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Tiger II is a piece of crap and needs a buff or Premium Matchmaking!

Terrible aiming time and accuracy, despite being improved as of 9. However, due to the design shortcomings, only one prototype was completed before the fall of when development was cancelled.

Design features Flaws that were found during initial tests including a heavy and very cramped turret interior, insufficient armor on the hull, and a weak and unreliable engine that was struggling to propel the overall mass of the vehicle. Most of the technology used in the WZ were copies of earlier, close to obsolete Soviet solutions.

Turret design was cast steel with welds on the roof area fitted with two crew hatches and a commander's periscope. Suspension consisted of seven road wheels with internal shock absorbers, three support rollers, and a drive sprocket positioned at the rear with a removable ring gear and guide wheel.

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The transmission was similar to the one in the IS series, and featured a multi-disc dry main clutch, eight gear transmission with dual, planetary rotation mechanism, and a final drive. The engine was a Chinese made unlicensed copy of the B11 diesel, with the maximum power output at horsepower.

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The body was made from welded plates, with a thickness of 13, , 90 and 60 mm. The test prototype was preserved and today is placed on permanent display in the Chinese Tank Museum located near Beijing. Sources and External Links. Retrieved from " http: Do not show this dialog again.

II TKS z n. The transmission was similar to the one in the IS series, and featured a multi-disc dry main clutch, eight gear transmission with dual, planetary rotation mechanism, and a final drive. The engine was a Chinese made unlicensed copy of the B11 diesel, with the maximum power output at horsepower.

The body was made from welded plates, with a thickness of 13, , 90 and 60 mm. The test prototype was preserved and today is placed on permanent display in the Chinese Tank Museum located near Beijing.

Matchmaking and Tiger - Heavy Tanks - World of Tanks official forum

Survivability — This tank used to be a very formidable armoured opponent on the battlefield — before the introduction of all the OP Tier 8 premium tanks that hit the game. Now the armour is meh. It has a very large lower frontal plate, which when penetrated often takes out the ammo-rack as well. The Turret armour is very strong as to be expected from a Russian clone tank, but be warned it has two big cupolas on the top which can be penetrated though not that easily. Mobility — The Power-to-Weight Ratio of this tank is Concealment Whilst Stationary Camouflage — The Camouflage Value of this tank whilst not moving or firing the cannon is 7.

Even without its rarity, this tank is stunning to look at and turns heads at every corner. Not only is it eye-candy, but it also means that you get 2x credit making every time you play it, making it insane for making credits. And with it being a free tank given to us if your lucky enough, I think that makes it a pretty damn good deal.

Entraînement Élimination (Matchmaking) By Tiger