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During the movie, he reached over to hold my hand, but then he lifted my hand up to his mouth and was basically making out with my hand. Eventually I went in without him and had a blast. At one point, one of the girls in the group got upset and ran off. When she came back, she kept trying to hold my hand, but I was trying to avoid it.

When we were five minutes away from my house, she pulled over into an empty parking lot to try and kiss me.

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After what seemed like hours just frozen like that, she finally pulled back and continued to drive me home in complete silence. I threw on my pajamas and was throwing a pity party when someone knocked on my door. It was the guy.

I was confused and mad, thinking he just came to rub it in my face, but he was just as confused as I was. When I went to show him the text he sent me, I realized that I got his name mixed up with someone in my home ward.

When I went to drop her off, I was ready to walk her to her door , and when I turned to look at her, she was lunging at me with her lips puckered up ready to kiss. Why the heck would he tell me that, even if it is true? He side glanced at me and caught a glimpse at the horror on my face. As we approached the mouth of the canyon see what I did there? Straight up foreshadowing, yo , I could feel my heart pounding as I did some self-talk, continuing to feed my naivety rather than face the music.

Lds dating horror stories | FPSS Foster Parent Support Services Society

We parked at the beginning of the trail at Bridal Veil Falls, a popular place to hang, during the day. But it was night, and it was dark. Mind you, I am terrified of the dark. I stepped out of the car, surveying my surroundings. I could barely see the trail ahead before it was swallowed by the darkness.

We started down the trail, and I stuffed my hands into my coat pockets, talking and looking up at the stars to distract myself from the feeling of impending doom that my nyctophobia a fancy word for fear of the dark was giving me.

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Not knowing what else to do, I laid my cheek against his chest while also stifling a laugh at the awkwardness of the whole situation. I felt him pull away, and I looked up, opening my mouth to say something and BAM! He swooped in and attacked my face. In a state of absolute shock, I stood there, my mouth still wide open and my brain slowly beginning to realize that Paul was full on kissing me.

Ew, this is actually pretty gross.

Anonymous Awkward Dating Fail (AADF) Story Time

Flustered and frustrated that this kid had just stolen my first kiss with a full on make out attempt, I pushed myself away from him and turned around to start walking back. He grabbed my hand and spun me around. Needless to say, things did not work out with Paul. I hope you enjoyed it and a big thanks to our anonymous contributor on this one. Let us know in the comments below!

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4 Online Dating Horror Stories - ft. SparrowRayne