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Plenty of the magicians after many free at the best. Date network? Absolutely free dating sites online. Except for online dating deserves: a premiere date. Find.

I just have a few pieces of constructive criticism:. If you want to date a geek girl, you should probably get used to hearing about this guy. No love connection for me, but a few of the guys wrote their contact info on my sheet. The only excruciating part came at the end, when our host held us hostage and made us listen to his celebrity impressions. I can…sort of relate to this, specifically the nerdy guys being weird while trying to impress you. So he starts following me and trying to talk to me, and he asks me who my favorite Doctor is. I say Matt Smith and he starts rolling his eyes and scoffing at me.

You will get into my pants by loving things, not by hating things. Because I also love people who love things. Was it the bigger guy who was the host? He met his wife at the speed dating I think? Yeah, I think they were filming another episode there this year.

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Was he super annoying on TV too? I kind of adore him to a sick degree! I have dreams of dreams about finding a guy who loves tv and things like I do. I assumed the room would be filled with guys like this: Or maybe even this: For those of you who haven't been to FanExpo before, this may sound weird. But it isn't, when you consider that the event is a gathering of over 90, passionate nerds and geeks, many of whom have trouble releasing all their sexual tension.

Anime Expo | Gatherings | Los Angeles Anime Convention

Some mask it by dressing up. If you're a woman, your costume is sexy. Think skimpy, dominatrix-like outfit from anime series. Or skin-tight spandex for a crime-fighting female comic book character.

Survival Guide

I wore decidedly the least sexy costume: The Next Generation uniform circa Season 1. It's polyester and goes from my ankles to my wrist to my chin. Despite this, I tested my luck at one of FanExpo's 15 speed-dating sessions, hosted by 25dates. A total of men did, and of them got stuck on the wait list and never made it to the dating tables. You're given three minutes with each suitor — a brief window, but it allowed me to peer into a culture that is equal parts sexually frustrated and misunderstood. A hip-looking guy in a tight shirt and black ball cap sat down.

Before his butt hit the seat, he introduced himself and said: I remove my purple specs and flutter my eyes I think this is flirting, right? Don't you have contacts? My glasses are kind of my thing. Changing the topic quickly, he asked me how old I was. This guy was a jerk. I could see that at least. I didn't realize after the date that that was a line he used on all bespectacled ladies. Unfortunately for him, it backfired. About halfway through my 25 dates, a man lumbered over to my table.

Probably 6 foot 2 or 6 foot 3 at least. He wore a black dress shirt, black pants and a black tie. With his sleek black hair and muscular body, he was indistinguishable from a regular, non-Fan speed dater. Except that he had looped the Blue Lantern ring through his tie.

Zombies, Trekkies and jerks: what happens when FanExpo geeks try speed dating

My girlfriend nearly got heat stroke Sure, they gave water in the badge line They couldn't even speed up the line. And speaking about lines One of my friends even managed to sneak a real knife and a taser that he uses for self defense. I opened my bag and the security didn't even look inside and he said I was "good. What if I brought a gun or a bomb man??? And what got me even more mad was when we were walking around in there, some guy kept grabbing my girlfriend's ass because he thought he wouldn't get caught but I restrained myself from strangling him because I didn't want to get kicked out when it had already taken us six hours to get in.

Talk about condoning sexual harassment. I was so heated man I almost asked for a refund, but I wanted to have faith and have a good weekend. After those shenanigans, we went to go line up for the Persona 5 panel Apparently, the panel ended 30 minutes before it was supposed to, AND!!! How TF is that fair??? To also expand on how bad the situation is for lining up for panels: I went to another one where a bunch of us maybe like had already lined up for a panel and then staff told us that we weren't in the right line and then they sent us all to another place where a bunch of people started following and cutting us to the front.

What's even worse is that they cramp you up until your skin is touching someone else's even though they have hella space under the tent After a terrible day and night I know I should expect this considering the audience They must've been cosplaying as a dumpster This place was also such a fire hazard because I was walking over to the Entertainment Hall and suddenly this group of Diglett cosplayers started standing in the middle of the walkway and so many people started taking pictures of them and not moving, and the crowds from both ends just kept converging and converging and I thought I was going to suffocate because the people in the middle weren't even moving.

Where is your courtesy?

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Some people here need to be kicked out for this. It has to be a rule to not block walkways by taking pictures right in the middle of them and blocking everyone from walking. What's crazy is that I saw so many people get in without a badge today. No staff went to stop them even when I told them I saw them sneak in without a badge.

It's like they don't even care Why did I even spend any money when I could have just walked in for free? I tried returning my badge but they refused to give me a refund despite the circumstances. What a terrible experience.

I Went Speed Dating at Comic Con and Lived to Blog About It

To all of you defending Anime Expo I am not saying cuckolding is a bad thing I can't even look at my badge without feeling disgust Badge pickup probably wasn't a true bottleneck because there was a constant lengthy wait at bag check as well, and the people doing badge check were volunteers so simply getting rid of that wouldn't free up too many resources. I am saving your post.

How come you didn't post this earlier. You are are rare AX expert who is kind enough to post tips in this thread. Most of us are absolute beginners. So to summarize your bullets: There are cheap parking if you are willing to walk 15 mins Also the subway drops off across the street. Yeah dude I'm in the same boat as you. But sadly I don't want to give away my secrets. I get in no problem Everytime from the side entrances as well. Sure I wait early to get into exhibit hall but that's about it. I'm really hoping next year they restrict ticket sales more next year.

Many people aren't gonna like it but it seems like a necessity at this point. I've also recommended in the past they set up a cosplay only area like they do at Comiket. I find it ineteresting they let people sit in they never used to let you do that and usually kicked people out after a panel. I don't think I've seen a worse year about AX than this one. Usually I hear about drama and stuff that goes on behind the curtain and a fair share of bad stories during the con, but never so many complaints about the lines which were quite excessive this year apparently.

In case you didn't see it: But yeah, it was longer in the morning. Snaked all the way around Pico Blvd until we got back to the convention center again. For reference, I made it on the first train there, and was about a third of the way in the line maybe slightly closer. Still a good k people ahead of me in line to enter. And let me reiterate. That was just one of the lines. No one was hurt. Anime Expo should be fucking ashamed of themselves.

ANIME EXPO 2014 Recap & Interviews with Brandon Rogers

If Comiket staff can do what they do with almost entirely volunteers, then AX can do the exact same damn thing. Paying for parking is totally common at a convention and that is why you take public transportation. Also I guess I was lucky but I picked my badge on Day 0 in literally 10 minutes. Last year I waited about 2 hours.

Tbh it sounds pretty foolish to go in during and not before the con, should only be done as a total last resort. You're not accounting for the huge amount of people who day-trip the event from nearby areas NorCal, Nevada, etc who can't get there the day before.

  1. when should i remove my dating profile!
  2. Anime Expo | Schedule | Los Angeles Anime Convention.
  3. Speed Dating Anime Expo |
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  5. Anyone with a one day pass who was there on Saturday for a specific reason got absolutely screwed. From my experience with cons, always pick up your badge as early as you can. You should have taken advantage of day 0. But of course, you are absolutely in the right about the line and bag check management. It definitely needs a lot of work. Same goes for how badges work. If everyone took this advice and everyone went day 0, you're just shifting the problems to a different day.