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I'm just afraid that I'll end up being bad at sex or if I tell him I'm a virgin BEFORE we have sex, he'll have his reservations and either be somewhat uncomfortable the whole time or just never talk to me again. What if I bleed?? Ugh, that's not the impression I want to leave. I've always felt "sexy" around him, but there is nothing sexy about being so inexperienced and insecure about it. I know this thread has teen alley written all over it, but please give me some advice on how to navigate this situation.

Have any of you been in this situation? Should I just tell him I'm a virgin upfront or reveal that to him after sex? Fellas of LSA who are very experienced , how do you feel about having sex with a virgin please be honest!! Nov 1, 2. If he's so experienced then he may already know this, and may handle it better than you expect. Nov 1, 3. Are you in a relationship with him?

What To Do If He's More Experienced (& Why It's A Good Thing! )

You said you've been getting to know him I need a little more. Nov 1, 4. He can probably tell you're inexperienced, which i why he is pursing you. At 22 a 10 year difference is too much. Stick to a 4 year max and you'll be good. Nov 1, 5.

What to Do If He Is More Sexually Experienced Than You - YouQueen

Tell him upfront when you feel the time is right and I don't mean like an hour before. Nov 1, 6. I felt almost this same way.

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  • What to Do If He Is More Sexually Experienced Than You?
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I told him, and he seemed a little surprised, but being that he's a man and popped or not, I still had a vagina, he was still interested. Some men like virgins. As far as bleeding, your hymen may have already been pierced. If this is the case then you probably won't have to worry about him only wanting to date you for that. I say go out with him a few more times and get a feel for what he's looking for. Be yourself and have fun If all you want with this guy is his friendship then you should definitely make that known right up front.

Dating older, more experienced guy?

But if there is any romantic interest you can date him and get to know him with out it needing to go any further than you are comfortable with. Once you get to know him a little better then you can tell him you are still a virgin and what you are looking for. If this scares him off then you know he wasn't worth your time to begin with.

If you are not interested in dating him then tell him that you want to just be friends and if he doesn't like that answer then he is not worth your time anyway.

How to Combat Your Nerves

If you are just scared to date him because you have little experience, I suggest just taking it very slow. You don't have to tell him you are a virgin but you can say you're not used to dating and that it's pretty new to you. If he really cares about you he is not going to push you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Just keep the dates public dinner, movies don't go to his house or invite him over until you are comfortable.

Be open and honest, and ask to be understood. Why keep score if there's no competition? When it comes to a mismatch in experience, comparing stats may do more harm than good. Think of it this way: If your significant other demands a detailed description of your past, they probably aren't the one. And if they take to comparing you to past conquests, they definitely aren't the one—yuck. The good news about being less experienced? You can give up the sexual reigns until you feel confident enough to take charge. That being said, not everyone enjoys playing the passive role, and who can blame them?

If you're feeling overpowered by your partner's extra experience, speak up. In most cases, the extra effort on their end is probably out of courtesy, and chances are they'll be more than willing to step back and let you give it a go. If not, you may need to reevaluate the relationship. Unless an unequal power dynamic is what you've consented to, a dominating partner personality could be a warning sign of disrespect. Feeling awkward at the start of a new relationship is completely normal, no matter the circumstances.

Throw in the nerves associated with being inexperienced, and stomach butterflies are basically a given. But it's perfectly okay to be open about these emotions with your SO.

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Holding tension in can lead to misunderstandings later on, so airing out concerns immediately may improve the prospects of your relationship. It's also okay to not want to hear about every single detail of your partner's previous sex or love life—when you're really digging someone, you probably don't want to imagine their hand holding someone else's! Again, it's important to let your partner know if a conversation about their past is making you feel uncomfortable.

Just explain to them why, and ask if they would mind cutting back on similar conversations in the future. Okay, okay, but what about nerves in the bedroom? As it turns out, almost everyone has an awkward sex story to share, whether they were a newbie at the time or not.

Being a Virgin and dating an Experienced man

Sex in itself is an awkward process, and nothing like the movies trust us. If you make a mistake or just don't know what to do , let out a giggle and ask for help or try again—we promise, it's cute. If your SO laughs with you, they're adorbs. If they laugh at you, send them out the door!