Remember that my switches can work both ways, this means that they can have either 2 inputs and 1 output or 1 input and 2 outputs.
Amp A and Amp B are connected to the inputs of switch 1. It selects between Amp A and Amp B.
Amp C and the output of switch 1 are connected to the inputs of switch 2. The output of switch 2 is connected to the input of switch 3.
Two amplifiers w/ one audio source
The outputs of switch 3 are connected to Speakers A and Speakers B. With the above system, switches 1 and to select amp A, B or C only one at the time. This one can allow to select both speakers and have common ground if ALL your amps can handle that. That covers amps and stereo speakers. Now to your specific situation. I understand that the subwoofer is not important because you only use it with the surround receiver and you only need to connect speakers A and B to two receivers.
There are two possible scenarios:. You use either speakers A or speakers B but never both at the same time with each receiver 2.
- Two amplifiers w/ one audio source;
- Power Wire;
- 2 amps feeding 1 speaker? - High-End Audio - Audio;
- Connecting 2 amplifiers to one set of speakers: making an amp/speakers selector switch |;
You use both speakers A and speakers B at the same time with each receiver. Also, one of your amps is a stereo receiver the same signal goes to speakers A and B and the other amp is a surround receiver different signal goes to speakers A, different to speakers B. That is also important. That means that even if you ALWAYS use both speakers A and B, they cannot be connected to the switch in parallel, because only the stereo receiver uses a parallel connection.
The surround receivers actually works as two separate amps front speakers amp and rear speakers amp. I understand that in the case of the surround receiver speakers are connected to front and rear outputs, and not to front A and front B outputs that would be a very different connection and actually similar to using a regular stereo amp. In that case, the best solution is to use two switchers like the one I described. One switch switches speakers A, the other switches speakers B. But it does mean two times the work, materials and time needed to build the switcher. The two switches and corresponding speaker binding posts can be fitted into one enclosure, obviously it would need to be larger.
- Connecting 2 amplifiers to one set of speakers: making an amp/speakers selector switch.
- 2020 new dating site.
- Ground Wire;
- 6 Ways to Install a Multiple Component Car Audio System - wikiHow;
This solution 2 separate switches for speakers A and speakers B will work perfectly fine in other scenarios, for example with 2 stereo amps that use speakers A and B, or with a stereo amp and a surround receiver where the speakers are connected to front A and front B outputs of the surround receiver as opposed to its front and rear speaker outputs. But in some cases a simpler solution would suffice.
Very happy with the result. Glad my post could help.
Car Audio: 2 amps 1 power cable? - Ars Technica OpenForum
So do I understand correctly that you were using a different switchbox before and it was sending your amp into protect mode? What sort of switchbox was it? I am currently building one of these and had a question. Could this used to use one turntable with two amps subbing RCA jacks? I see no reason why not do you?
Common ground between channels is not a problem with turntables, and you can use the 3rd RCA socket to connect and switch the grounding wire. I disassembled 2 cheap passive AV switchboxes that I happened to have at home and I did not find any resistors or other components inside that would alter the signal, just sockets, a PCB with tracks and a switch. The quality of components if as poor as can be expected, but there are no wires, so it should primarily affect the switch durability, not signal quality.
Car Audio: 2 amps... 1 power cable?
I used one of these switches for a turntable in my decent but not hi end system without any problems or audible signal loss. I used the video socket to connect and switch turntable ground. But whether such a switch degrades the signal could vary depending on the quality of the audio system there could be an audible difference with a hi end system — just like with better and worse quality cables. There's plenty more like that one scattered about the web. That's an interesting thought that I didn't think of: It seems like the general rule is that you double the output power to get the load, so the calculations I did before are incorrect, however I believe 2 gauge wire will still do it for you considering that chart.
I think a 2A fuse should be more than enough for a 2GA wire. If you were using something like a 20GA wire, though, you should use a bigger fuse like a 30A!! I posted this as a result of tiredness equivalent to 8 beers. Originally intended as a joke, I fear that this will incite jeering and mockery directed at my person. Habit Ars Tribunus Militum Registered: Sep 27, Posts: Wed Oct 17, 6: May 5, Posts: Slasher Ars Tribunus Militum Registered: Mar 28, Posts: Dec 28, Posts: Wed Oct 17, 7: Wed Oct 17, 8: Jun 24, Posts: Wed Oct 17, 9: Wed Oct 17, May 24, Posts: Thu Oct 18, 6: Thu Oct 18, 7: Thu Oct 18, 8: Facelift Ars Centurion Registered: Feb 22, Posts: Now there are good quality multi amps in one unit that can deliver the power to a 5.
Subs can suck up a lot of power! With receivers, the amps are in them are average at best. They are fine for driving 2. In terms of some speakers they require a good amp. Although, if people are buying to mid to high end speakers, they won't be using a receiver to power them anyways.
Usually the sales people are really passionate about audio and let you hang around and listen. Anonymous June 20, 2: There is one locally and I pop in from time to time. Hundreds of thousands of dollars of used gear. Ask if they have trade in. For example my local shop if a buy a Usually it's about a one to two year trade in value. To build up my system s s, I shop garage sales, thrift store and etc and use for trade plus buy used from the shop and trade up. I was lucky also since my grandfather was a big audio equipment collector and model train collector so I received a ton of stuff from him, running form vintage to somewhat new at that time.
Happy hunting, the Prisoner Fidgetmaster June 20, 3: