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This could be used against you in your divorce and alimony proceedings. Your former spouse may be upset to discover that you are dating or bringing a new partner around your children. They may try to use this information against you during a child custody case , but courts will generally not penalties you for dating someone else. Custody issues are much easier to resolve when the parents are able to negotiate their issues and compromise.

Dating The Divorced Man (how to date a divorced man)

Bringing a new romantic partner around your children is a sensitive issue that could cause your former spouse to become hostile, ending your negotiations. When this happens, a judge will have to decide your child custody issues. Your legal fees will probably increase, and the whole situation becomes more stressful.

Dating while going through custody battle

Talk to your family law attorney if you have concerns about how dating will impact your divorce or child custody case. This web site is designed for general information only. April 11, Family Law. And I understand how impossibly difficult going through something like this must be. However, our past 4 months of nearly pure bliss almost seemed like they never happened right now I feel like I am tossed to the curb, disregarded, and that he is shutting me out of his world.

We haven't broken up because I don't believe thats what he wants I hate seeming like I am selfish. I believe I am reasonable and understanding and trying SO hard to be there for this man, just as someone to support him, and I feel like he wont let me care about him. I understand that this battle has nothing to do with me, but that doesn't mean that I am not attached to him and that I do not want to still be his girlfriend during this He will often go days without saying a word to me.

The once happy man who loved me is not there anymore, and it so difficult to just sit back and do absolutely nothing All while wondering what is going on, and missing him so much.

I haven't seen him in two and a half weeks. I am at a complete loss and feel absolutely powerless over this situation I hate his ex, and I feel like she has indirectly ruined what we had.

Boyfriend going through custody battle... I'm crushed and confused. What do I do?

Join Date Dec Gender Posts 1, You've only been together 4 months girl! The guy is under a lot of stress so it's best to give him space. You're really being selfish because you're making this all about you and how it's broken you're relationship All you can do is let him know you care and allow things to make its course. You have only known each other for 4 months, that is hardly time invested.

15 Custody Battle Tips When Fighting is Your Only Option

He has chosen to step away from you because this is something he needs to deal with on his own. I don't blame him because he really needs to focus on his son and his well being. The selfless thing for you to do is to step down, and call it quits. When he has things settled you both can revisit starting a relationship again. I think, since he has no time for you right now that you tell him that you're ending it and that if and when he has all this settled, he can call you and if you're still single, you can revisit having a relationship with him then.

Don't wait around for him. This is one reason why I'd never date anyone who wasn't completely divorced, assets severed and doled out and complete custody schedules court ordered and in place. I've read far too many stories just like yours, Op. I will say that if he wanted this relationship to continue then he would at the very least be calling you every night. If you're not seeing him, you should at least be hearing from him if not everynight, at least regularily. Hard to hear but look after yourself and back out now before you're a total basket case.

You're too young to be waiting around for a middle aged man to get his shit together. Olive, the ex hasn't ruined everything you have - instead, her moves have shown you how he deals with stress. He stops talking and pushes you away!

Life as the "Other Mother": Dating a Man With a Crazy Ex and Kids

Her actions have allowed you to see a red flag about his personality. People all deal with stress in different ways and it's important to look for someone who deals with it in a healthy manner. Imagine if he did this if the two of you have a big disagreement and were living together Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, forgotten or undone.