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Originally Posted by sweetkiwi. If you like this guy and don't see the age difference as a problem, then it isn't a problem. I don't think that six years age difference is a big deal, but my husband is about 9 years older than me and we've been together for 8 years now and I met him when I was Most of the people I know are around 5 years apart from their spouses.

It's borderline, but I don't think you're too old for him. I don't think that's a big difference. It could be worse. My parents are 4 years apart and get along great.

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They've been married for more than 30 years. And honestly, 6 years isn't much of a difference. You're still in the same generation. I say go for it!

  • Does any one think a 5/6 year age difference is bad/too far apart? - GirlsAskGuys!
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  • It depends entirely on you both. People of the same age can be totally different in maturity terms, let alone other terms. Happens all the time, constantly an issue. There's no reason a 26 year old should be worlds apart from a 20 year old. Depends where you are in life.

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    Im 26 and stick to women 22 and up. Girls in college are much different than girls already doing the real adult thing. If you guys have the same maturity and life stage, its cool. Not that I'm not good looking or anything. It's just he was a really popular guy at college, and was basically an asshole and a player before I met him.

    Plus, when they found out we weren't having sex, they were even more shocked. Still, if the guy loves you, he'll understand. And my boyfriend has never been anything but extremely respectful and understanding of my decisions. He had had a lot of fun, hooked up with many girls, so he had way more experience then I did, being a virgin.

    So, to some degree, I didn't understand it myself at first. But as he explained, he had already enjoyed and experimented as much as he wanted, and even though he thought this fase would last way past college, when he met me everything changed, and he felt he didn't need that anymore.

    Most Helpful Girl

    Many people think the guy is only with a younger girl to use her, or because he can't get anyone else, or whatever. But I'm living proof that's not the case. Of course, he does admit that he liked the fact that I was a virgin, that eventually he would be the one teaching me everything and that he would be the only guy in my life. Still, he told me it wouldn't turn him of if I wasn't a virgin, it's just something he appreciates.

    How do I know he wasn't using me, or isn't for that matter? Well because after two years were still together.

    Does Age Matter? w/ Jess Lizama

    I have now graduated high school, and after carefully thinking about it, have moved to Boston to live with him and go to college it's been a year and all in all it's still perfect. I'm also now great friends with the girls just in case you wanted to know. Basically, what I'm trying to say, is that it can really work, and it can actually evolve into a serious relationship, regardless of your age or his. Just take time to analyze yourself and the guy. Are you both at the same page, do you both want the same things regarding the relationship or what goes on?

    Pay attention to what he says, but also to his actions, as they say, 'actions mean more then words'. My boyfriend had to prove to me that he was serious about it, but ultimately of course its always a gamble and a risk you are taking but in my case it was seriously worth it! I know how hard it can be, because usually people are really against it.

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    But you're the only one living through it, so you're the only one who can make the ultimate decision. Listen to people's point of view though, it doesn't hurt, but make the decision yourself. And if your parents support it, that's another bonus for sure. If you need anything else, I'm here!

    Is an age difference of 6 years too much?

    I really just had to make the statement, cause I've been in your position and wished someone was there to have helped me! At 16 it's a huge difference because you haven't even finished turning into the person you are going to be. Mid to late teen years is a huge time of change for most everyone, especially emotionally. At 20 or 25? The difference isn't that great.

    Is an age difference of 6 years too much? - guyQ by AskMen

    Its not that good simply because of the difference in maturity level and things most likely woudnlt work out and the fact that the older person most likely guy will take advantage of the younger person woman. I've seen it happen before many times and that isn't right in my opinion and they should try and stick to their own age groups. I do agree with you, most guys will do that. Though there are always exceptions to that case as you can see by my story. In my opinion a year age difference is perfectly fine when both parties are mentally in the same place.

    I am 22 myself and my peers and I would all agree that any man our age dating a young teenager has some serious issues. In large, he would be doing it to feel better about himself and because he knows that, in some way, the girl would be idolizing him. I would look down upon a year-old male "dating" a tenth grader. Freddphantom Send a private message.

    If you two aren't in two completely different stages in life it would probably work out fine. Even though I personally would have problems with that big age difference. At those ages, no. WarriorOfTheLight Send a private message. Nah my girlfriend is 9 years days younger than me. If you think age difference is a problem, maybe you value appearances more than the person you're with.

    Not a good base for a relationship Ask a New Question expand. Trending in Dating Anonymous My moms ex boss is really cute. I want to go out with her.