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Be sure to know where the relationship is headed before you put yourself in a maybe hopefully situation. A woman of God show always know her place and how to conduct herself in Gods house. If he does acknowledge you just assume your friends and not dating. Before he ever invites you there you should know if its God sent.

Young Pastors: 7 Women to Watch Out For

And she should already know the protocol of how things basic works in Gods house. She should know what shout ins are all about. How the anointing works and that we are all still human. And hope neither one is naracistic. Her reputation should be just as important as his. He most certainly should be heard from God before inviting her to church. And know exactly if his intentions or honorable before she is ever invited. I just shared this on my Facebook page. You have a lot of wisdom and I would love to have someone like you on my team. Finley in Mobile and she has always been a great source of wisdom.

I was very impressed by her as a young lady and I can definitely say that her wisdom is beyond her years. I hope all is well. I ran across your blog on Facebook.

Will You Go Out With Me? Rules for Biblical Dating – CBMW

Please reach out to me when you can. I pray you can remember me. This is great and to the point advice. Definately good to know information! You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Thanks for the insight. On point……had me cracking up but its truth!

You can copy the complete web address to share. Thanks for your support! Thank you so much, I really learnt a lot to avoid certain mistakes. I laughed the entire time reading this. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public. This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: I am a victim of Clergy Sexual Abuse at the hands of my former pastor. Please educate yourself about the seriousness of this issue.

There are many predators behind the pulpit. Here is a list of great resources to learn more about this abuse:. Peter Rutter Is Nothing Sacred? Last comment for the day. Would you apply the same points to women who are clergy? In this time and age you can be approach by either sex and thus one should be aware and guard oneself against sexual immorality period! One has to write about what he knows. Perhaps you could write that article. I have to express again my appreciation for your wisdom. This raises an issue for me, the resident pastor. The first plan is that under no circumstance will I, or the other male staff, be alone in a room with one of the women.

However, my mother-in-law is the general manager so that works too. What this implies and tells the clients also is that confidentiality does not apply among staff. To be more clear what I mean is, straff will keep confidentiality among each other and will not discuss anything about the clients outside of the organization however, none of us promise that we will not discuss client issues with other staff members.

I thank God for using you to expose what is actually going on in the ministry. What is your advice to a young minister who wants to get married before going to pastor a branch church? Choose carefully to make sure the wives are Godly and mature, otherwise they could do damage.

Good words as always Joe. Well spoken but… No hugging? How many time did his disciples kiss him? However, regardless, any man who is not able to hug a sister out of a pure heart is in need of deliverance— it is an act of familial love! There is a natural attraction that exist between a man and a woman, for either to be afraid of such is a sign of immaturity. All in All, a warning well said pastor. Thank you for sharing this. I am a single woman who fell in love with my pastor, which I had never planned nor ever imagined could happen.

He would listen and he would be like a hero in my eyes, to the point that I fixated on him and thought of him more often than I thought about Christ and pursuing holiness. I think he was a little naive. I want to see you as a brother, not as a superhero. Only God should have that place in my heart. Thank you, my sister, for sharing this. How painful it must be. But testimonies like yours reminds us how great the dangers are. If I had it to do over again, I would have only spoken with both him and his wife together.

As it was, I had such a strong relationship with the both of them, that all three of us never suspected anything could happen of this nature. While no physical boundaries were ever crossed, but sexual attraction developed on both ends. Emotional lines were crossed as the wife simply trusted both her husband and me, who would have one-on-one conversations on the phone, via email, and even in person without her being present. They fail to plan.

About the Author

Despite my inexperience compared to you, let me add: Come to the Bible as a child everyday, and sit at the feet of Jesus, to hear his golden Words. If you pray and study the word devotedly, you will have the power within you to sense these dangers, and overcome temptations. The power of God to overcome sin will be present in your life. Remember…the power to overcome sins, the power to overcome temptations, the power to do good, the power to be a pastor, the power to be an evangelist, the power to read the Word and understand, the power to love someone…..

ALL belongs to God. The Church machinery and structures of accountability will not be able to stop the lust in your heart…. The sad part is the churches most often cover it up. My church is now celebrating the soon to be marriage of these two. This is a large church. They have been there a few years, my family a long time.

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I feel shocked and frustrated. I do not think women, in general, realize what is at stake for ministers, because women are not held to the same level of accountability nor do they stand to lose as much as he does, hence they can afford to be reckless. I also believe that female congregants have a moral responsibility and obligation to dress modestly and to be chaste and decent, in all that they do.

Truth be known, women know, as well as men, what is appropriate behavior and what is not, therefore they should never feel ashamed when a pastor refuses to meet with them alone. Pastors need to protect their flocks, protect their marriages and protect their ministries, while women ought to know better than to put their pastor in a compromising position or ask more of him than is prudent.