents

Yes, I do think that has made me like older men. But I don't have a paternal relationship with my bf. I have my own place, have a job, and I don't call him daddy or anything like that lol. I do like the life experience and perspective he brings to our relationship.

How is 70k not a pretty good job? Unless they chose to live downtown of a major city in a huge house, most people could live wonderful lives with 70k a year. He still picks up the bill most nights when we go out, but he doesn't feel threatened by my success. He is happy for me. I'm supporting a family of 4 on one income in the low 70s. Not bad, but I am seething with jealousy thinking of the daily options you guys must have. I also was in my early 20s and dated someone 30 years older than me.

Unfortunately he got sick with cancer and passed. I'm sorry to hear that. I do worry that something like that will happen.

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Did you feel that it was worth being with him, even though that happened? Yes I think it was. He taught me a lot. I also think I got a kick in the ass afterwards, because I moved away from home and have more of a life than I did when I lived in my hometown. I couldn't sulk forever. We both love films, so we go out to the movies a lot. We like the same books and tv shows. We have similar political and religious views. We have similar values. We also both play tennis frequently. Are you considering starting a family? I ask this while thinking about his age in relation to the children and how the age difference could mean they spend most of their lives without a father.