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After you add the fields, your template may look as shown in fig. Add the source code type schema see Creating the [Source code] schema with the following properties:. Create a macro class in the schema source code for receiving additional information depending on the account type:.


You can use any template field to receive data about the current date and user, since the handler-macros for this data do not use incoming parameters. You can use the [Id] field in both cases of the case. Adding the AccountInfoByType tag for receiving additional information about the account. The new [Account summary] printable will be displayed in the [Print] button menu of the account edit page after you download the template fig. Skip to main content. How to start the development. Analytics How to create macros for a custom report in Word.

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Integration with bpm'online and public API. NET class libraries of platform core. JavaScript API for platform core. SAS macros provide us with the flexibility to use a piece of code multiple times by simply calling the macro. These macro statements should always be called inside the macro. As the name implies, conditional processing is used when we want to execute a piece of code based on the output of single or multiple conditions.

Both syntax work in similar manner — the only difference is, first one executes only one statement after THEN or ELSE, whereas the second syntax can execute multiple statements. I am referring to the expression in the condition as Conditional macro expression. In some cases, it is similar to SAS expression:. Here we will first define a separate macro for Daily and Monday reports you can combine these together also.

Loops are used to create a dynamic program, which executes for a number of iterations, based on some conditions called conditional iteration. These statements are also valid only inside a macro. Conditional statements and loops empower SAS Macros to perform conditional and iterative tasks. They appear similar to SAS conditional statements and loops and they work similar in some cases. These Macro functions have similar syntax, compared to their counterpart functions in data steps and they also return results in similar manner. They can manipulate macro variables and expressions and these functions get evaluated only at stage of Macro processing.

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  3. A Complete Tutorial on SAS Macros For Faster Data Manipulation;
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Most importantly, these do not require quotes around character constant arguments. It will return NULL value, if string does not have n words separated by delimiter and if we have not given delimiter then it will use default value for it. Default delimiters are blank ,. This function is used to perform mathematical and logical operation with macro variables.

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  • EVAL function also returns a text result. If you answered 6. This function is used to execute SAS functions in macro environment. With the help of this function, we can increase the list of functions available to the macro language significantly. It has two arguments, first is for the function and second is optional to format the output of function.

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    It also preserves leading and trailing blanks of the string. This brings me to the end of this tutorial. I hope you learnt some new ways of manipulating data in SAS.

    In this tutorial, we looked at the basic concepts of SAS and how they become useful to accomplish repetitive tasks easily. We also looked at how SAS Macros can be used in iterative and conditional circumstances, followed by several functions to perform text manipulations and to apply arithmetical and logical operations in SAS Macros.

    1. Introduction to SAS Macros

    Did you find this tutorial useful? If you need any more help with SAS Macros, please feel free to ask your questions in the comments below. Import all spreadsheets in all subfolders of a top folder This solution uses directory contents data sources, where the directory path is enclosed in angle-brackets: The names that can appear in a directory contents macro variable list are:.

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