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My GF is currently going through an episode and is going to go see her psychiatrist tomorrow to see if they can up the dosage. Just be there for her and don't try to over-do it because it will only irritate her more. There are way too many mentally stable girlsout there to waste your time on that one.

Especially at your age. Originally Posted by joe My ex-wife had depression and was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder. This all started about 3 years into our marriage. I toughed it out for a loooooonnnnnggggg time, but eventually I realized that we were just co-habitating and we mutually agreed to dissolve the marriage.

  • 10 Tips for Dating With Depression - Health.
  • 4 Things To Know If You Are Going To Date A Girl With Depression | Thought Catalog.
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My experiences during that time were wide and varied. Some days she was a normal, upbeat, happy person. Other days she barely had the motivation to get out of bed. She was constantly getting her prescriptions changed, always searching for that magic level of chemical to balance her out. I hope that she finds it one day. My ex would sometimes say similar things as those posted above, such as she didn't know who she was and needed time apart to figure herself out.

I allowed this one time. Final straw was the second time she brought it up. She also wanted us do have kids, but I was unwilling to do that while she was on meds, I wanted her to try going off meds to see if she could do so at least during a pregnancy. Everyone has a breaking point.

10 Tips for Dating With Depression

Lol clinically depressed being everything u ever wanted in a girl. Seriously, you guys pick some real winners. Originally Posted by HayZues Christi. Originally Posted by stealpulse. And that leaves me wondering if I do get passed this with her, if that right there wont be me in your position 6 years from now.. Hard to say, some people find a good middle ground with meds, others don't. What sucks is that over time I became more and more judgemental about the meds mainly. It just wore me down to the point of no return I guess.

She just switched from zoloft 50mg to another one not sure what its called but hopefully this can help her out. I think the primary reason for her wanting to let go is because she sees me becoming sad about it. Of course I do miss the old her when she was happy and all but i dont know what to do. All of my friends are saying to let it unfold and maybe she will wake up one morning and see what mistake she made.

Dunno brah, so many feels. Originally Posted by Artemis Sometimes when people are put on these types of medication, the medication can make their depression even. And it can take anywhere from two weeks to four weeks to get the medication out of their system. So her current attitude make be related to the drug.

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But these drugs are only band-aids. They never really address the real cause of the depression and are extremely habit forming which is why pharmaceutical companies loves these types of drugs. I hope she is also seeing a counselor. IN truth yes, she has gone through something really bad in her past that has affected the way she views relationships. Her dad had an affair with her mother when she was 12, and it still scares her to this day.

Your perspective and your opinion are important because you know her and you spend time with her. For these same reasons people visit psychiatrists. A psychiatrist can notice something both of you missed. Stress is not normal.

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A person suffering from stress makes all kind of inadequate things. A stressed girl can easily offend people without intention of doing so, scream, cry, and crash things. Speaking otherwise, she can act not like herself. A girl in depression requires you to be excessively caring, patient, and kind. Then, double your effort and be twice as caring, patient, and kind.

When a girl is depressed, she feels helpless, guilty, and ashamed.

Dating and Depression Tips Part 1

She can experience anger, jealousy, irritation, and fear without reasons. Her emotional health is under attack. She may lose her confidence or faith in people. She can start to hate herself and all around her. It is difficult to be around a person with these problems. There is no guarantee your best help will be useful for her. If you did everything in your power and did not achieve success, state an ultimatum: Dating counselors say it may be harsh but useful.

Dating a depressed girl may require you to significantly change your routine. Psychologists say that changing the background may be very useful for people struggling with depression. Traveling is the most widespread decision here but both of you can also change your apartment or house, work hours, profession, etc. It all depends on how much a depressed girl suffers. Traveling can be a very effective distraction. Learning new things and trying new experiences are commonly credited as very good ways to battle stress. Try changing your routine by reorganizing your schedule. Try new things yourself and advise the girl you date to do the same.

Start with small things. For example, change usual breakfast with breakfast in bed or try cooking at home instead of eating out in the evening. Go to a museum instead of going to a cinema. Visit a master-class or play tennis, ride a bicycle, etc. These activities can put more drive and dynamics into your relationship which could significantly decrease the level of stress your girl experiences. Helping a depressed girl is absolutely necessary.

That means you are responsible for her emotional health and should do everything in your power to decrease her suffering.

How to Date a Girl with Severe Depression

Wondering how to help a depressed girl, you probably thought about what you should do. The list of recommendations given above can definitely help you. It means that your task is to help her help herself. You should push her in the right direction but the final effort is all hers. Pay attention to sex. Sexual pleasure is a source of dopamine and endorphins. Usually, during stress people either ignore their sex life or skip it altogether. Being her dating partner, you should make sex as perfect as possible.

Be a giver and give her some credit because it is she who suffers. Nevertheless, you should forget about yourself for a little time. Be creative and reorganize your sex life like your reorganized your schedule. For example, replace evening sexual intercourse with sex at daytime or in the morning.

Top 9 Things to Consider When Dating Someone With Depression

Try new positions in order to make your sexual life more diverse. Remember these two words: Try using sex toys or make love in places other than your or her home. Use candles, music, and sexy underwear. The benefits of diverse, intense, original, and creative sexual intercourse can make her forget about her problems at least for some time. Depending on her social attitude and approach to communication, try meeting new people.

Sometimes it is really exciting to talk to random strangers in a bar or at a party in order to distract yourself. Remember that being alone is something a stressed person should never do.